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    Itre replied to the topic Do you believe in ghosts? in the forum Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am going for a definite NO on this one. If i was a religious man i would mention THE design of god. You know heaven of christianity or islam or reincarnation of buddhism.

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    Itre joined the group Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Itre posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    How is everybody today?

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    shelley_shelley and Profile picture of ItreItre are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Itre replied to the topic Woman is Trouble on Earth in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Well this will escalate quickly first @evilelf, now i’m waiting for miss @yourseldom. i feel like a disaster toerist *exited*.

    But to answer your question/topic i don’t think just women are trouble educated or not. Even an educated man through books can be stupid. After all there are different kinds of smart.

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    Itre posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    pondering over the actions of the world

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    Itre commented on the post, Can Superheroes and their Gadgets Really Exist? 7 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Itre wrote a new post, Can Superheroes and their Gadgets Really Exist? For those who already think it’s impossible will have to rethink their position. What if I had superpowers to fight al the misery in the w […] View

    That would be nice indeed. But probably just as unlikely as superman (i mean that everybody has the niceness gene). And since we all know that the world can be a dark place to live in (metaphorically speaking), it couldn’t hurt to have a policeman in an ironman suit. I know i tend to mention the policeman often this blog/post but just read in the…[Read more]

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    Itre commented on the post, Love is Important for Marriage or Marriage is Important for Love! 7 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: jhsayyar wrote a new post, Love is Important for Marriage or Marriage is Important for Love! There are four questions are prominent in Pride and Prejudice; Austen’s limited range, her irony, her art of c […] View

    @siva i totally concur from my western point of view. I think that marriage is an act of love. It is to show your commitment to the person you love by saying “Yes, I do”. For as long as there is love there can be a marriage else you are on your way to a divorce.

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    Itre wrote a new post, Can Superheroes and their Gadgets Really Exist? 7 years, 10 months ago

    For those who already think it’s impossible will have to rethink their position. What if I had superpowers to fight al the misery in the world? Well that is a fantasy you can relive in movies and comics like S […]

    • Yes, today’s superhuman are helped by machines you may call it gadget of modern age as Terminator 1 and Terminator both reveal the super,man superheroes of modern age.

      But I recite just two examples of superman and superheroes Samson and Hercules. Both are real s Superman and Superheroes of modern and ancient age.

      Samson is Biblical Character who power of source was hidden in his long hair. His real name was Shimshon, he a an Israeli warrior, never defeated by any one because he has God gifted power to kill the lions and enemies who enters into the cities. His power was divine not his self created by any means.

      At last he was captivated by Delilah and falls in her deceptive love she marriage Samson just to know what is secret of his power. Actually Dellilah was a whore.

      Hercules was the last some Zeus and he Hercules who defeated all Olympian Gods at one stroke. Hercules’ power was also God gifted not self created like Samson.

      These are two real supermen of human history I can mention here several but I just tell you that our forefathers were not myths and fictions but were real men with God gifted power.

      Today’s heroes and super men are the production machines, not real but pure fantasy.

    • Many of the superheroes display characteristics that can be shown by a normal human being too. However, many are more of a Techno blitz and one rather needs to just have fun while seeing what all the superheroes do on the screen.

    • It’s likely all those toys or gadgets the super heroes use could be invented. It’s not likely super heroes like Superman will ever exist. I’m not talking about people being “altered” by medical or scientific experiments from their natural state. I’m talking about humans being naturally born with superhuman powers. We are all created equal. We all have different gifts or talents, but those are not special powers. Rather than people having super powers, I would rather all people be born with a “I will never to commit acts of evil” gene. Nice people who don’t hurt, bother and harass other people are so much better than super heroes. 🙂

      • That would be nice indeed. But probably just as unlikely as superman (i mean that everybody has the niceness gene). And since we all know that the world can be a dark place to live in (metaphorically speaking), it couldn’t hurt to have a policeman in an ironman suit. I know i tend to mention the policeman often this blog/post but just read in the news that policemen were abused and killed in America. Truelly for men and women who (most of them) sacrifice themself to keep other people safe to be slaughtered (shot) like that, you have to wander in what kind of world we live in.

    • There are so many gadgets this time owned by superheros but imitations.Those gadgets they worn are permanently worn by them as identity of their name and heroic acts.There is automatic knowledge by humans especially the children owner of the gadget. The store will also know the best selling gadgets.

      Their gadgets that represent their identity are good for children only heheheehe.There might be some adults to wear them, only i TV series show and movies. In reality, those gadgets they wear will be impossible to bear by humans especially in a hot climate and as to the purpose why wear.

    • What seems a figment of imagination ultimately takes real shape and this could also apply to the fantasy heros and others we get to read about. Who could have imagined that there would be computers and other technology wonders that we get to experience in our lifetime? . All what is fantasy today could also be likewise converted to real life situations.

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    Itre posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Hey, how are you?

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    Elom ikechukwu awoke and Profile picture of ItreItre are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Itre posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Hey, how are you

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    Itre posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    Let’s make the best of today

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    SuperD and Profile picture of ItreItre are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Itre posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Hey, how are you?

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    Itre commented on the post, With or Without Makeup Fashion Question 7 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Your Seldom wrote a new post, With or Without Makeup Fashion Question With or without makeup questions in the modern world. I see many popular people ruining their faces with heavy , deep pace makeup and plastic […] View

    Dear Your Seldom (from a half albanian)your reaction is borderlining feminism. I could understand your reaction on the forum but please notice *I think* which is a mere opinion and the rest of my comment is my preference. By the way yes i do wear make up but only on halloween or when i had a huge zit (when i was younger). Also when i stay up a bit…[Read more]

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    Itre and Profile picture of EvilElfEvilElf are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Itre replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    @jhsayyar and @Your Seldom what ever happend to the values of humanity, whatever happend to the fairness and equality. Instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity, lack of understanding leading us away from unity (BTW where is the love).

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    Itre commented on the post, With or Without Makeup Fashion Question 7 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Your Seldom wrote a new post, With or Without Makeup Fashion Question With or without makeup questions in the modern world. I see many popular people ruining their faces with heavy , deep pace makeup and plastic […] View

    I think moderate use of make up still makes people more beautiful (no matter how good looking they are without make up). On the other hand if they use to much it is just plain ugly. So using make up is an art by the way even male models use make up.

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    Itre replied to the topic People who hate women in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    @your seldom i totally agree with you. I personally think women are the beter gender (by the way i’m male). But people who just come online to hate on women are either chauvinistic pigs or have just been hurt realy badly by a woman and can’t seem to draw a line (everybody is different).

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