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    kaylar wrote a new post, Faight and Look at the Other Guy 7 years, 6 months ago

    In America the word Faight is spelled ‘Fart’.   It means the passage of gas from your nether regions.

    When you are a little kid and don’t have much control, sometimes it just ‘happens’.   If it happens with o […]

    • Trump has always been true to his character even before he became US president. His flaws was always there to see for anyone who bothered to pay attention. For Trump it was “ME,ME,ME First!” During the presidential campaign he use “bait and switch” tactics promising the electorate things he had no intention to fulfill. Unfortunately for him the general public is getting tired of his childish antics and Trump’s credibility continues to erode. He’s like the boy who cried “wolf”.

      • He is a spoiled brat who cares for no one but his pocket. The people who voted for him still try to support him, despite his childishness, and stupidity.

    • I think, Trump has really been like that indeed since he was a child. And being rich, he doesn’t accept that he commits mistakes, but others committed it.

      It’s sad that America has chosen a president who only knows how to make some escapes for the failures he is now making in his governance of the country.

      But I hope, the people will unite and he will have a change of heart and hear what the majority wants to improve the country and work together for the good of the country.

      • No, I think those people who supported him are so stupid they will follow him off the cliff. I don’t see anything positive coming out of his presidency.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Books You Must Read – Stranger in a Strange Land 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have held back from recommended this book, Stranger in a Strange Land.  This is due to a terrible misuse of it, which has tainted it for decades.   The ‘Mansion Family’ attempted o use the book as their ‘ […]

    • This book does sound like a great read. It also sounds like a simple read. Sometimes I avoid sci-fi books because they seem complicated. Also science fiction is not my favorite book genre. I like historical romance. 🙂

      • It is a great read and isn’t that simple. There are many relationships between the people, and events. If you start it you will finish it.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Some Thing We Learned Growing Up 7 years, 6 months ago

    When I was just a little child, I was taught not to tear down ‘my own’ in front of ‘others’.    You don’t make fun of your race, your religion, your sex, your colour, in front of those who are not your race, y […]

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    Nemzie Bayawa started the topic A Simple Inspirational Message in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 6 months ago

    I was browsing my facebook a while ago and these sayings catch my attention. It really is an inspiring message.  🙂 🙂

    “Right actions in the future is the best apology for the wrong actions in the past.Every saint has it’s pastAnd every sinner has a future.”


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    kaylar wrote a new post, How To Cut Your Electricity Bill 7 years, 6 months ago

    These are simple ‘common sense’ tips that work.  They work so well that I can tell you the Jamaica Public Service Company came to my house to see if I was ‘stealing’ electricity or had interfered with the meter. […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Ex-Pat Get Jobs Jamaicans Could Have Done 7 years, 6 months ago

    Many years ago, the owner of a business wanted a woman from Zimbabwe to be his Personal Assistant.  The woman had no qualifications that Jamaicans didn’t have.

    Attending the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Supermarket Scoundrels; How to Protect Yourself 7 years, 6 months ago

    You are at the supermarket.   The shopper in front of you is still at the counter, looking through her purchases, as your goods are being scanned and passed down to the same bottom.  Maybe you are looking at the p […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    The Mistake is thinking that people, outsiders, brought down Bubblews.  Bubblews went down because it was a scam.  It was taken down by law.

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic Gentleness will build a good relationship in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    Absolutely, @ Krishna Kumar. That is the real scenario that is happening around us. Deny it, but being gentle and sensible as you have said is being pulled down by other people. However, still we need to be gentle but be assertive and powerful in a way that we do not step on others feet. 🙂
    People need to be strong against others. And I believe…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Nemzie Bayawa started the topic The World of God in the forum Group logo of Bible study DailyBible study Daily 7 years, 6 months ago

    The Word of God is not simply a collection of words from God, a vehicle for collecting ideas; it is living, LIFE-CHANGING, and dynamic as it works in us.

    With the incisiveness of a surgeon’s knife, God’s Word reveals who we are and who we are not. It penetrates the core of our moral and spiritual life.

    It discerns what is within us, both good…[Read more]

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of Bible study DailyBible study Daily 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Nemzie Bayawa started the topic Gentleness will build a good relationship in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    Gentleness is often overlooked as a personal trait in our society.

    Power and assertiveness gain more respect, even though no one likes to be bullied. Gentleness is love in action — being considerate, meeting the needs of others, allowing time for the other person to talk, and being willing to learn.

