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    suny wrote a new post, Boredom, duty and life of a man 7 years, 6 months ago

    Don’t you think it’s a dangerous situation when a 9 years old boy says he was feeling bored? Actually, it is nothing strange as feeling too weary by dullness, tedious repetition, unwelcome attentions, or liv […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Do you react harsh when you disagree? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Don’t you think that not agreeing to each and everything with each and everyone is a common scenario in our daily life? Yes it is whether you accept it or not but that is a fact you cannot deny. It could happen a […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Internet will replace the way of watching TV 7 years, 6 months ago

    The data collected worldwide suggests that ‘world wide web’ will soon replace television! In fact it has already changed the way the TV is watched in western world but the slow internet speed is one of the factors […]

    • I do agree. The Internet has totally changed the whole world. With the Internet, the concept of Globalization has gained momentum. The whole world has become a very small one due to rapid communication development and the Information Technology in particular.The watching T.V has become an old concept in many developed countries and in the developing countries the watching of T.V. is receding with a slow pace. In the case of old people and people who do not know to text and utilize the services of APPs it does not make any difference. They automatically cling to their T.Vs and to their ancient phones. But, even then the educated among this group are trying to learn the things with the help of their kith and kin and granddaughters and grandsons.They are enjoying a lot with the Information Technology.
      I have seen even ladies and girls from villages selling vegetables in the urban markets using cell phones and are performing Market transactions in an efficient manner. Everything is going on smoothly in the with good thinking and positive approach and even a small drift crossing the limits may land the humanity in trouble. So, better we chose and use everything in limit keeping the people and their backwardness in view.

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    suny replied to the topic has anyone cashed out and received their money here? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    @Christi Espinola I have redeemed several times and got paid every time. Don’t worry the site is legit and pays before 15th of every month in your PayPal account.

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    suny replied to the topic How much we can earn if I write 24 HOURS HERE in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    @MANASHA What is your typing speed and accuracy rate?

    @Mahesh It depends how fast one can imagine things and convert them into systematic words which ultimately transforms into money ultimately.


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    suny wrote a new post, We must change our eating habits 7 years, 6 months ago

    Let’s accept the fact that India is facing shortage of healthy food due to different reasons and one of them is increasing population and the other one is change in climate. We are witnessing abnormal weather c […]

    • Sorry to hear about the situation in your country due to climate change and drought.They really affect a country badly. I saw one blog here having the people forced to drink boko juice instead of colas due to health factors.Thanks for sharing your nice blog.

    • I totally agree that we all must change our eating habits. Eating healthy is a sure way of staying alive. I’m about going for a health check to know my status, the last one done was in 2011. I was a clean state of health, I felt good. Over the years, I have now changed my eating habits, from drinking coke to water, eating junk to veggies etc. I pray to come out clean, I need to be alive for my kids. Although eating healthy seems kind of expensive, but I purchase what is affordable and follow that route.

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    suny replied to the topic 300 word minumin in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 6 months ago

    @shelly osborne I think you are missing something or maybe not posting in the editor of the site in prescribed way.

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    suny wrote a new post, The funny and strange Indian marriage traditions 7 years, 6 months ago

    I think most of us have different traditions which sound strange to people living in a different environment. By the way have you ever heard the story of stolen shoes at an Indian wedding?

    Generally the Indian […]

    • That’s a funny tradition indeed. So, what if the groom is stingy and won’t give money in exchange for giving back his shoes?

      I have read and saw on TV Indian weddings and they are really lenghty cermonies and rituals, though very enjoyable to attend actually.

      And it seems it involves a lot of money, like the dowry? I think if one is poor, then can’t he marry a girl in a simple ceremony?

      Here if the couple would want to economize, they just get married civilly. At least they will only have the parents and godparents and closest family to feed after that for a celebration.

      Here too, getting married is also expensive now, if the bride wants a big wedding. So impractical.

      My hubby and I got married in a simple church rites. Only about 50 people including the entourage were present at the church and at the reception. But at least, after the wedding, we already have a refrigerator, sala set, cooking utensils and gadgets and TV.

      Hubby and I are both practical persons. 🙂

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    suny wrote a new post, Money or no money- It doesn’t matter 7 years, 6 months ago

    I always find it ridiculous when I read or hear someone mocking those people that mentioned or talked about money. I wonder why some people show off as if they belong to a group of saints having no interest in […]

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    suny wrote a new post, The cashless world of Plastic money 7 years, 6 months ago

    Cashless is the new Mantra of modern world. At least we in India feel that cashless is going to be an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. I guess even the western world has not yet […]

    • I am good with cashless money , like using the debit card. At least with the debit card you are still cautious in using it, because if it doesn’t have a balance in there, you cannot use it.

      But not with a credit card, wherein you are given a purchasing power so big, that if you keep using it, you will be in deep water. It will have a big interest and would keep getting interest when you pay in installment or the lite scheme.

      Nowadays, here in the Philippines, people are already so much into debt because of the credit cards. Sad, that these people are now being harassed by the credit collectors of being sued for not paying the entire amount including the big interest, once they skip paying the monthly lite payment.

