Krishna Kumar
@krishnakumarks active 5 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
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Happy to know that the article has struck a right chord in you and thank you for having shared some of your personal experiences regarding the above subject. I agree with you about the nature walk and cool breeze near a water body. Unfortunately due to concretisation in the urban areas and more demand for land due to increase in population lung spaces like these are reducing and shrinking in size or vanishing which is a sad reflection of the modern societies negative aspects and the harm it causes on environment and the ecosystem. All over India there is very high pressure on land and reserve forests and other core areas. Unless we have stringent laws which are strictly implemented I see a grim situation that we exist in.
Happy to note that you liked a quote which even I would say is real talk. It is only during our bad and hard times in life that we can know who is the wheat and who is the chaff. Difficult times are a right time to test and check out many things about ourselves, people around us and the world in general. It is a real time to know who stands where and we can make a note of if as it will help up us during our future decision making process. It helps the individual to make the right decisions in life and be more mature and sober. Difficult times are a time to make a course correction to the right end and hone our decision making skills. It is part of our learning process in life and makes us evolve into better human beings. Depends on how we look at it from the prism of our mind. What is your take on this topic? |
I could not understand what your question was clearly. |
Good to know that you like tasting and consuming this king of fruits. I think once your mother prepares it from fresh mangoes you will love to taste it and feel the tangy taste. I have given many other dishes which can be made with mango in the earlier this is one more in those series. Thanks for the reply and feedback. |
Happy to get some more information about the benefits of the mango and thanks for the same. One more information is that a ripe mango fruit should not be over eaten in summer as it causes heat to the body. As you said research needs to be done to know the full benefits of this fruit and its benefits for the health. It is also a good business venture in villages as you need a small space and the tree grows easily once it survives the initial stages it is a good business proposition for the development of the girl child as they can enter this trade. |
Agree with you there are many new things which are yet to be discovered and many of the treasures still lie under the sands waiting to be excavated. Hope the right people are able to find it and bring it to the notice of the world. Appreciate the information shared by you which had added value to the content. Best wishes and regards. |
A good article which is well appreciated. I hope you have read the article which I have written yesterday about this issue. Not only in African countries this is the same case in the underdeveloped and the developing countries of the world. It would be of interest to you that if the leaders of the particular countries and the heads of the state take a powerful position about this issue you will see that there will be lots of change and more girl children will come out of their homes supported by their parents to study and take part in the development process of the country. It has to be highlighted that if the society sees girls earning good incomes and having higher education every family in the country despite having their problems and other social issues will make a step forward to educate the girl child. Government’s have to give incentives for women’s development and studies by providing free education. If this is done and female literacy goes up you will see the change happening for the better. One more thing is to increase adult literacy program especially among elder women. If they become aware about the advantages of education they will see to it that their daughters too study. |
Agree with your point of view. These new notes are parts of the economic reforms which is being undertaken to weed out black money. Now a lot of raids have been conducted and money gained through corrupt practices are being unearthed on a daily basis now the government is also going to go after benami property. That should yield more black wealth. The carrot and stick policy is working. And whosoever it may be who is indulging in nefarious deeds is getting caught in tax net and by the law. This will do a lot of good to the country in the long run and increase tax compliance. Appreciate your comments and insights. |
Could not agree with you more. Many new technologies are going to come and research is already being done at an advanced stage in cases like hyper plane, Tunneling using transport to go and settle in other planets all. All this and more will happen as different new types of fuel and raw material to build these systems are being invented. Will keep you posted of any new developments through Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely articles. |
There are many thing which we are not aware of, I try and share these information with readers in Literacybase through Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely Group. Hope you enjoyed the quiz which was subsequently posted. Thanks for your feed back. Best wishes and regards. |
Good to know that you enjoyed the amazing facts please do a google check there are images of these coloured carrots which have been published. Even I wanted to check and I just saw and liked to see carrots of different colours. It is quite interesting to see the pictures in google. You too can view the pictures and do your interesting research about this. Thanks for your valuable comments. Best wishes and regards. |
Agree with your point of view but in this particular case what is happening is due to desperation and the parents are unable to take of their children due to absolute poverty and poor conditions and they are trying to take this route thinking that it will solve their problem. They end up with more problems. Most of cases these people happen to be from the very poor and impoverished sections of the society and happens in conservative closed societies. There is no social security from the government, even if it is there it does not reach the needy and they end up suffering this fate for no fault of theirs. |
Appreciate your comment, even in India these marriages are not legally valid but unfortunately laws can only be implemented only when people are economically in a strong position and are not vulnerable in the society. If there is family, poor economic conditions, less quality of human development index and no education or jobs with financial instability and gender bias all these put together become a deadly mixture for abuse of the vulnerable and marginal sections of societies. All these things will change with education increasing income levels and gender justice. Best wishes and regards. |
Dear reader thanks for the feedback and additions to the article with your invaluable views and comments they add value to the article and the subject. Best wish and regards. |
Yes that is the basic human psychology of thinking that they own all problems of the world and think of old times saying Those were the good old times when things were all pink and rosy. Everything was milk and honey and heavenly. Once the person gets over this thought process he will overcome every task or challenge lying in front of him. It is the next stage of acting after pondering and introspecting which leads to a solution.