    It is an essential trait for both men and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, HOW ORGANIC PRODUCTS ARE PRODUCED 7 years, 6 months ago

    As a continuation of my topic about organic, I will talk more what really it is. Since organic is a necessity to all of us.

    “Organic” may show up on bundles of meat, containers of drain or eggs, cheddar and other […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Vital Safety Tips for Women 7 years, 6 months ago

    Although ‘common sense’ tips, as you know, common sense is not common.  Very often one isn’t paying attention, so slips.  These tips are to keep you focused on where you are.

    If you are alone, get off your C […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Understanding Branding on the Tongue 7 years, 6 months ago

    In nations in which the population is virtually homogeneous, the way to delineate the classes is often done by what is called ‘Branding on the Tongue’.   This term refers to how one speaks.  The accent, the w […]

    • Language is for communication, not miscommunication and misunderstanding. Whatever the rules or conventions or grammatical structure, etc. may be … if you’re not communicating then you’re simply not speaking the same language. If people want to live together and get along, they better figure out how to talk to each other.

      For the record, why would any judge let the lawyer get away with asking the witness a stupid question like that? Why would any jury not look at the lawyer with a wary eye? Why wouldn’t the opposing attorney object? Simple. The case wasn’t about justice.

      • Having been in Court. The Prosecutor had sat, the Defence rose, and quietly asked the questions and got the answers. Why interfere? If you were giving evidence; “I was on Literacy Base at six o’clock’ and I stood up, “Is that post meridian or anti- meridian?” and you said ‘anti’ did I trick you when you confused anti with post? Nope.

        There was a case, a young man was charged with an offense. His alibia; “I went to the midnight show at the Palace…” the offence happened shortly before one… the very witness who put him on the scene had testified he was at the midnight show.

        I knew, the Court didn’t, that a ‘midnight show’ starts at 11:30

        • You said the accused was exonerated. Exonerated? That means nothing ever happened. Innocence proven all because a person couldn’t speak English properly? Suppose the poor woman couldn’t speak English. She spoke another language. Or worse, she was mute and couldn’t scream for help. I get very touchy about injustice. But especially about rape cases because almost always there usually are only 2 eye witnesses: the rapist and the victim.

          • The Rapist was found Not Guilty by the Jury. The address of Defence counsel focused on ‘consent’. Embrace, Stroll, Make Love.

            This is the cost of not speaking English. At no time did the complainant seem unfamiliar with the terms, changed them, asked them to be repeated. Her evidence is as I gave it. This is just one example… possibly the most obvious.

            • In America, if you can raise a reasonable doubt in a criminal case then the accused can be set free. I understand the Defense has to do their job. Their job is to defend the accused. The Defense did their job. But there were other responsible parties involved who had a job to do too! Seems like not everybody wasn’t doing their job. It happens a lot. Not just in your country.

    • People will use your weakness against you. In Ja. it has led to a lot of out sourcing. A lot of jobs have been filled by ex-pats because Jamaicans can’t speak English. I’m going to blog about it

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago


    Always create a new email account and new nick, just in case it is a scam to get your email so as to sell it to Spammers and Advertisers.

    Always create a Private Blog on which you post your work first and then copy that to the site. As a Private Blog it won’t turn up on a search.   This gives you a record…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, The Goodness of The Computerized or Digital Camera 7 years, 6 months ago

    Unlike the traditional camera, the computerized camera does not depend on the compound and mechanical procedures. While another low-end advanced camera utilizes reciprocal metal oxide semiconductor or CMOS as a […]

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    Nemzie Bayawa started the topic Being healthy is fun in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 6 months ago

    Many fear that younger generation is being forced into the world of doing nothing in front of the TV, spending hours playing computer games and indulging in what is perceived to be quite frankly a lazy lifestyle. Research into the growing rates of childhood obesity points towards such a lifestyle as one of the main triggering factors for this…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    Blogjob and Wikinut have some class. The others don’t need to warn you… they were scams from the start.  Taking the money and running is what they do.

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    Nemzie Bayawa started the topic "You are what you eat" in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 6 months ago

    While the old adage that says, “you are what you eat” may be a bit exaggerated, the food, water, and other substances we consume can have profound or great  effects on physical, mental, and emotional wellness or illness. Evidence continues to increase suggesting that the food we eat have powerful effects not only physically, but psyc…[Read more]

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