• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Food is Love; he said 7 years, 4 months ago

    I was sitting with a guy, having a cup of coffee.   He, who was at least thirty pounds overweight, was having a large piece of cheese cake.   When he finished he started doing most of the talking.

    I knew his f […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Paying Up Front or by Hits? 7 years, 4 months ago

    Originally, (going back a decade) writing sites (or more properly named, publishing sites) paid users by hits.  That is, by how many people viewed your writing.

    If you received no hits, you got no coin.

    In […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 4 months ago

    One just has to be so careful and alert, so that they don’t make the mistake, that many did on Bubblews to be ‘owed’ ‘seven payouts’.   Why keep writing?

  • Profile picture of Manisha

    Manisha wrote a new post, 3 Useful Apps To Have On Your Phone 7 years, 4 months ago

    Besides the obvious socialising apps like Facebook, Intagram, Pinterest, Whatsapp and the others, I thought of talking about three other apps that help me out on a regular basis. I have listed them below with my […]

    • Thank you for the information. I always wanted to learn a few more languages so I will be sure to download Duolingo on my phone and give it a try, it sounds like a good app to use and a great way to learn. I find it always beneficial to learn a new,language.How many languages do you know and have you learnt any of them from the App?

      • Hey Tracy! I know only 2 languages fluently… but I understand some other regional languages that are used in India. But I have been trying to learn Spanish from the app. It is possible to learn well from this app if you spend some time on it daily. 🙂

    • Thank you for the information. I always wanted to learn extra new languages that can help me when I travel overseas and these apps can help make my life more organized and enable me to find out what is happening around me.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Wall? What Wall? Oh…that Wall 7 years, 4 months ago

    One of the most ridiculous things that crawled out of Donald Trump’s mouth was the building of a Wall between the United States and Mexico.

    This is as ridiculous as unplugging a lap top with a seven hour battery […]

    • Haven’t heard much jibber jabber about the wall lately. But then … I don’t keep up with the news reports or with the Trump tweets. What happened? Is something going on about that wall? I thought the guy in North Korea was on center stage. Are people yelling about that wall again? (???) (Head scratch.) (O.o)

      • Everyone I know who lives in the US is just like you… they virtually have locked off the News. It was announced today that the Democrats would not pass any budget which had the Wall expense on it, so it was dropped for this budget.

    • Yeah, that Security Border Wall. I’ve heard this anti-Trump narrative rant eversince President Donald Trump announced his presidential run in June 2015. And it’s still going on.

      So far, in his first 100 days, anti-Trump ‘compliant citizenry’ are still folding their arms, sulking, yelling their hatred of progess and hatred of Republicans and hatred of anything good, intelligent and conservative ideals for America’s path to going forward in making USA great again.

      It’s mind-boggling to us why anarchy is the liberal-left Democrats’ daily mode of fighting and resistance?

      Anyway, he hasn’t wavered from this vision on building a security border wall. Neither have awesome intelligent legal and lawful Americans who have won a President.

      We’ll see.

      • What you missed, (assuming you read the article) is that;

        ” If Americans did not hire Mexicans and other South Americans, they wouldn’t go to America. Simple. Go and do what? Sleep on a street? Starve? No. Go and get to this place or that place and get a job. Sure, it might be digging ditches, picking fruit, cleaning toilets. But it is a job.

        If no American hired anyone who did not have a social security card or a Work Visa, then there would be no sense in going to America. But that is not what is happening. ”

        The point is that if there were no jobs there would not be such ‘immigration’.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Why You Have Different Sites (to watch Television on line) 7 years, 4 months ago

    I went to watch the next episode of Elementary on Solarmovies.to.   It had been a fine site, no problems.  I liked it because as 123movies.to it kept a record of where you were.  When you logged back on, the si […]

    • I am not a fan american tv series but indeed able to watch any favourite tv series online for free is a wonderful thing for people that don’t earn much in their life and only barely hanging on the end of the thread of their life.

      • Some sites have other presentations, not just American. And these are also free. Which is what you want.

    • I am not a fan american tv series but indeed able to watch any favorite television series online for free is a wonderful thing for people that don’t earn much in their life and only barely hanging on the end of the thread of their life.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Fourth World Countries Are 7 years, 5 months ago

    Way back, in the mid 1980s, Jamaica had brought over an expert.   He was to analyse the situation after a serious flooding incident.

    To explain ‘serious’  bridges washed away, houses washed away, it wasn’t a h […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Marine Le Pen did so well 7 years, 5 months ago

    For many years, the Front National was a fringe group.   It was considered a neo-Nazi party, something one didn’t want to be associated with unless they were into lynching and Synagogue and Mosque […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, BOATY MCBOATFACE and Snot; why voting is a bad idea 7 years, 5 months ago

    It was decided, in some lost sense which ended in the 1990s,  to put the choice of a name for a $287 million dollar polar research ship to the public and let them pick a name.    If this was the 1990s one would ex […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A Few Tips When Watching Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    As I’ve said before,  watching television serials online as opposed to on Television has clear benefits if one appreciates the medium.

