Time is really a great teacher. When we were young, we do not care about anything and everything, but as time passes, we mature and then we learn a lot in life. We learn to value relationships, we learn to hope for a bright future, we hope for a better life when we became so old and retire. By then we wish that time would be longer for us, to have longer life on earth. We wish for more time!
What you say is absolutely, generally the first 25 years of our time is spent understanding time and time management. The next 25 is spent perfecting how we are still not getting more time than what we would want. the next 25 is spent what we could have done better. If we are lucky to survive after this with good health the last twenty five is spent telling others in the way of teaching our experience.
What they can do and what happened when we did not do the same. The consequences we faced and the experiences which life taught us. When we tell people at this age generally we will not have a biased view. That is the greatest advantage.
Well I believe that while the Healthcare in countries of Scandinavia- Denmark, Sweden etc is very good and due to lesser population, its fully Government funded, well maintained and affordable.
Yet in US, UK etc, its costly but still accessible.As for India, it is accessible for those with deep pockets, but still it hurts.
For Middle class- a big disease means, years of hard work and saved money gone for a six.
For rest- well it is a miserable state to be in.
Govt. hospitals and clinics are mostly pathetic, and if someone falls seriously ill, its only a Godly intervention that can save them.And many countries are even worse than India, some have almost non-existent healthcare.
What we need is more citizen-to-citizens and NGOs to NGOs collaboration across the globe.
And Governments must be made accountable for Healthcare.Else, demolish all the Govt. hospitals and hand them over to citizens cooperatives who can perhaps run them better.
And Technology can play a better role, in form of Telemedicine, Employee Health Records(EHR), rationalization of expenses in private and public hospitals.
I have a lot to say, but as of now I think the citizens must get united and have more say in how Healthcare services are there in a country.-
Entirely agree with your assessment of the pathetic situation in many countries worldwide including our own dear country. They have to act fast and deliver what is due to the people. While situation is bad it is not impossible to reverse this trend. A strong will to deliver on the part of the government is a must. Government and all concerned must rise to the occasion and take up the challenge.
At least in our country,Philippines, the government gives every poor citizen free hospitalization in public hospitals; or they are enrolled in medical insurance or Philhealth which they can use even in private hospitals. Though in some areas, there are poor medical services like lack of good hospitals that are equipped with good facilities and manned by good doctors or medical staff.
One of the problems here is that many health professionals like doctors, nurses, etc. leave the country for abroad to work there for higher wages.
Even here in our country many finish the MBBS then go abroad to pursue higher studies and never come back once they finish masters. They search for jobs abroad and set up their house there and lead a good life for all the effort made since childhood. But governments funds their education in universities which is from tax payers money.
People are more in India and doctors are very less and now the private hospitals are trying to fill in the gap. This service has to grow more here as there is a huge potential and lot of patients are there for whom help is required. Thanks for your inputs.
@Ruby ,
I love moringa or malunggay as we call it here in the Philippines, not only because of its nutritious values but also because it is delicious when cooked in coconut milk or even when you mix it in tamarind soup base dish.
Actually, malnourished children in public schools here in the Philippines are said to fed with the nutri-Ban (a big round bread) made of flour and with the powdered moringa leaves partnered with powdered milk. Other dishes with moringa were fed to the children everyday at school and even in daycare centers. After a month of continuous feeding of foods with moringa, the children were weighed and they had increase in their weights.
This wonder veggie can help alleviate malnutrition too, it being a very nutritious food.
It made me hungry when you mentioned the dish wherein you cook it with coconut milk, so really yummy! And I remembered Mama Edith with this kind of dish.
I did not know that the nutri-ban has moringa as an ingredient. An additional information for me, thanks!
I like moringa leaves, I boil it then put it in a blender and turn it into a smoothie so it is easier to eat(drink) and so as to maximize its nutritional effect. I do not add anything, just water.
How does it taste? I suppose it’s bitter tasting.
For me, I better eat it because the leaves itself helps us with our metabolism.
Does the smoothie give the same effect too?
I haven’t tried making it into smoothie.
Mostly we make it as a viand by combining it with young papaya fruit (the green one) and boil it and adding fish paste to taste.
