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Krishna Kumar

@krishnakumarks active 5 years, 4 months ago
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November 5, 2017 at 5:37 pm

Friends thanks for providing the feedback and sharing your experiences about the pictures from the images album if you get to know anymore free picture download websites like pixabay please share the same here. Best wishes and regards.

November 5, 2017 at 5:28 pm


Do not feel sad from my personal experience with this site they have paid when the date had come. Please send message or still better write a article in the forum explaining your case in detail they will surely respond and you will get your dues. I really am surprised why you have not received any response. Do the above I am sure they will respond. Best wishes and regards.

November 5, 2017 at 5:14 pm

@Barnali Sarkar

Interesting information about the Mini Dubai of India. Thanks for the same. I came to know the place through the names of the Indian Mujahiddin terrorist module leader Riaz and Yasin Bhatkal. The information given by you sheds new light about the place. Best wishes and regards.

June 8, 2017 at 2:25 pm


I also faced some technical problems during my first payment time. But @support was helpful in sorting out the problem but to tell it almost took more than a month to iron out the problems which I had. Please address your queries to @support. It does take some time but you will be replied to. Maybe sometime they are too tied up with work to reply back which should not be the case as information clears many misconceptions. I am sure support will look into your issue.

For your information I also received my second payment and will be redeeming my third payment on the 26 of june which is the date I redeem every month. In the mean time iron out problems with paypal and literacybase link and your email account and bank account so that money will come into your account by the 10 th of every month when you redeem by the 26th of every month.

Request you not to wait till month for redeeming  payment as it gets delayed. I read your blogs and the quality is good and I am sure Lb will pay you. Best wishes and keep following up.



June 8, 2017 at 2:02 pm

Thanks for the feedback on the topic of having street food during the onset of summer.  Now that the monsoon has arrived in India, it comes with its own set of problems. Any seasonal variation requires the foodstuff and the human body to get adjusted to the same. But some basics remain the same. One can only tell watch what you eat and where you eat.

As for all my dear friends and participants who have replied keep your  valuable inputs and  feed back  coming as it that is what the article wishes to do.  Take good care of your health as “Health is Wealth”. In these days of high costs  medical bills have become prohibitive and doctors too expensive. Best wishes.

May 23, 2017 at 4:43 pm


Thank you for adding some of  the quotes in my article to your collection. The two quotes that you mentioned as your favourites are really inspiring. Quotes are something that help us get through some problematic situations of our life. Actually your idea of maintaining a book to write all the quotes you love is a very good idea. Years later when it is gone through it gives happiness and solace to our heart. Quotes themselves arise from the experiences that each person in the world faces. They also provide us a path towards peace. Quotes helps us make decisions and also face some of the harsh realities of life. Thank you for your feedback.

May 23, 2017 at 4:27 pm


Yes you are right. There are many instances and cases where people have suffered from stomach problems and other ailments due to the consumption of street food and even processed food items from bakeries. Even though I feel that it’s alright to have something outside once in a while, I always prefer homemade food. This is because we know what our body requires at the right time and we prepare it using the right ingredients. The difference between street food and homemade food is that they prepare for a large number of people in bulk while we satisfy our hunger in the house by consuming freshly cooked food. Anyways thanks for sharing your piece of information.

Thank you

May 20, 2017 at 2:26 pm

Thank you for the information. It’ll  help members who read this particular article. The same can be used by them to upload pictures  in their blogs. I have to try some of them myself. Will be doing the same when I upload pictures for the articles in my future blogs. Will see how they work when uploaded.  I have tried some of them which were very useful. Keep up the good work..

April 9, 2017 at 10:15 pm

@david Hersh

Thanks for your reply. Yes with me last time @support worked well and they have seen to it that I do receive my payment. I have redeemed my money which I am to receive this month on the tenth on the twenty six March last month. I am hoping that this time I will not face the delay which I faced last time as things have been ironed out. So I am positive that I will receive my  payment positively by the 10 of April 2017. I have redeemed an amount of USD 20 which I have to receive and hope the by the 10 of April 2017.  Eagerly awaiting for the same. Best wishes and regards.

April 9, 2017 at 10:03 pm


Thank you for adding some more sites from where we can get free images. It is a very important thing as images convey in a instant what a article is about.  Hence I agree with you that having images for the articles is a necessicity as images conveys convey an articles contents in gist. Heading and image along with the article are the three important things.

April 4, 2017 at 12:08 am

True one has to learn to be content with what one has and avoid chasing money even though money forms a materialistic aspect of human life. There are simple things in which one can see lots of joy. Like in the smile of child, the happiness of the poor, when we someone who is able to be cheerful in a very bad phase of his or her life and when a mother just sees her child grow up and is happy in the child’s small achievements which are nothing but the foundation of the child based on which his adult life is going to be built.


One can find joy in many other things which have literally no value materialistically but are very important for one well being and to lead a contented life. A smile on a face of a person reflects positivity which is very much lacking today. Times are bad and desperate, but the one who is able to lead life happily in such periods often are the people who have understood life well.

April 3, 2017 at 11:54 pm

@Barnali sarkar

Very useful information for food poisoning. As it is a natural remedy I hope it is useful for people who have problem of food poisoning. Keep adding such information it will be of use for people who would want to try out such medicine which is not allopathic. But it is also good on the part of readers to have themselves checked by the doctor and verify the reasons and causes of food poisoning.

I would like to share a normal event which turned complicated. I have a relative who got married recently. This incident happened before the marriage took place. The would be bride groom got a promotion and all were happy in the family including the would be bride too. The boy arranged a party at a quality hotel to celebrate the occasion of promotion and marriage in a few days and in that process they also ordered mushroom soup in the process.

Do not know what caused the food poisoning but he was admitted to the hospital in a serious condition. Ended up spending around five lakhs of Indian rupees. The two families went through lot of tension. But the good thing was he recovered and the marriage took place and they both are doing fine. Shows how serious food poisoning can be.

April 3, 2017 at 11:38 pm


Thanks for adding the information which you could find hope members and writers can check the same on their own and verify before using them  if they want free images and they are not photographers and they do not have photographs of their own to upload. Great effort from your end appreciate the same and yes I will check the sites and use them for upload too. As of now I have been using pixabay. Now we have got a few options which are useful to use. Best wishes.

April 2, 2017 at 12:29 am


Interesting information from about God Shiva, Bholenath. One more reason why God Shiva does that is he also consumes Bhang which consists of the same. But the more important reason behind this is He takes what is rejected by society. As such He is not in need of medication but that is a way of telling I want to stay alone and concentrate on meditation. As God Shiva likes meditation a lot. One more thing is He takes what all is harmful for people in the world that is one more reason. Bhaang is a very holy drink and keeps one in Dhyaan Mudra if one really would want to attain such a position. One more reason is people tend to misuse what is mentioned in the Puranas.


Nowhere has He asked people to consume it which they do it. If they would want to do the same they can consume the poison too which God Shiva drank to save the world. So hope people do not end up justifying this saying God Shiva did it. If God Shiva does it their will be a very good reason for that including the one you have mentioned above. But hope humans do not do what Gods are capable of doing. Thanks for the input.

April 1, 2017 at 9:59 pm


Good to note that admin took action and removed the person who was using your photos from the literacy base library. But to tell you many people are new and are not aware about this copy right issue and other problems associated with the images. I think if once we use the image if it is locked for the article and is not to be used again by anyone including us then it will be fine. Hope the admin or @support looks into this particular aspect. As if one is not doing something like that deliberately then one feels sad for the writer as the mistake was because he was new and did not know about this issue. Thanks for the inputs.

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