• Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    @PEEUSH TRIKHA  you know @shaloo walia is work from home mom so she can spend all her time online. I am also working almost 6-8 hours online so there is no shortage of time for me too. I hope you are doing fine despite being in full time job. 

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    suny replied to the topic Quality admin at Tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    @shaloo walia I have never seen any of my posts or @Anand posts under that category and I know we both are not half as good as you are in writing blogs 🙂 

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, The good virtues of life 8 years, 2 months ago

    The advent of the TV revolutionized the ways of human life. Needless to mention, it has hurried the process of learning and accelerated the spirit of competition. It is today a fast nailed truth that the boys who […]

    • The importance of the work of teachers in our daily lives cannot be overemphasized.

      No matter how much the government tries to avoid or relegate the issue of teachers and their welfare to the background, it doesn’t conceal the Fact that they are doing a great job and need to be seriously appreciated.

      But we need to still look more on science and encourage it and its teachers

    • Perhaps we need a balance between the tough, logical and scientific approach and a Humane approach based on emotions and feelings. A great and thought-provoking post indeed. Sharing ahead too.

    • For me, the true virtue in life is know your creator which is God, live your life to the fullest knowing all the essential truths about your own salvation, and to give love and hope for everyone who go astray inspite all the many trials in life that will come our way. Very often, when studying religious matters is very contradicted with science. For science is only rational for human mind. Religious matters is beyond our human understanding for it is supernaturally solemnly defined by the church which can never fail for it was revealed by God himself to teach his law to all of his people.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Do you think certain posts bring views without your personal efforts? 8 years, 2 months ago

    You know guys that I was writing for a recently started website and referred number of my friends to that site hoping that a new platform would provide us good opportunity for earning decent money. But then our […]

    • ‘What I did today, I waited until my nearby market opened and I bought couple of English grammar books first thing in the morning and started learning and practicing how to write better English.’

      Quite funny though but it’s actually true. I guess my writing has greatly improved since I started trying out my hand with writing posts on this blog.

      I appreciate your experience and it is something that one needs to learn from.

    • First I would like to applaud you on your positive attitude that you will be writing some good posts sometime and that you will surprise is. That’s the spirit no one ever has the will to do stuff and they don’t make it, like we were taught where there is a will there is a way so keep up and you will be the best that you wanna be

    • I believe that getting more views is a lot about what people at a certain time feel linked to rather than the quality everytime. Quality does helps though, and I think that one needs to sometimes, use simpler language to make more people notice.

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    suny replied to the topic Quality admin at Tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

     @bestwriter and @Anand as much I understand it is not the random checking but in my views it is a glitch like I cannot post comments at most times. The blogs found in that account are returned only when the real authors claim them.

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    suny replied to the topic How do I stop the video from popping up? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 2 months ago

    @Anand I am ready to bear with them but the question is are they ready to do the same with me LOL. I had a hearty laugh reading your …. 🙂

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    suny replied to the topic Women are complicated. in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago

    @Mark Nicholas I want to agree with you but I see a complication in that 🙂

    @Anitah Gimase  I was hesitant due to your presence here but reading your answer I am willing to agree with you 🙂 After all I know a couple of women myself. 

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    suny replied to the topic How long has your family lived in your neighborhood? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago

    @Shavkat I sold my share in my ancestral house to my siblings and bought another one in the same city long ago. I am glad our relations are normal and we can still visit each other without any problem.

    @Anitah Gimase  I chose a place about 16 km away from my ancestral house in an open area with lots of trees and space for gardening and having a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic How do I stop the video from popping up? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 2 months ago

    @peachpurple as matter of fact I always keep my sound off because I do not wish to get distracted with sounds while doing serious work but one thing is for sure that this video is doing more harm to site than doing good. It makes pages so slow that a visitor loses his interest and goes without opening them. I am sure that’s what is not the i…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic how much time do you spend on facebook? in the forum Facebook 8 years, 2 months ago

    @alina  I have no time for facebook, I would prefer earning a few cents rather than talking and chatting endless conversation that brings no result practically.

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    suny replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    @shaloo walia I am in no hurry being too busy with my offline engagements therefore I shall not be able to write anything serious in coming days. I will try to write few personal experiences here there oe anywhere else and of course post in forums on different sites.


