Kevinsaga (1876)
@kevinsaga active 5 years, 9 months agoRank: Newbie
Living the life like it’s golden, thanks to God for making it all possible. What’s next ? Who knows what’s on the agenda for to coming year ahead of us? ‘i pray,’ “for the best!.” Cause who knows what tomorrow go bring? Or what’s laid in the paths ahead? Answer is, “no one”. View
Preclous Abel - "As we leave childhood and move on with our lives, our dreams seem to be left behind. Oh there may be a lot of wishful thinking but the real dreams wither and die. Yes, we may think about winning the lottery and […]"View
javeria Nadeem - "We all are humans and its not necessary that each of us think alike so we better try to understand each others point of views rather than keep judging all the the times .this practice not only satisfy our inner […]"View
Raghunathan - "காஷ்மீர் பிரச்சனைக்கு அடக்குமுறை தீர்வல்ல! தோழர் திவாகரன் நினைவுக் கருத்தரங்கில் மனித உரிமை செயற்பாட்டாளர் அ.மார்க்ஸ் பேச்சு நாகர்கோவில், அக்.26- மார்க்சிஸ்ட் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சிய […]"View
Crystal Michelle Caraway - "Just had a endometrial biopsy done today. soooooo I am a little nervous."View
King Seraph - "Everything you were taught was a lie….."View
Hot topic daily - "Bar Rescue watchers tell me about your favorite episode and why me personally I love the show just want to know which one you enjoy"View
EMMANUEL UBAKANACHI EJIMNKEONYE - "I was struck deeply in my heart, when I heard that the most beautiful minds says too much words but they cannot write it down. It so much reminds me of my situation; having beautiful, crazy and awesome thoughts […]"View
Trey DeGregory - "@kaylar Thank you very much"View
ram prakash pal - "Nice"View
Maleeha Zia - "Hello frndzzz…Good Morning..
Rhonda Robinson - "Has anyone ever recieved actual money from this?"View
Shauni Williams - "Finally! After a very long day I am one with the covers and sheets on my mattress. Goodnight everyone."View