Kumar replied to the topic Do you have an Adsense Account ? in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@cely, @Dina,
It is a myth that Adsense is a scam… On Internet 98% of the websites depends on the Google Adsense revenue. Instead of writing bits and pieces here and there, you can have your own blog and start contributing to it.. After 3 months, with a decent visitors to your blog, you can apply for google adsense account (Applying is as…[Read more]
Phillip Slatten posted an update in the group Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
Hey guys, how do you change your profile picture from your mobile phone for this group?
I’m trying to make some good money
Phillip Slatten joined the group Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
kaylar replied to the topic I'm Leaving. Time to Say 'Good bye!' in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
I’ve gone over to BJ and posted some drafts that had been sitting for a year.
peachpurple replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
I hope that admin and support will give us some reasons that we could understand.
If they are facing financial problems, at least let us know, we can wait.
I hope to hear some positive feedback soon because I wanted to submit articles again
peachpurple replied to the topic I'm Leaving. Time to Say 'Good bye!' in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
If the news about Blogjob is true, I am glad that I still have my blogs there.
Hope that it comes back, I don’t mind the low points either.
Since LB is gone, I have no where to go now…
peachpurple replied to the topic Earnably – Earn cash and gift cards in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
I had registered a couple of weeks back but could not log in.
I think I have to retry sign up again.
I heard of the positive reviews so decided to try again
cely replied to the topic I'm Leaving. Time to Say 'Good bye!' in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@PEEUSH TRIKHA ,I got the info from Blogjob site. I was there five days ago and saw the conversation between a female blogger andf Sheridan. That female blogger was so excited saying thank you Sir for bring back Blogjob to life again. I already edited my profile there image and background image so I will be ready anytime there is a go to start.…[Read more]
Dina replied to the topic Earnably – Earn cash and gift cards in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
Please get back to us when you have already earned from that site.
Nowadays, it is best to really have a proof from a friend who was already paid in a site than register, without such proof.
I hope you understand me, my friend, when I say this.
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic I'm Leaving. Time to Say 'Good bye!' in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@lovern where did you got the news about Blogjob? I have not logged on there since ages.
Dina replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@happsingh ,
Try messaging them again. Have you never ever been paid here?
Maybe you should analyze your posts, if they were credible enough to be believed that it were made by you.
If they are really yours, then tell them.
But if not, then don’t expect to be paid anymore.
Just my advise , my friend.
Dina replied to the topic Do you have an Adsense Account ? in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@cely ,
I always hear about the AdSense being talked about. Though, I am confused as to what it really can offer for one to earn.
Does one have to pay for it to have it?
Anyway, it seems that the ones writing blogs now here are the scammers. Does it mean that the members have all gone inactive because they know that sooner or later this will…[Read more]
cely replied to the topic Do you have an Adsense Account ? in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
I already have adsense account the time I write in Triond, but it seems adsense is a scam.many said it is a scam. Why is it that I cannot open since I got it? There are many blahs, blah from that account. I read feedback from different forums expressing their negative views and feelings of AdSense. They said it is a scam.
cely replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@Kumar, none is paid here for the month of April redemption. I think we better forget about our payment for they can not anymore pay us. The meaning of not showing here and answering our message mean they run away from their obligation to pay the writers here.We only have two days left for the month of May to end, after May 31, let us not anymore…[Read more]
Kumar replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
Anyone have paid yet ? OR Still the Moderators are behind the screen when we request for Payment ?
Kumar started the topic Do you have an Adsense Account ? in the forum Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Friends,
Do you have an adsense account ? Once you get adsense account, you can get ad revenue for your content for life long.. Why don’t you try for that?
Let me know your thoughts on it. I can provide the guidance in case required.
Noaj joined the group Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
Vanessa Erika Buta joined the group Making Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago
@acelawrites, me too my friend, I have just signed up there and wrote posts so sad it shuts down also. What a scary world this time. We can no longer trust a site.It is also hard to find a legit site this time.And if it is legit, it may also run shortly, the feeling sucks.