    One can watch whatever one wants whenever one wants as long as;

    It is On […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    It is more manipulation I think.   The point is, for every person who looks, reads, and comments there are those who look, and because the site is open for 1 minute you get the hit, those who read, but don’t comment.

    If I get comment and  3 hypes… and no hits?   C’mon.   They’re playing.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Cleaning The House Helps Me Lose Some Weight 7 years, 5 months ago

    Do you clean your house yourself or you have maids doing the cleaning? Well, if you have one, then the benefits of doing the chores at home will be your maid’s benefit not yours. It’s her body will get the […]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Why Do People Get Insecure? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Some people has their own insecurities. You know your own insecurities for yourself. You know what you want but you can’t have it. You know your ability but you want to become what others can do.

    Insecurity is […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, How Important Is A Hug? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hugging or embracing your mother, your father, your siblings, and your friends is a normal thing, right? We often do it especially when we are apart for a quiet sometimes.

    Hug, embrace, cuddle, clasp, or whatever […]

    • That Absolutely Right, But What In Terms Of Relationship? Situation Where Hug Is Given Frequently And Sequentially?

    • Hugs have a lot of different meanings just like you have shared. We can hug our families and friends with friendly Hugs, that’s okay and it is allowed anywhere any time. But there is that affectionate hug that you will share with your spouse that is very different to the one that you will give a family member or just a friend. This is the gig where you will see two people hold each other close in a sense to communicate something. It’s not just a hug it’s a way of communi action between two loving people. And yes it’s a stress reliever for sure because when your spouse holds you like that they are assuring you that everything is going to be alright, or better still they are telling you that they love you to the ends of the earth. Though I must say that there are some people who dont regard hugging as a way of affection they see it as an immoral thing. If maybe you have been you come from a village or a place where people are not civilized as such you may see a very cold reception towards you when they see you hug a family member. Am saying this because I remember when we hugged each other with my siblings when dad died, there were some villagers who said we were portraying bad manners in front of the other villagers simply because they did not know the meaning of it all. All we were doing was comforting one another something that the villagers did not know. So we took it upon ourselves and explained to them why were hugging each other and how comforting it is to do so. As time went by they understood it but they used to say that it was a “town” and not meant for the villagers. Anyway i do agree with you on this and it find it very useful and helpful in our daily lives. As for me i love hugging people and being hugged it’s a wonderful feeling for sure.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Advantage and Disadvantage Of Working At Night 7 years, 5 months ago

    Have you experienced working in a company where night shift or graveyard shift is required? My sister usually has her work shift at night as a call center representative. She went to their workplace at 10 pm […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why and How Stupid People are Followed 7 years, 5 months ago

    You can ask a teacher, or anyone who deals with a ‘group.’   The stupidest person in the room often controls the other students.

    This usually terminates by High School, (in the best cases) because the other […]

    • You’re rite

    • It makes sense at some point but I guess stupid people are sometimes followed by the intelligent one’s as well. You know why here is a scenario where secondary school kids probably in a boarding school just want to be rude and cause damages in the school maybe for a very petty issue. In this case you will find the intelligent kids trying to come up with some smart way to get the problem fixed by seeking attention from the administration, but before they execute their plan some stupid student as you call them comes up with a plan that they should strike, and viola! Everyone agrees to this stupid idea. The stupid guy will get everyone involved regardless of whether they are stupid or intelligent. To them they think mmmhhh this is a brilliant idea and they go on with it, and guess what their plight is heard and things change. So in this kind of scenario can we still call the student stupid? I guess stupidity sometimes plays a special role in our lives don’t you think so? I think sometimes it’s necessary because it can save us from certain situations.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Spin Off; NCIS, Los Angeles 7 years, 5 months ago

    As with Law & Order which had a number of ‘spin offs’ , so to CSI, and NCIS. The first spin off is based in Los Angeles, the second in New Orleans.

    The cast and their interactions are different, yet similar. The […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Result of Pushing Patwa 7 years, 5 months ago

    Many years ago, during the debate, I spoke to maintain English as our language, and keep patwa as a slang.  It is lucky they didn’t send out for two sticks and three nails.

    I warned the public what would happen, […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Not Raising Your Children to be Adults 7 years, 5 months ago

    What happens when parents raise their children to be children, not human beings

    Dave was fired.  It amazed him. Nothing remotely like this had ever happened to him before.

    Yes, he had been given warning that i […]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some Of The Filipino Traits That You Should Know 7 years, 5 months ago

    I am a Filipino and I am proud of being one. Aside from those many tourist spots that one can see in our country, there are many qualities, traits, and characteristics of a Filipino that are liked by other foreign […]

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