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    suny replied to the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @Jentleheart  To be very frank with little bit of extra efforts it is not a problem to reach $2.5 or even more for me but I have other sites to maintain so I will keep it up to $1 day on this site at an average.

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis voted up to a reply by Anthony Davis in the topic Love them Hot links 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis voted up to a reply by Anthony Davis in the topic Love them Hot links 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, A funny story on love matters 8 years, 5 months ago

    I am not the only one person who thinks society is sexist to men. Everyone knows us guys have to impress the girls or let them go first (ladies first) and they can hit us (If they want to) and we can’t do the s […]

    • You say right that ladies first in every matter and ladies’ nature is more genital than men in making friendship but men prove faithless more than girls in practical life. Most of the people make love affair on internet of face book look very awkward because none knows each other how love is possible between the two.

      I will describe here ten love difference between true love and fake love…
      Differences between true love and fake love

      1) True Love is always open and honest, even when upset BUT fake love is all about games, it hides it’s feelings and tries to manipulate the emotion of others to gain the upper hand.

      2) True Love is self-sacrificin­g BUT fake love only wants what it want especially free sex, money and vanities

      3) True Love gives from the heart BUT fake love gives because it wants something in return. Hidden motives.

      4) True Love forgives easily and unconditionally­ BUT fake love seeks endless bitter hurtful vengeance

      5) True Love appreciates you for who you are BUT fake love tries to change you into their perfect ideal, even with threats of break up.

      6) True Love is about romantic intimacy BUT fake love is just sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex and more sex

      7) True Love tries to resolve conflict very fast with admittance of wrong doing BUT fake love tries to prove it is right AND WILL NEVER SAY I am sorry OR PLEASE FORGIVE ME

      8. True Love lets go of hurts BUT fake love harbours resentment, bitterness, gossips, unforgiveness and strife.

      9) True Love gives you the freedom BUT fake love is controlling, policing, manipulative and accusative.

      10) True Love listens BUT fake love only talks and will be angry if you don’t believe the fake promises.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @scheng1 Thanks for your kind words but you read only half the story because I mentioned I have days when I earned 5 cents but at the same time have some better days too that brought me more $1.50 in a single day. Thanks for all your suggestions I have close to 500 ref visitors too in my account.

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    suny voted up to a reply by peachpurple in the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? 8 years, 5 months ago

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    suny joined the group Group logo of Life Advice and HelpLife Advice and Help 8 years, 5 months ago

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    suny joined the group Group logo of CelebrationsCelebrations 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis and Profile picture of AlexandoyAlexandoy are now friends 8 years, 5 months ago

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    suny wrote a new post, I don’t know how to explain this 8 years, 5 months ago

    There always is a proper plan of action ready when wife of my friend wants something for him. The items may differ every time, the shops may not be the same but her pre-set rules won’t change. To achieve what she […]

    • Yes, something to explain is very difficult due to lack of proper words in time and men and women confuse at the spot. If you cannot explain something or some situation you must leave it for the nest time will appear new idea in your mind with forceful words and arguments that will give you a chance to explain now in a better way.

      Anytime one person sincerely listens to another, a very creative process is going on in which the listener mentally reconstructs the speaker’s experience. The more facets or dimensions of your experience you share with easy-to-grasp

      According to various communication researchers, there are five main dimensions of experience that your conversation partners can use to recreate your experience inside their minds. The more elements you provide, the higher the probability that your listener’s re-creation will match your experience. In this Workbook I will refer to these elements or dimensions of experience as “the five messages.”

      From a humanistic, existential or Rogerian perspective, the point of counseling is not simply to make these distressing feelings go away, it is to encourage a person to find their own way of changing what needs to be changed, learning what needs to be learned and accepting what needs to be accepted. Here is a list of the typical kinds of life stresses that cause people to reach out for emotional support and guidance.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, One of the best matches in T20 Cricket 8 years, 5 months ago

    I saw one of the best cricket matches last night especially in T20 series which is the shortest and  the latest version of game of cricket. It again came from the bat of MS Dhoni who displayed his continued love […]

    • The cricket fever is here to stay despite the arrival of what is available on the Net for people to surf and have fun.
      I sometimes watch one day cricket and prefer it to test matches.