    @pcwork  I wrote 12 for my 1st $5+ payout and so far have 19 in all at that s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Why people in India are in such a hurry? 8 years, 2 months ago

    I was disappointed to see rear tire of my car flat so my wife and I decided to go to city by roadways city service bus. We here so much about use of public transport in the interest of environment but it was more […]

    • I agree with u completely. It is most observed in public places that Indian people do not have any manners or civic sense. The moment the airplane lands, they scramble to reach out to their baggage on top and will stand for 10-15 minutes but would not sit as if they dont hurry the plane will take them to another destination …lol.

      Same is the case with trains, before letting people out of the compartments, passengers try to ump inside to occupy seats.

      I think it will need a generation to change this mindset, this is a mindset of a third world country where the resources are scarce, we are taught from childhood to be number one, we are taught that there is competition all around, we are never taught that people around are to help each other.

    • I thought our country was the only country where people are always in a hurry to go nowhere, whether it’s the cars in traffic or the people on the side walks. But one thing is that there is always order of things, and public vehicles are not crowded because it’s law that no one is to be found standing in any public vehicle. And that’s a good thing. I have always heard friends talk about India and it’s many people and crowded streets may be the government should do something to regulate the moving around of people.

    • I’m like you. If folks are in a hurry, let them go! 🙂

    • Yes India is a big country and every people in every country is in hurry not in India but in all over the world is the same condition but only the difference is that somewhere less and somewhere more in hurry are people.

      My friend told me last year with sad heart that In USA people are also in hurry. After completing our annual drive across country from the East Coast of the United States to Colorado, in the Far West, I found myself asking why people are in such a hurry that they do dangerous things. My experiences and observations, as I drove, were of drivers tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, passing cars from the right lane and going at alarmingly high rates of speed and well beyond speed limits.

      I think that in many ways this essay is not only about traffic and driving but about how we live our lives. People are in a hurry to get to their first and second jobs. They are in a hurry to complete tasks at home, in school and at work. People rush from one place to another but rarely take time to think about what they are doing. I have a good friend who is working endless hours to put his son through a top notch college so that he can go to medical school. He is living life at a break neck speed and is not taking time to think about what he is doing to himself. This good friend already suffers from high blood pressure, and high cholesterol addiction to several other health problems.

      There are healthier ways to cope with life’s difficulties such as getting plenty of exercise and using yoga and meditation to release tension and getting in touch with living in the moment rather than hurrying. Remember, when driving, when living, being in a hurry can result in never getting there.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Raymond and Goonj : Look Good Do Good 8 years, 2 months ago

    Being a marketing professional I tend to see something tricky when an advertisement appears offering something for free with shopping on its products. Same was my reaction when I saw Raymond’s latest advert that o […]

    • This seems like a good initiative.because your not loosing out on anything when you give out to charity. We have one in our country it’s church based but they are inclined towards giving to the less fortunate in different places it’s called the Salvation Army. It’s usually a very good course.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, I don’t trust Trump as president of America 8 years, 2 months ago

    I am an Indian so I have nothing to do directly with Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for forth coming presidential elections of the United States of America but there is so much on stake for me and my […]

    • If Donald Trump wins, expect insanity. Expect more military action, more racist action, and many countries will be treated as badly as they were 100 years ago.

      This is a dishonest, prejudiced, thoughtless and uncouth creature. He should not be elected.

    • You’re not American. But can imagine how we Americans feel? I have lived through several elections. This is the first time both candidates are scary! Not looking forward to the next political administration. I have a sense of dread and foreboding.

    • When someone says that i do not concern with PM or President means he is not fair with public because the public of all countries on earth are honest and sociable wand to live peacefully with one an other but politicians fight status war and thus restrictions are imposed on public as the India nation and Pakistani nation want to live peacefully but the leaders do not want peace on earth you may see this situation on the whole universe.

      The Bible says about leadership, n 1 Kings 21, we learn of a certain Naboth, the owner of a vineyard. King Ahab wants Naboth’s vineyard and thus offers what he considers a fair trade. “I will you give better land or money!,” Ahab offers, “Which do you prefer, Naboth?” Ahab, however, misses something important; for Naboth, the value of this land is not financial but ancestral. The land connects Naboth to his family’s identity and story. The land is not just any plot, not just some dirt and vines. The land is who he is. This is not something with which Naboth can part. This land is not just property. This land is who he is.

      So the king is rejected by Naboth. Ahab’s feelings, apparently, are easily bruised. He mourns his inability to close this land deal, but Jezebel, his spouse, intercedes: “I will give you the vineyard,” she says. To do so, she conspires to organize a hit on Naboth: two scoundrels will accuse him of blasphemy and treachery. They do, and Naboth becomes the victim of a public stoning.

