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@immortal, yes,I have to accept that in this world there is no permanence. Only God is immortal.Thanks for dropping bye and commenting on my blog, very much reiterated.
What a tragic story! I am so sorry it happened to you Erly. I am glad you changed the color of your blog from back to white. I had a hard time reading it last night. Take care.
A Very nice love story. I think when two people love each other then age doesn’t matter. Love is a beautiful thing and everybody must do this at least once a time in a life. The end of this story was very shocking. This should not happen to anyone.
@Thelma Alberts, Hi Thel? I do not know why the color is black sorry friend.Thank you for dropping by and thanks for sharing your nice thoughts and feelings, very much appreciated my friend.
@Shailabh G. Sonkar , Thank you for dropping by and feeling what I felt the time my heart was broken. You are right, it should have not been thatw way.I felt so devastated. I am so thankful to everyon for helping me moved on.
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I was wondering why “foolish people” in that state university would harbor those terrorists? It’s really foolishness! And terrorists or humans carrying bombs tucked in their bodies are doing the most foolish thing because it will end their life and the life of other people! I hope everything would be fine and peace will reign anywhere.
Those terrorists are really the people to run after in these different places of killings. And those ISIS together with the Maute Grp. who have reigned havoc to the city deserves to die too.
They made residents there fled their homes for fear that their lives be taken away by those terrorists.
For me, it is just right that our President declared Martial law on that place. It is to protect the people and the place to be further harmed by those terrorists.
I wish, they will all be wiped out on earth, so killings could be stopped already.
@Dina, you are right Din, they are deadly people and not worth to live on earth own by God. People in Marawi city evacuated to save their lives. We have here a very long traffic due to inspection in a detachment unit.It takes 30 minutes.I might late when class starts.They are so horrible; they are not afraid to kill even young and old.We are so afraid here.
We do not stay outside in the evening it’s scary.Let us us pray peace in Mindanao.
Everyone that feels threatened by us U.S Americans need to realize we are who we are can’t no state, county, country, or kingdom change what we are. We have rights, freedom of speech, and privileges. We take our country to heart we love the United States of American. We are of the free and opportunity. See, where am going wit these…..our ways and personality is different you can’t blame us for that nor change us for that.
@Latisha Perkins,Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings very much appreciated.We are facing with different problems this time, This insurgency problem in one big city In Ph, Marawi City, This city is zero ground for residents evacuated due to war Maute group claimed to have pledged allegiance to IS, now getting numerous, so the government tries to eliminate them, Almost 199 terrorists killed in Marawi city With those killed foreign terrorists from Indonsia, Singapire, Maaysia, so bad people.
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I think that is becoming so normal with people like we are. Just like when a person is trying to loan some money from you. YOu are the most important person to them because they want something from you. But when the time you need the money and ask for their payment, that’s the time you will become their worst enemies.
I think the best thing for us to do is just forget what we have done to them. Anyway, its our deeds that make us to become human and not them. We helped them, that’s it. They don’t remember what we did for them, its okay, at least in heaven that will be remember.
Though the Bible said that we should not expect favors or anything in return for our good deeds, we are but human not to feel so disgusted and sorry for helping them in times of need. You are right, ignore them and someday they might realise the wrong they had done to you!
The old lady is better. She deserves your help.
So you learned your lesson now in who to help.
The two ones are ingrates. They didn’t even remember to give you something when they first received their salaries from the university where you referred them.
Wow, imagine the other one is a relative and yet she didn’t invite you on her wedding day.
And the other one, did not even thank you once he was taken in.
So you see, it is better to help people of no relation at all to you especially the old woman. So nice of her to always give you a gift on your birthdays. But how did she know your birth date, by the way?
@Dina, you are right friend, but God might have used me as the instrument for these insensitive people to survive.There are really humans like them. If only someone has helped me, rest assured, that person can say he or she never regret in helping me. But these two persons, do not have intestines hahaha. They will never be rich for God won’t allow them to be this for they are like Judas.
What happens, after these experiences, is that you step back. You don’t recommend anyone, you keep your mouth shut. I have been luckier than you. When I think about helping someone they often do the most horrendous things so that I can only give thanks that I didn’t say anything.
It hurts to say gooddbye for it is also not easy to forget the past with someone leaving us. Though the left is temporal, but the feeling cannot be controlled.Humans are truly emotional.
@Rob, thanks for feeling what I feel. I know you got me. maybe you are a new writer here and feeling desperate for the site never cares at all. They are dead.They no longer reply people here, so sad, what a terrible loss of the site to good writers they never care.
When we become members of a writing site, we are able to maintain rapport with our co-members with whom we get constant comments and interaction.
Though, it cannot be avoided when the site will be closing. But we can always tell them about another site where we can continue our friendship with them.
This happened to me when myLot told us that they won’t be a paying site anymore. We were paid still for those who have $5 and above on their banks.
So, when a co-member told me to try Bubblews, I went there and invited the other myLotters.
Thus, the fun continued at Bubblews. But it’s so sad when Bubblews closed. Although, I am already back at myLot, months after it finally closed. Others followed also.
So, it’s just like that. We can continue whatever friendship we have here by inviting them to be with us with another site where we will be earning too.