But for some people, they have an allergic reaction with these moringa leaves.
I once had an officemate that everytime he eats these leaves, it made him sick and gives him a headache.
Maybe lesson learn here is that, test everything before taking it to your system.
I believe it’s food for the poor. I believe that God created this planet so that everybody can live off of it and survive. We just need to learn to eat what’s good for us. Isn’t it kind of ridiculous that politicians have to initiate bills to get others to grow good food for people? But this is the world we live in. At least, some constructive action is being taken for the good of the people.
I truly agree with you. God created this plant so that people can have access of this 24/7.
I know, it really is ridiculous to make a bill out of it. Maybe because the legislator sees really the importance of propagating this plant to help everyone.
does it grow for ever and dont need any care, everything needs food and oxygen, you dont have to planet or anythings
Money is a leading direction at all!
True, agree with what you say.
Money is all that you say it is. If only folks could figure out how to take it out of this world when they leave! Not to say that many have not tried to take it with them. It makes me wonder. Money is so powerful in this world. But you can’t take it into the next world? So … ??? What has the power in the next world? If it’s not money, what could it be? It’s a thought.
Also … if we can live without money in the next world, then why couldn’t we figure out how to live without money in this world too? It’s another thought.
Appreciate your thoughts. Agree that one cannot eat money not take it with him to the other world as you have correctly put. It is a facility which humans created to fulfill a required but ended up being slaves to the same in one way or the other. In this world even if we would want the system is such that we cannot live without money. It is sad but it is a fact too.
Thanks for sharing this. Your article is as my economy text book which I read and study during my Pre-U period.
I love all these story and information, it helps me refresh my reading memory on economic topics from the basic.
I love to collect coins, especially the old one if possible, the latest one doesn’t have good design as the old one, and the “old” feeling, to me. Hehe! -
Thank you for liking the article and good to hear that it made you remember your good old days as a student. As we grow we take up new things and generally tend to forget the old due to high load of information. What I feel is these sort of articles act to refresh our mind and makes it rewind in time.
Good to know you are a coin collector. Try to collect as many as you can of different countries as you do not know which one will go out of circulation and become rare at what time. At that time you may be if you are lucky sitting on a gold mine. Best wishes and regards.
Money is essential for us to be able to buy our necessities, house and cars.
It is amazing that in those days, those things are being bartered in lieu of the non-existent yet paper bills and coins.
It is more amazing also that now, even with the use of a plastic card called credit card one can purchase through store even the most expensive things.
But with these credit cards a lot of people are now buried in debt to these credit cards because they didn’t know how to handle it well.
Agree with you money management and knowledge to handle different instruments that serve as money or money’s worth forms an important part of teaching people how to handle different forms of money. True many people have been ruined by credit cards as they have got used to taking and using more and more without repaying the same. People who are not financially disciplined are better off without such instruments. It also turns into addiction like people becoming shopaholic.
These people spend everything on the addon card while the person in whose name the primary name is there will endup footing the bill which he is neither aware nor may be having the resources to pay back for what has been done. Cash also has its share of problems as having too much of cash in the house will provide chance of the money being burgled. Each one is having its advantages and disadvantages it depends on how well an individual is aware and manages these instruments. Thank for your inputs.
money is money even if changed we value what it could really bring us its not really vital what it looks like, also if the money will not bring anything then we would not care abuot it, really thanks for your post nice to remember that and the money values also, but sure humanity is more importana i do not want to sound money addict or so, with that said i have to say that it looks your work is from the heart as the title reflect it, thanks again for let us read it and sharing
Appreciate your point of view and thanks for the short review and appreciation. Money over the period of time has had an interesting journey. I have been able to cover only a few aspects of the same. What I have observed in my life is that if an individual is competent and is able to get gainfully employed and has the requisite qualifications. Money tends to chase such people. One more interesting observation which I made over a number of years is money tends to attract more money like a magnet.
I agree with you that humanity is more important as if humans were not there and civilizations progressed, the concept of money itself would not have existed. Anything in moderation is good so is money. If one knows to how to use different instruments which are used as money then that person will know how to earn, manage and save money well and prosper in life. We can see this from the lives of many successful businessmen and other celebrities too.
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