all the work in life is vital, working from home, working from office, working in the street or weorking in the air, all is good an dneeded for all the human to live, and taking work for real is good but also do not stress out or you will not be ok and you sure have to pay you rsallry then to the hosppitals
its good and pulls you to stay there, i ve been there ages ago, really we loved it the people are so nice, friendly and helps the strangers and visitors too, the places are awesome and i will love to go there again, in teh near future i hope, that is really one of the countries that have a place in my plan and will go moscow and more cities and the shopping there is amazing have you tried shopping at their malls?
A problem shared is a problem solved. I like to share my problems with google but not humans. After God, then google before man, but I am not looking up to man for a solution but to hear and find out that you are not the only one in that same boat. It calms you down a bit when you here you are not the only one experiencing such problems. Recently in Nigera, there has been a lot of suicidal deaths due to lack of help. I believe if you speak up, there will be a solution or remedy. Death is not an option people, live life and be hopeful.
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