Krishna Kumar
@krishnakumarks active 5 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
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@mahesh thanks for the clarification. Please do add some more sites from where images can be downloaded without problems to the list you have mentioned as and when possible for you. As told by you I will stop using images from stumble upon and pinterest. There is also a site freedownloadimages do not know about it hence thought will also let you know about the same to check whether it can be used. Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for the feed back. I will try to check about some other personalities who in the Indian context have made the difficult or impossible seem possible due to their business acumen and tenacity. I will see the most interesting ones and try to write about these business people. Best wishes. |
Thank you for the clarification. At least there are three proper places where if we use images they are not having any complications and will not land us or the site in any trouble. Is Pinterest and free download images also similar please clarify and whenever you happen to stumble upon image which are similar to the ones you mentioned above in the comment. Kindly add the same to the list. This enhanced list will be very helpful to all the writers who are not aware of all these technicalities. If some one asks for these details then I can advise them to refer this particular article and comments in it and will tell them to check the list. It will help them a lot especially who are new to this and do not know the abc of this. Have a great weekend. Best wishes and regards. |
Agree with you building one business after another and making it successful is not a easy task for any one. These great businessmen have the idea to quickly grasp the business with they get into and are able to go with the flow of the business. All said and done these are not easy things unless one has business acumen. Only such people are able to achieve great things in business. I am not aware of the leader Future Bazar group. I have to check about him and write an article about him business style is interesting too. I have to check and read about him. Thanks for the information. |
Please suggest some good way to upload a image from the computer as I do not do photography and I use a image which I upload from google free images and then use it for the article and give credit to the person or company to whom it belongs. How does one go about it in a proper way without encountering any problems either for the writers or for the site itself. If you have a way or solution kindly share the same as it would be of use to all. Awaiting your response on this issue. Best wishes. |
Thanks for replying with a clarification and requesting me to send the article title heading which has been accepted and then thrashed. Kindly look into to same and do the needful. Appreciate your response and clarification. Best wishes and regards. |
I remember I read your blog post about Obamacare and that is what I was referring in the reply to the our friend who wrote the article that there was a blog post which was telling Obamacare is going to continue. Good to know that the scheme helped you. It can always be bettered and more facilities can be provided to the citizens as they are all tax payers. I always feel it is advisable not to stop social security schemes. It can be changed for the better or improved and it should be made transparent too. So that all are aware of the changes. Thanks for your inputs and feed back. |
Good to see you reply and clarify many issues at one time. Thank you for the same. But I had written an article here in this group with the heading ‘why is the amount reducing’? and have also posted all the details about the post for which payment was made for 35 cents and then my article was thrashed the next day and payment reversed.
I have also requested you to let me know the reason why the post got thrashed because I have written the article on my own it was quite long and took one and half hour to finish the blog. The same got accepted and then thrashed. I also sent the details in the contact us on the top right side too. But till date I have not heard any thing about this issue. Request you to kindly let me know about the same as if I come to know if some genuine error as per you was committed or whatever the reason then I can correct myself. That was the only article which met that sorry fate. And it was on a important topic.
If you do not want to publish and still have the article kindly send it to my email mentioned in the contact us. It is more than a week and I am still expecting reply. Please do the needful. Best wishes and regards. |
As you have mentioned in the comment above it is only @support who can do something in this matter. As a writer I have raised a issue which not only you but many others too were facing a problem with. My only worry is whether it is right to do so. And if it is right to do so and if @support says it is not a problem then I have no issues. Tomorrow I do not want to face any copy right issues or problems of that kind for which which I am not responsible. As for each article I write I make it a point to choose one different image which is relevant to that particular article in the blog. This helps the viewer understand through an image what the article is about. We and others have done their job in highlighting the issue and there is now nothing more we can do. The sad part is the writers are not giving credit to the owner of the photos which is not me. I only hope we do not have any problems and if @support is able to assure us about it it will be a great thing on their part. Even today someone used a image which I uploaded from a site for my article. Let us wait and see what happens. Sure @support is aware of this and will help us if we land into any trouble on this particular issue due to no fault of us. |
I have to go to blogs to see who is using what picture now. Do not know if some authors who use other images from the literacybase library are continuing to do so. I think this article has not been seen by many readers and writers. Those who are reading this please share your experience about this and what you have to say on this issue. |
Today I carried out an interesting experiment with whoever I happened to meet and I asked them the heading of this particular topic. How are you feeling? Some were happy to share their thoughts while a few others were unhappy and shared their thoughts too there was a third category of people who did not find any big change which they could share as an answer to the question which was asked to them. While there was a fourth category who were going through troubled times and felt relieved when they shared their thoughts in response to the question. There were only a very minor category of people who did not have anything to say on being asked this question. But what surprised me was how many people were wanting to share their thoughts on the question as to ‘How are they feeling’? In conclusion what I felt was that majority of the people liked someone asking them this particular question and good or bad situation they were happy that someone was asking this question to them. Try it out for yourself.
@Sivamani As pointed by you in your response to this article there is lot more than what meets the eye. So a good scheme need not be scrapped and it it was not reaching the complete intended citizens of a company it has to be corrected so that the same happens and the better thing would be to make everything transparent as to what Obamacare did and how effective it was and what is the new avatar with any changes by Mr. Trump. All this has to be seen and understood. It is better that whatever the Trump administration does in this matter be clear and transparent to the citizens so that whosoever in USA may have any nagging doubts in their minds as to what is going to happen to social security under the scheme will have a clear understanding as to what is being done and how are the citizens going to be benefited. But it is better politics is not played by all concerned in this. But I have read a blog in Literacybase stating that Obama care is continuing even now. |
Good to know that you feel inspired by the personality of late Dhirubhai Ambani. I feel many of the Indians look up to him as a good role model. The key for that being he was successful in his business ventures after facing a lot of hurdles in life. That way many other also would have faced hurdles but the level of what he could achieve is quite astounding that too in difficult times as the economy was not opened up at that period of the time. Globalization and other concepts were yet to set into the Indian economy fully. He is a inspiration for many aspiring to do well in life in different spheres. There were others who were already well established in their businesses and they gave him a tough competition. But he knew the mantra of success and application of his business acumen which he exploited to the fullest potential. Best wishes on your planning to become like him. |
Thanks for appreciating the article. He is one the pioneers in the 20th century private sector of India. His company had to be built during tough economic times and it is not a easy task to achieve the name and fame he achieved. It would have been better if the business group would have been a single entity as the company would have more resources and the group would have grown bigger and bigger.
There are many other successful Indian businessmen who have made a mark in India and abroad in their respective businesses. But not many have been able to match what the Reliance Group could achieve. It is heartening that he is a role model for many youngsters who would also want to be like late Dhirubhai through hard, dedication and application of ones business acumen. |
@Barnali sarkar Even I like to eat butterscotch too. But many of you seem to like the chocolate variety including you. So base on the good review I got about chocolate. I have to choose a good chocolate ice variety this summer and taste it. I have been seeing ads of many different companies who are well established brands selling chocolate ice cream. I will taste the same and let you people know how my views about the same.
For you this summer enjoy lots of varieties of ice cream with family and friends. I think the prices of ice creams would also have increased appreciably as the heat wave is extending all over India. Especially North India is having heat wave predictions for the coming two days. It is time for good business for these companies also for consumers to savor the best ice creams which they would want to. Have a tasty and healthy summer too. Best wishes. |