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Krishna Kumar

@krishnakumarks active 5 years, 4 months ago
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January 6, 2019 at 2:29 pm

A article reflecting how one ought to have been when young and what one should have and  should not have done. A good list of dos and dont’s for the youngsters who are in the teenage. Hope it reaches the right audience as it will be of immense use to them if spend some time thinking and pondering over what has been written. A sapling when growing needs pruning of its tiny branches so that it grows tall and in the right direction. This article acts as scissors which prune and give the right direction to a young life. Keep up the good work.

January 6, 2019 at 2:21 pm

A very informative and interesting article to know the difference between the two words and how and where it is used. There is also a term transliteration which is used in the case of getting the meaning from one language to another. That in itself another interesting topic. Thanks for the good article and best wishes.

January 4, 2019 at 3:57 pm

Scientists think out of the box. They are open minded  to new thoughts and ideas and they do not fear translating their thoughts into actions. They are not afraid of failure and keep pursuing their goal as it is a lifetime passion for them to do  research and create or discover new things. Edison failed a thousand times before he invented the famous bulb. He has also invented many other things which did not become as famous as the bulb.

December 20, 2018 at 2:16 pm



Good to see your reply and participation and welcome Knowledge is Power Use it Wisely. Would like to read your articles and have your participation in the group with your articles. With best wishes and regards.

December 2, 2017 at 12:51 am

Useful information. Thanks for posting the same. Best wishes and regards.

December 2, 2017 at 12:49 am

Very useful and informative. Thanks for posting the same. Best wishes and regards.

December 2, 2017 at 12:47 am

Interesting and useful information. Thanks for sharing the same. Best wishes and regards.


November 8, 2017 at 11:20 pm

Yes there is no substitute for hard work. An interesting and informative article which stresses the important fact that ‘Hard work pays and it pays well’. If we add a bit of planning and strategy to the hard work we put in our lives and have a goal and a proper vision as to what we would like to achieve in the end the journey becomes clear of all impediments and even if we encounter any on the way we can over come it with ease as we are well prepared.

There are innumerable examples of great men who have spent their whole life persevering before reaping the benefits of the fruits of labor in the end. They have all told that success after toil of blood and sweat is sweet when relished. This will also help one to raise the bar higher for one self. It also acts as a motivation for others who would be looking for role models to observe, learn and follow in their footsteps to reach the pinnacle of glory themselves. We need many more such role models to the existing list.

November 7, 2017 at 3:20 pm

Today I asked this question to myself after being away from the computer and other gadgets for a long time. I am pleasantly  surprised to say that the answer for me is ‘Very Fine’. There are some important reasons for me to feel this way as I got more time for myself to introspect as to how things have been going.

There were many hobbies which I was able revive. I spent more time with family. I could concentrate on work with more focus and it has also helped me refocus and readjust my lifestyle. It is good I for one to keep doing these at regular intervals and stay with the times that one is in. One more thing is that one can get new information and material to write more articles.

It also helps to reflect on what one has been doing and how one can better the same to get more out of the energy that one expends on a given task. These are only some of the few things which one feels when one is feeling ‘Very Fine’ after a break from the system and online stuff. Now comes the important question to ask yourself  ‘How are you feeling’.

November 7, 2017 at 3:01 pm

After a long time I had the opportunity to have tea at a road side tea stall. It was morning seven in the morning  and there was heavy rush as people wanted to sip hot tea and move on the their respective places of work. The stall has been there since the last ten years serving tea and biscuits. There have been some changes especially when it comes to cleanliness.

There was also the message of the Swatch Bharat with the picture of the Prime Minister of India as this is one of the many initiatives among the cleanliness drive being carried out by the present government.

One more interesting information is regarding the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi who used to sell tea in his childhood and help his father in his business. It reminds one of the struggle of every Indian who struggles to provide for his family and helps in nation building. One more thing I remembered is the ‘Chai Pe Charcha’  basically  debating while sipping a cup of tea. This has been followed by the Prime Minister even with the with the world leaders. One more thing this proved is that India provides an equal opportunity for one and all.

If one wants to shine like a sun one must learn to burn like one. Only then can one expect to reach great heights in life. What one does with it is altogether a different topic. As I finished my tea the bus came and I proceeded with my journey.

November 7, 2017 at 1:56 pm

Yesterday there was some good news from the northeastern state of India which is a corridor for wildlife poaching. The porous borders with the neighbouring  countries are ideal for poachers to easily get into the country do their act and take the hunt to the place where they are to be traded all over the world. There are some locals also involved in this trade and that is the sad part. Despite the best efforts of conservationists and the law enforcing agencies and even after conducting innumerable raids and arrests poaching continues to thrive as there is demand all over the world.

In this particular case a huge cache of more than 50  Geckos which are bought by people from pet shops abroad and are liked to be kept as pets in the house by citizens worldwide by purchasing  them for a huge price were being smuggled out.  They were being smuggled in very pathetic conditions and they would have had a tough journey till the time they reached the markets worldwide. It was a great job by the Indian authorities along with antipoaching staff. We need more such efforts to save wildlife and conserve them.

November 7, 2017 at 12:36 pm

Very informative posts. Regarding the topic of giving advice to others it is better to see that the advice which is given is received by the person to whom we are giving it well. It is better it is given only to those who seek our advice. Whenever offering such advice it is to understood by the person giving the same that there will be consequences for the person heeding the advice it may be positive or negative in nature.

Hence we should weigh our thoughts carefully before going ahead and telling something to the individual on the opposite side.  But it is always upto the individual whether to accept the advice or not. But unfortunately not many of the individuals would be in a proper frame of mind to make decisions in most cases. It also depends on the personality and psychology of the individual. One has to offer something to others base on all these factors.

November 7, 2017 at 12:23 pm

Very useful information on the nutritive content of carbohydrate in Cassava. Thanks for the same keep up the useful information flowing. Best wishes and regards.

November 5, 2017 at 6:42 pm

@Barnali Sarkar

A very informative and moving article about how the villagers had to take things into their own hands due to apathy of the system. This proves the saying right that ‘Self help is the best help’. But the same is not possible in all circumstances and the governments should also do their duty which they have been elected for and provide good governance.  People have to see that the system is kept on its toes. Best wishes.

November 5, 2017 at 6:36 pm

Interesting information about different facets of life and human relationships with the outside world. Keep up the good work.  There are many minute things to be discovered. Introspection helps us in this process. Best wishes and regards.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 353 total)