      No one asks about Naboth’s innocence or guilt. No one intercedes on his behalf. No one even takes the blame for this miscarriage of justice; notice what the two scoundrels report back, saying, “Naboth has been stoned” (italics added) as if they and Jezebel and Ahab had nothing to do with Naboth’s demise, as if his death just happened.

      Ponder over the statemwnt of the holy Bible about the leadership will open your eyes.

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    suny wrote a new post, A scam survey site IndiaSpeakdotnet 8 years, 2 months ago

    Dear All Indian Members
    Have you heard of India speaks dot net? It is an Indian survey site that is a site that pays you for your opinion. But they only say they pay you for your opinion and yes they pay in the […]

    • thanks for sharing us the scam site.
      there are many more scam sites online and they are growing day by day.
      If every user are diligent and co-operative as you are, then we won’t be the victim of scam sites.
      Luckily i am not from India, I haven’t seen this site yet.
      Hope other indian writers will look out for this site.
      Stay careful

    • thank you for the infomation and the caution you told us regarding these sites, there are many victims true they unfortionatly know nothing about the trick and the scam sites, I have not saw that site also but now i am going to be warned

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Is It True that Blogjob is Back? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    @shaloo walia  I think the main reason of lesser activity in forums is that this site is hard to navigate now as the pages keep moving from place to places.

    @Shavkat  Probably that videos is part of the earning strategy of the site so only the site owners will decide about it. Writing to them or tagging them about it will not bring any result i…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis wrote a new post, When is the customer always wrong? 8 years, 2 months ago

    I must be wrong for what I said to a CVS clerk today.

    What did I say to make the clerk feel like I was stepping on her toes? I was walking out towards the front door from the pharmacy in the back of the store, […]

    • lol!
      Yeah, sometimes, it is better to pretend that nothing haad happened and just blog in your rants here and share online, shame those 2 ladies and the kiddo instead.
      By the way, remember to name the store too!

    • Depends. When there is a monopoly of some sort; i.e the only petrol station for miles or the only supermarket they think they can treat us as they please.

    • The customer is always right but there are times the customer just have to respect him or herself and abide by the rules of any store one finds himself.

    • Depends on how a thing is pointed out. Diplomacy is the name of the game

    • The best thing to do is to report that matter to the manager or supervisor.That sales clerk might be so tied cannot anymore think of the nice solution.There are many stupid people this time.How nice to insult those crazy ladies. Maybe they are used to dirty floors.They might have dirty minds hehehe.Next time never care.

    • I was polite and direct but essentially ignored by the clerk as if I should mind my own business. I regret ever going into that store. It’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong. It’s just that I was pointing out a fact that I thought mattered.

    • You know what people say the customer is always right but I refute that because there are instances where customers can be so wrong, but because you don’t want to be seen in bad light you decide to keep quiet. Honestly speaking some people can be very ignorant. Making things very hard for everyone. Me as a customer if I saw something wrong in a store I will say something about it I won’t keep quiet so it’s up to the owners of that establishment to make the place look nice and organized otherwise you will loose your customers because of your negligence and ignorance so sometimes this saying works both ways.

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    suny wrote a new post, Artificial is going to replace natural 8 years, 2 months ago

    I have just read a news item that says ‘scientist have developed trees which absorb Carbon dioxide. I am somewhat confused what is wrong with real trees, just what the heck this world is coming to? I think some […]

    • ah… ignore those stupid neighbors
      Same goes with my neighbors too.
      They had made a complain against my mother-in-law when the cactus leaves and coconut leaves withered and dropped into their compound.
      When those trees are old, of course leaves would dropped .
      All they have to do is just throw those leaves away.
      Instead, they told my mother-in-law to chop off our cactus and coconut trees.
      You know what?
      They had killed these trees themselves, by spraying weed killers .
      Yup, my trees had died

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis replied to the topic No Blog Posts for Today? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 2 months ago

    Slow is sometimes frustrating. I have seen days when there was nothing to read new at all at other sites. I think the main frustration here is that getting your posts approved because you are a newbie might tend to be a drag. I myself don’t know how many posts I need to created before I have advanced to a higher level at this site so I can then…[Read more]

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    Anthony Davis joined the group Group logo of Digital Marketing GroupDigital Marketing Group 8 years, 2 months ago

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