cely replied to the topic I WILL MISS LITERACY BASE AND MY GOOD FRIENDS HERE in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago
@kaylar, I agree with you. We are talking like a parrot here. There is no professionalism. Ever since I joined problems abounded after before and during redemption.All writers keep on checking each Pay Pal account if payment is sent. Writers are humans and we work religiously here, but sad, just a short reply hard for them to do. I do not know if…[Read more]
cely replied to the topic @Support – Are You Man Enough? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago
@kaylar, I will try tomorrow. By the way, don’t you notice the site moderator started sweeping away the plagiarized blogs here. I learned this when I read th blogs posted here dominated by Nigerians . You try to open their blog the site moderators is doing his job I hope real one, but why talk to the cheaters why not removed right away, am comfused.
@kaylar, maybe the site owners are all sick hehehehe, may they get well soon,lols. I miss to write long blogs. I am not anymore inspired to write here, no consolation, no inspiration. Interest would also expre, like what I am feeling now, but this feeling could be remdied through an inspiration.
@Tta, @kaylar and @acelawrites, who knows, miracle happens end of this week.Yes, true, feeling the miss is hard to define. I am looking forward another better avenue for writing.
@kaylar, so true, no idea why they do not respect us, it is so easy to say the real status of the site. We are left hanging.@Support, I hope you will pay us candidates for a pay hehehehehe.
@kaylar and @alelawrires, so true, we are people and they should have respect our feelings. We write religiously and did our job well, but it seems the hearts of the site owners of Literacy base are hard as a rock.
cely replied to the topic Have You Received Your Payment in Literacy This Week? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago
@kaylar, this site seems hacked , but they are IT experts, I think they never profit so they have to close.It should have been better if they paid us all first befre they shut down, so sad, i have a big trust and salute to this site.
acelawrites replied to the topic Dear @SUPPORT – We Need Some Words From You? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago
Well, maybe the mods/support are still here. I made a comment on @Kaylar‘s blog regarding this site, but my comment was not “registered” and there was a note that “your comment is awaiting moderation.” I asked if we have to just leave the site and look for sites that pay, and that we need an advice from the admin/support about it.
cely replied to the topic MODS! Please Help! in the forum About LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago
@kaylar, they must stop their drama. How dare they say you plagiarized. Bring it to other plagiarized tool and spread here the result.That sounds weird.
cely replied to the topic Can you not use an anomalous or ambiguous name in this siet? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago
@Michelle, That was what I did before accepting friendship request despite names questionnable, but I noticed those who I made friendships of here was the one stealong my photos, others I liked dislike as you see there are 4 attempts of disliking my comments what a shit on that person but fortunately he was removed by the site.
@Kaylar, You are…[Read more]
@kaylar, that might be a glitch, that is weird how come you plagiarized when you can anything under the sun. Destroy that word by deleting it. That is unfair. What does it mean , they are not protecting the writers? Their plagiarism detector is incapable to diagnose plagiarized content. There are so many word that could be used repeated like the…[Read more]
cely replied to the topic There is a site introduced to me you may like to join: Baaglo.com in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago
@kaylar, me too saw that blog , but the down line of that is none -payment of that.
So bad, who is that person that tends to copy your blog? Do report it to LB @Support to stop the wrong doings of other pretenders here. There are so many impostors in this site. You are right, why did their blogs pass to the point that it contains anomalous…[Read more]
@kaylar, hahahaha do you mean to say you know Birju Danak? jejeje actually we are friends in Facebook for almost 1 year now. He is a nice guy but he feels unhappy me always refusing his invitation.I told him those sites he introduced are not my favorites. I just stick to writing here despite tiresome, but just ride on the tide while the waves are…[Read more]
@kaylar, I do not have idea about the viewers of baaglo. My friend Birju did not reply me when I asked him how much he earns in baaglo, maybe he earns there zero balance,lols.
@kaylar , Yes true that is one reason I failed my Indian friend Birju Danak. he was the one who introduced to me that site. I opened it and feel do like for it is the same as rabadaba. Birju was also the one who invited me to join rabadaba but I still failed him I hope he did not feel bad at me for refusing his invitations severally.
cely replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 11 months ago
@kaylar, hahaha, it is very important to be a keen observer. We must also be vigilant even in a site like this not only in the active days where bad elements are roaming around, drug addicts drug lords, in a site like this, spammers, scammers hahahaha, so funny people. That was what I sensed that person was a programmed machine for he or she never…[Read more]
@kaylar, that person is still here and keep in requesting friendship to be accepted .No matter how many times I rejected, she continued sending Friendship request, so weird, thick face.Why doesn’t she understand the meaning of rejection? I do not like to accept friendship I sense fake.Just imagine those request of writers here to write in English…[Read more]
@kaylar, that person is still here and she keeps on requesting to be accepted as friend despite I already deleted her friendship request for two attempts now, I will never accept that person again to be friend here.If she or he is not fake, ho or she should have answered me or others to prove he or she is not a scammer / spammer.
@kaylar, hahahah you are so funny friend hehehe I am so amused of your comment on what they want us from here if visa,LOL.That person is fake and just wanting exposure so that she or he can easily convinced us, no way. How could she or he convinces us on the language use, that seems language during the Old Stone Age hehehehe, or language during…[Read more]
@kaylar, no, the person is still not removed for I saw her request of friendship which I will never accept. This time I have to be very careful of accepting friendship for there are many fake users this time. There was ne writer here who privately messaged me asking me how to improve his performance here and that he wants me to reply me through…[Read more]