    • All matches of T20s are the best matches especially between India and Pakistan. On what was an extremely difficult pitch, Virat Kohli was magical in guiding India to victory. After disappointment against New Zealand, India needed to bounce back and they got there with a couple of overs to spare in this rain affected match. How crucial was the toss? Kohli always shines when chasing and he didn’t let the roaring crowds at Eden Gardens down, building a solid partnership with Yuvraj Singh and then MS Dhoni came in at the end to seal the win. Next up for India will be Bangladesh, while Pakistan face the form side in the Blackcaps. We hope you can join us for more thrilling WT20 cricket tomorrow

      I want to congratulate Dhoni and his team. I was not expecting a pitch like this, I think we were a bit short with runs – 30 runs short. We didn’t bowl in the right areas, I did not bowl well. Virat Kohli batted really well

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Facts about sneezing 8 years, 5 months ago

    I always thought that sneezing should be an expression of air with some noise as air expels between teeth/lips, no screaming, their eyes popping out and grunting required like wild boars, and that certainly gives […]

    • Interesting findings but my question is, why is it that when we sneeze continously it is sign of getting or having a cold,If at all the sneeze is supposed to be removing bacteria from the body. Anyway thats your thoughts but i think i will go with your friends argument that when one sneezes its usually because of some irritation or a sign of some kind of allergy. That makes a lot of sense. I agree with that because as i am writing this i have just smelt chillies and started sneezing so your friend couldn’t be far from the truth.

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    suny voted up to a reply by Lola in the topic Share Your Pictures Here 8 years, 5 months ago

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    suny voted up to a reply by Lola in the topic Share Your Pictures Here 8 years, 5 months ago

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    suny voted up to a reply by Lola in the topic Share Your Pictures Here 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny voted up to a reply by Lola in the topic Share Your Pictures Here 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @peachpurple But why do you have to feel sorry because I am a grandpa all right. The kid in my avatar is 5 and only son of of my only daughter so your guess is perfect. As far age is concerned one is as old as he/she feels s/he is.  🙂

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, I am worried for our future generation 8 years, 5 months ago

    I respect anyone as a fellow human being but sorry, I got no respect for someone, especially an annoying, spoiled, impolite, irritating and full of contempt for others who at least doesn’t try to make up for their […]

    • Teens are not behaving well these days.
      The way they speak are just full of vulgar words and additional of this and that.

      Yes, they do look down on others, females or males, think that they themselves are great but the truth, not.

      Where have their morals gone to?
      Down into the drain that is for sure.

      Where do they linger but at shopping malls, friend’s home and act like biggies.

      Yup, these are the teens and adults that we see now, not in your country but all over the world

    • You say right that our teens future is in danger because the new generation is of etiquette in all walk of life. they are wasting their time in using cell phones and bill and coo with the lovers openly or secretly.

      You say right most of the people do not teach their children moral values and do not tell about old traditions of our forefathers. Some parents also do not teach their children the respect for othrs at home and out of home.

      This study and others before it have found that the most common age that our youth initiate drug use is fourteen. Many youth begin drinking even earlier. Whenever a study finds most alcohol, drug abuse starts in the teen years; our young people are very often starting their substance abuse before they have gained the experience to make adult decisions. Surveys have found that they abuse drugs and alcohol to help them cope or overcome the problems in their lives

      The question of addiction is secondary. As teens accumulate drugs in the body, they become less able to focus, concentrate, complete tasks, learn and achieve goals. If they do become addicted to either drugs or alcohol, they stand to lose everything when their lives begin to be devoted to maintaining that addiction.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Tasmania is beautiful 8 years, 5 months ago

    Most of my friends know that I have a great feeling for my second home in Penrith, New South Wales in southeastern Australia. Although Penrith is a suburb Sydney, as it is located only 50 kilometers, a distance […]

    • Tasmania is the best and beautiful island of Australia and most of the visitors visit that island every years because its fascinating attracts the tourists’attention. Rugged mountains, spectacular coastlines, native forests, sweeping bays, picturesque beaches, sparkling lakes all in on one island. I think it the heaven of the tourists.

      It’s hard to fathom unless you have spent some time exploring this incomparable island for yourself.Tasmania has been described as an “island of contrasts”. There is an immense variety of attractions to enjoy.

      his extraordinary island is mainland to other unique islands like Bruny Island, Maria Island, Flinders Island and King Island. Even more reasons why you will need more time for your Tasmanian adventures.

      I have heaps more to tell you. Which is why this page is not enough.
      Visit the other pages where I get to do something I truly love – talk about what makes Tasmania such an unrivalled destination

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, My profile picture and your suggestions 8 years, 5 months ago

    One of my online friends suggested changing my profile picture to replace it with a sexy selfie.  And he meant it, one of my own real photos. He suggested clicking a sexy shot and posting it here on my profile. […]

    • LOL! By golly, you sure have a super sexy idea for an avatar.
      However, since you are planning to change your avatar for your earning purpose, I would restrain the female avatar.
      Go for the casual. I like casual avatar rather than at the office.
      It would look pretty strict and business like.

      Really? would female avatar helps you to earn extra cents?
      I have not heard of that but your popularity and post contents would definitely put in extra cents into your account .

      Oh yes, don’t change your name.
      Sometimes, I couldn’t figure out whether suny and suny1 or whaever suny was the same person that i knew.

      Go for the regular.

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