• Profile picture of lautan

    lautan and Profile picture of bestwriterbestwriter are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of lautan

    lautan posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    mayby someone can help me, how to change my picture

  • Profile picture of Dawnwriter

    Dawnwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    @cmoneyspinner Hi. Thank you so much. I am very confused about blogjob. I don’t know whether I should delete my posts there and bring them here or just wait?

    At the moment, I do not have to delete and repost so the Movie Magic blog will stay on blogjob. If you wish, you can share links though I am not sure if they will benefit you, me or…[Read more]

    • You’re very welcome. I will revisit Movie Magic and share some posts. I left my blog up at BlogJob. You could say I invested so much and didn’t want to give up on it. But the truth is … I was just too lazy to move it! 🙂

    • i have deleted the posts there long time. I have also deleted my account. Only when you delete the account can you safely post your blogs elsewhere

  • Profile picture of lautan

    lautan posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    hi everybody , i m new member

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    lautan became a registered member 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of Nikki PetersonNikki Peterson are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Dawnwriter

    Dawnwriter and Profile picture of Kshama RaoKshama Rao are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of pcworkpcwork are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of Gil CamporazoGil Camporazo are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Candice Quigley

    Candice Quigley wrote a new post, LIBRARY – Because not everything on the internet is true! 8 years, 1 month ago

    Do libraries still exist?
    If yes, do people still spend time at libraries? Apart from students at their schools and universities, would you find just anyone going to a library anymore to find out information, or […]

    • Yes. Internet tells us the truth provided we go to the right sources. There are original sites that one must look for. Take care for example advice on one’s health, you will find countless blogs written there and those blogs are from non-professionals. Those should be avoided.

    • Yes, internet helps the readers to a greater extent but it does not compensate libraries because we can get every book from the library and on internet we cannot get every book free and in written shape. On internet we get just soft copy and from library we get hard copy can be read at home.

      Library commissioners have been devouring this data. They had to advocate pretty hard this year for the supplemental funding that the city provides for additional hours of operation. It was a hard sell this year and they were successful.

      I think that [the data] is why we did get the level of funding from the city because they realized how strongly we are needed.” “It gives us more information to demonstrate why the library shouldn’t be closed.

      I think the general public may think that all libraries don’t need computers, everybody has their own or all anybody does is play games anyway… It is always nice to know that people are utilizing our resources at the library and what they are utilizing them for. That information is always valuable to make it clear that computer use in the library is important to people and it is well used.

      We are always trying to build advocates in our community and give them the tools and the messaging that they need to be successful in supporting us… We’re sharing that information with people that have some influence within our community.

  • Profile picture of Candice Quigley

    Candice Quigley wrote a new post, The easiest way to make a delicious rainbow cake! 8 years, 1 month ago

    Hey guys!
    How many of you are extremely fond of baking? How many of you have never tried it?
    Well I think it’s really simple and you can be the best and put up the best cakes with just a little effort a […]

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of celycely are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of Barbara RadisavljevicBarbara Radisavljevic are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Candice Quigley

    Candice Quigley and Profile picture of DawnwriterDawnwriter are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Candice Quigley

    Candice Quigley wrote a new post, Are you a trend setter or do you follow trends? 8 years, 1 month ago

    Hey guys,
    How are you all doing today?
    I came across a few articles in a magazine at my workplace in which there were a whole lot of pictures which consisted of completely new fashion styles and clothing. I was […]

    • When I was in my teenage and young adult years, fashion was sort of important to me. But as I got older and started having kids, all I wanted to do was wear comfortable clothing. I’ve never been a trend setter. Nobody would want to dress like me. 🙂 But if the fashion trend leaned toward comfort, I’d probably follow it. 🙂

      • Yes I can say the same. I am not a trend setter myself. I too follow the use of comfortable clothing and not fashionable. Most of the fashionable wear you may find nowadays are uncomfortable and I dont see why anyone would want to put themselves through all that trouble right?

    • I don’t follow fashion designs nor do things because others are doing it. I do things because it Worth’s doing and because I like doing it.

      So if I should go in what others are doing I may not feel comfortable doing it because am not others. I am myself and I like doing things in my own way. I like being myself. Setting the pace.

      • You could not have said it any better. Doing what you love and what makes you happy is the key to being comfortable and leading a pleasant life. Yes we should do things our own way. I dont really get why people follow magazines for hairstyles, clothing styles, shoe styles even eating for that matter.

    • Trend setting or following is not restricted to fashions alone. Trend setting can be seen in so many areas. I did set a trend growing Papayas in my garden. I did away with the thinking that Papayas are grown only by poor people.

      • Yes you are absolutely right but in my post here I am mainly focusing on beauty and style but then again what you say is right. trend setting can be related to many different things.

    • Yes thats right. I know a whole lot of people from my college who try to do exactly what is in trend but somehow and unfortunately they end up looking ridiculous. Some people should realise that not all clothes suit you. You just have to find what you are comfortable in and what makes you feel good.

    • I have seen some follow tends and some set trends according to their metal traits but trend settlers are a few and trend followers are more all over the world.

      One problem with trends is that by the time they’re identified, they’re usually already old news. Many professionals are reading the same trade publications and articles as you are, so you’ll be behind the curve if you simply copy what you read. It’s important that you read about current tactics that are working, learn from them, and use them as jumping-off points for your own creative strategies.

      Consumer habits change; when that happens, unprepared businesses crumble. For lasting success, business owners must not only know the market but create a product that addresses a long-term need. A particular smartwatch app may be successful for a while, but an app that can work across a variety of platforms, from wearables to phones, is more likely to endure for the long haul.

      When a small business seeks funding, potential investors will often research the market to determine whether similar ideas are already in motion. If an investor is copying a trend, chances are someone is already out there doing the same thing effectively.

      Unless the startup can show differences in what it will offer the market, it will likely fail to get the funding it needs. Even if it can secure funding, if the competition has established a place in the market, it’ll be more likely to overwhelm the new company’s attempts to get attention.

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of Anitah GimaseAnitah Gimase are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Candice Quigley

    Candice Quigley and Profile picture of bestwriterbestwriter are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Candice Quigley

    Candice Quigley and Profile picture of naruto100naruto100 are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

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    Candice Quigley and Profile picture of sunysuny are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Billie kelly

    Billie kelly and Profile picture of Kshama RaoKshama Rao are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

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