I am saddened when you said that LB will close. Was it announced officially?
@Dina, it is just a hearsay that this site is closing hehe. I think we are wrong. It seems the site owners are cleaning the site by sweeping away those plagiarized blogs. I hope that the site rises back so people come back and enjoy every discussion made. What makes writers think the site is closing because of the non-payment of the writers. I am not paid off that April redemption. Not only me, so many those who redeemed end of April. all not paid. That is the reason why writers condemed the site as to close soon. I hope not for I like Literacy base to exist for years.
It is sad to have heard many rumors that LB may soon be closing down its operation. Many of the friends and writers to have been affected due to their outstanding payment.
Folks, I felt for you too, even I have just started and have contributed my few posts here, I don’t make that much when compared to you guys out there. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt a person because he or she have indeed genuinely have spent their precious times hour and hour here trying to make an extra income.
Writing is my passion so here I am submitting a short blog to let every one know that love is a very strong impulse that drives many men crazy and drives many young and old ladies insane for love truly hurts and despite this many continue loving even to a wrong person. Love truly kills for there are so many evidences that show the world many committed a suicide to forget the love that hurts them and to forget how love is felt. They never like to feel the hurt again from a man;s lie and cheat.
@immmortal, thank you for my fan.I am so happy to have a virtual fan and you are immortal, lols. Thanks for your constant support and inspiration.
How nice to meet you in your nice photo.Are you boy or girl?
You are right. All men are not liars. I agree with you. I am going to copy this beautiful song. I am in love with this song. Can I have its video link?
I am afraid of snakes, and can not even look closer at their photos just like what you asked us to do! ha ha ha! I just read your words and description of what the male snake did!
Snakes or human we are all attracted to opposite sex. But this one is romancing a dead snake, hmm just wondering if the snake have the thing called necrophilia. That is weird, isn’t it?
Anyway, I don’t know if its mine only but I cannot see the photo.
Better the snake knows the feeling of pity and compassion compared to bad people like the terrorists, rebels, Abusayaffs and more that stir the world with their ruthless killings of innocent people. They should not have born in this world so peace will reign all throughout the universe.
But this snake, if people only see this thing, they surely agree with me that snakes are better than some human beings.
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@Mariam , That is true, not only your life all lives would be in disaster without a mom.There is no one in this world willing to offer her life for her children,and that is our mom.
@immortal, thank you my dear fan for following me and liking some og my blogs hehehe nce to meet you here.
Thank you guys for dropping by and sharing your thoughts and feelings of this blog.
no hope withouth mom,mom does the best thing in the world
life without mom is no life
Some animals are better than man in attitude , perseverance and thinking.
Horses are beautiful animals; and they are farmers’ friends too because they can carry heavy loads like farm produce or harvest. It is interesting to know you like to own a horse! why not? But you should have a caretaker because it eats grass, etc. and also needs so much care and attention. But they could be lovely pets. Have you seen the dwarf breeds? They could be easier to maintain than large ones.
Their healing power is amazing; just like dogs, cats and other animals do.
I have just bought a baby horsy. His color is golden brown. I have to tame him and make him like me so we can be a team. Despite he is so young, he can adjust himself to the situation to stay in loneliness. I fence horsy , installed lights, electric fan and planted many trees so when he is big so with the trees. It is not difficult to tame this pet of mine. I always talk to him. He looks so smart and adorable. The kids at hiome also enjoy touching horsy’s forehead. I am thankful for this knowledge on horse as a healer.
I like that expression about doughnuts! It is better to look at the sides of the doughnut and not the hole only; looking at the positive sides of life instead of the negative ones.
Others look at the other side despite already standing or in the right side of life. There are stupid people despite what they are going to thread is harmful they insist on threading on, What do we call them? Insane, right? They are called fools for they tend to keep away from the norm. Maybe they are carried away by their peers and technology.
They should have dealt technology in the right way so their lives will prosper in whatever they want to do. sad amny are gone astray and become strangers to their own thinking.
I like decors of all sort real or plastic as long as I like them. There are plastic decors that look like real. Ornaments at home also make our home so nice and pleasing to the eyes of the family and neighborhood.
I like simple ornaments for the body; simplicity is beauty, as they say. For the home, I do not like so many decorations also; just simple ones. But I love natural ornaments like flowers and plants that give beauty and cleans the air.
This is my blog having its image stolen by zasa. She has stolen many blog images Others she stole from blogs images of @acrlawrites.
Mt friend two of your images were stolen mine almost 4 now. I think the cheaters here do not have God that dominates in their loves.
Ornaments make our home alive and cool.It is a must to have our home some ornaments.At home we have some inddor ornaments and outdoor ornaments. I feel so happy seeing those ornaments like hanging vines, and thick vermuda grasses. I place the thick vermuda grasses in big and flat pots. I water them everyday and they bloom now.
Should you happen to read this, and having a foot problem, act right away. The procedures are so easy. We are doing it this at home and we have fun doing this hahaha. It is not easy to feel when the foot is scrubbed with salt.
It is ugly to look at feet plenty of thick callous.Those whose feet are rough, better follow the procedures how to make feet smooth. This is not only from my imagination but by medical doctors who were interviewed in ABS-CBN TV .The procedures are so easy and inexpensive.
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