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    Timothy and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 8 years ago

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    The Ghost and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 8 years ago

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    Scarlett Johansson and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 8 years ago

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    BillionaireSK and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 8 years ago

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    Melissa Combs and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 8 years ago

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    Tessy dominic and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 8 years ago

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    ksp and Profile picture of ThinkerThinker are now friends 9 years ago

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    ksp joined the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 9 years ago

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 9 years ago

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    ksp wrote a new post, Alisha’s Seemacircle 9 years ago

    Alisha Frederickson had citizenship of Canada and Sweden but she bornin Hungary for Chinese mother and Swedish father. From the childhood,she is living in distinct l atmosphere. At the age of 6 itself, […]

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    ksp wrote a new post, Successful chef 9 years ago

    Vikas is suffering from knee pains from childhood itself, so he cannotwalk fast and he cannot play with other children also. So he isremaining in the house itself, his grandmother is entrusting smallworks in the […]

    • Nice story.

    • You are so courageous for you were able to race the life of this chef.

    • I remember a movie about an Indian chef that gained popularity in Italy because of Indian spices and tradition. I forget the title but I remember once actress is Helen Miller if I’m not mistaken. Because of your post, I relate that to the movie and this one is in reality.

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    ksp wrote a new post, How to remove impurities from the Body 9 years ago

    To remove the thickest impurities from the body, mostly we use nature cure remedies, in this to see that the stomach must be emptied with the laxative. What kind of foods taken till now, what are the replacement […]

    • Different people have different ways of removing toxins from the body. I know there are some detox methods that will involve medicines, needles or water I guess it all depends on where you come from. I know th3 Chinese people will use needles most of the time for treatments and they seem to work pretty well for them

    • My late mother believed in cod liver oil.

    • I have heard of this method. But I think people have different ways of removing toxins. I personally enjoy detox water and tea also essential oils, vitamins and herbs. I have always been a believer in natural healing. I guess I’m old fashioned like that. But I did enjoy learning more about other methods.

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    ksp wrote a new post, Human body is mutilating 9 years ago

    It is true that human is being dirty, air, water,food everything is adultered so human is becoming dirty. Elixers are going to the human body in the form of metals and they are accumulating in the body, the health […]

    • I totally agree with you on this though the title sounds a little bit harsh but there is a truth in all that you ha e said I especially think women are more susceptible to this toxins than men. I say this because we wome spend so much to get to look good others ask gightingvto keep young with all sorts of things and therapies. If you look at today’s woman we have so many chemicals in the lotions, creams, compact powders, hair fertilizers to grow the hair, we have makeups that have chemicals like mercury , lead and th3 like. And this arc the things that are causing so many people to become prone to cancer and other deadly diseases. When it comes to treatments everyone wants the east way out which at the end of the day is usually the longest and more painful. No one wants to go the detox way which wouldn’t take more than a week to go through and finish.so I think we all just have to accept and try to live pure and healthy life.

    • The chemicals are causing some health problems in our body through water; and now the best cure for this is also through water. What is the best thing to do? To protect and secure our water system. If we need to plant a tree, we should plant a tree to purify our waters. Trees are still the best natural purifiers rather than the machine.

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    ksp and Profile picture of YvetteYvette are now friends 9 years ago

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    ksp wrote a new post, Vidyasagar 9 years ago

    She is nightingale for thousands of children, there are thousands of children in her voluntary organization taken and taking  training in her institute. Daily she is fulfilling their needs and became their […]

    • God bless people who do good works like this, and render acts of mercy and compassion. Some want to use the science of genetics to cure illnesses that are inherited, which is how it should be used to benefit humanity. Some people want to use genetics to develop what they call a “perfect race”. Who told them they have the correct definition of “perfect”? According to their definition, none of the children at an organization like this would have any value at all and could not possibly contribute to society. They would just be a “burden to society”. (I’ve heard people say this.) The work and results of organizations like Vidya Sagar show living proof against that ridiculous notion about the “perfect race”.

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    ksp wrote a new post, Referral tradition 9 years ago

    When comparing internationally Referal tradition is increasing  in India. With 65 percent India stands first in this tradition, social media also helping referral hirings are increasing.  In recruitments,   […]

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    ksp replied to the topic How to signup for Rabadaba in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 9 years ago

    I too have heared this name Rabadaba sight long back itself, But I have not tried because on that time I do not have any smartphone now I can try once again and let you know the details. What other earning sites you are doing at present.


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    ksp wrote a new post, Calamity Risk Is Ready 9 years ago

    India stands in 77 ranks in World calamity  list, Vanuatu islands first in this calamity  list. United Nations  University Institute for the environment and human security (UNUEHS) was released world’s calamity  l […]

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    ksp replied to the topic Delay in Post Approval again in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 9 years ago

    That is right here in Literacy base site the articles are approved late one of my post was not approved my post till now since yesterday. What is the time  to approve a post in Literacy base, I am having two posts ready with me I will post them after approved my previous post. If they approved posts at an early time I can post more posts daily.

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    ksp joined the group Group logo of PhotographyPhotography 9 years ago

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