      Debit card , yes to me .

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    suny replied to the topic What Should I Do Now **** Still Not Paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @HARPREET SINGH I think everyone not paid so far this month should wait until 10th of April. I think all of the members will be paid on that day, all the best…. Cheers.

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    suny wrote a new post, We should accept our faults 7 years, 6 months ago

    Some of us leave no chance to learn something new or in other words we try to rectify our mistakes and try to do them in their right way. On the contrary there are some people which never learn or even try to make […]

    • Living in denial is the greatest injustice you will ever do to yourself. Many times we make mistakes but we will always look for someone to put the blame on. We do not want to accept that we have made a mistake and that we should seek for forgiveness, learn from the mistake and move on and do what is right. Instead we get into the blame game. It’s easier to blame others than accept our mistakes. In fact if anything when we accept our mistakes we are more at peace and we don’t feel like we are stuck or stagnant. It doesn’t mean that when you accept your mistake people will hate you or you will loose your friends forever. You may loose a few friends here and there but those are just the ones who are not close enough to you to accept your mistakes and forgive you, do not hold onto them, instead let them free and let them leave they would be doing you a favor, and one thing i I know is that they will not add any value to your life for that matter.

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    suny wrote a new post, The Life of Peace Loving People 7 years, 6 months ago

    After Paris it was Brussels that saw blasts and now Britain experienced similar attacks. What next? It’s not a simple question but my genuine concern about the increasing threat coming from particular section of t […]

    • i have to say that all people love quite life, living in peace with not thinking about worries if you go out or visit countries, it is the best world nut not real world, unfortionately this is our world today and I guess its all about money and power, oh my God, just wish people accept their life

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    suny wrote a new post, The falling leaves: The changing weather 7 years, 6 months ago

    I noticed it this morning during my morning walk session that wind was blowing little too harder and as the wind blew the leaves from the trees were at a faster rate too. I also noticed that even it was so early […]

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    suny wrote a new post, The trouble is that we can’t face trouble 7 years, 6 months ago

    Sounds like a song but in this case it’s more than that. A time comes in our life when we feel either motivated or disappointed but it all depends on us how we tackle the situation. I have come across such s […]

    • Our lives are surrounded with troubles all through. There is no day that someone will say that they have never encountered troubles in their lives, or they can go through the week without facing any kind of trouble. It could be in school, at your work place, at home or wherever you are. Troubles are part and parcel of life, as much as we may try to assume them, they always seem to appear, and we cannot run away from them. So the best thing we can do for ourselves is to be brave and bold enough to face them instead of running away from them. That way even God knows that you need his help to overcome them and he usually comes through for us whenever we call on him. Like for me when i go through some troubles I don’t even think of sweeping them under the carpet, instead I gather up the little courage that i have and do what is expected of me. Many times I may be afraid to face the trouble for fear of failing or not getting the results that i am looking for, but i I always give myself that hope of doing right. So it’s good to always just trust in what your doing and God will definitely guide you through it.

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    suny wrote a new post, The future of social media 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am a member of Twitter for last 7 years and I have no hesitation in accepting the fact that I am a great fan of Twitter. I mainly use Twitter for my commercial benefit therefore I do not spend much time on the […]

    • Social media is not going to end. Some social media sites may end. But social media isn’t going anywhere unless the Internet comes to an end.

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    suny wrote a new post, The Royal Visitors to Taj Mahal on Saturday in April 2016 7 years, 6 months ago

    Taj Mahal witnessed two Royal visitors last year first it was Sultanah Haminah Hamidun, the current Raja Permaisuri Agong, or in simple words Queen of Malaysia and then British Prince William and his wife Kate […]

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    suny wrote a new post, The world today is in a dangerous stage 7 years, 6 months ago

    If you ask me I am worried the way the smaller countries opting for atomic weapons especially in Asia. It was North Korea in the news and now Iran with a Ballistic missile test that has increased the worries of […]

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    suny wrote a new post, The Joy is right within us but you have to find it 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have been thinking about it for a long time but never got a proper answer for my query. Here is a simple question ‘just what you do for having happiness?’

    It sounds a simple question but for me it has alw […]

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    suny wrote a new post, The younger lot and their priorities 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have always felt it that some of us are more psychologically unsecured than others and my feeling in this regard has somewhat grown in last couple of weeks. I have been in touch with people from different […]

    • Very true, the priorities which were there around thirty years ago are have totally changed and parents have to look at the current scenario. And they have to allow and help the children by guiding the children to pursue the career of their choice. Because if one is doing a job which he or she does not like it would not be interesting to them and they will face burn out and lose interest in any job totally.

      The tensions which children of today face are also different. Things have become more complex and they have to score the best to get a decent job otherwise they will neither be here nor there in life. The sad part one has to get a score of around more than 95 percent to be eligible for a proper job. Alongwith that they also have to be a Mr. Know all for the placement companies to hire them. As these companies want ready made people for their companies and would not want to waste time and money for training. A good article reflecting the sad truth of society in this age.

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