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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Household Chores that Kids Can Do 7 years, 11 months ago

    When my son was 3 years old, he showed much interests in everything around him.

    That is the time when he wanted to be independent.

    He wanted to show that he can help around with the chores even though it was […]

    • Yes, children are the source of help for parents at home and out of home but the children should be obedient otherwise the children add sorrows for parents.

      But the age increasing the children demands change they add charm in parents life but in teenage the children should be treated carefully it is age in which most of the children fall prey to bad habits that make problems for parents in future permanently.

      Children should be taught to consult in any problem so that they could be parents’friend and thus their half problems may be decreased anon. Keep in mind children are the labor of parents’ soul. Children are pleasure in childhood, support in the young age and in old age they are companions for the parents.

    • When my little brother was three years old also he showed interest in what we the older ones used to do in the house but we wouldn’t allow him cos he might get injured. But he always proved stubborn and still wanna do it. This made us beat him so as to make him stay clear.
      There are house chores that matches with children’s ages. You can’t give a chore of ten year old child to a four year old child and you can’t give a 14 year old a chore meant for a twenty year old adult. When this happens we tend to call it child abuse.
      When you give a kid those simple chores he can do, he derives joy from doing it because he will to an extent take it as a child’s play.
      Chores kid can do include :
      Cleaning the table after each meal.
      Going to the next door shop to buy something.
      Preparing everything for cooking and get them ready.
      Sewing their clothes manually not with the use of machine.
      Swipping their rooms to their test.
      Washing their undies
      Getting their clothes ready for parents to wash or be the ones to download the clothes into the washing machine.
      When I say kid I mean children from 6 to 12 years.
      Fetching drinking water from the tap with their water bottle and so on.
      They should not go on an errand to far places, they shouldn’t fetch water with heavy containers, they shouldn’t carry any heavy loads on their heads and they shouldn’t do the cooking. This is termed child abuse if they should do any of them.
      Giving children chores that matches their age will make them grow gradually and do things and also think according their age.
      When you make a child do what is meant for an adult, he begins to think he’s an adult and that really will affect his growth and development.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Broad Beans with Spring Onions 7 years, 11 months ago

    What is broad beans?
    Broad bean is also known as Fava Beans or Faba Beans.

    The pods of broad beans resembles a silkworm which is the reason why Chinese community named it “ Silkworm beans”.

    Broad beans are […]

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    Dawnwriter joined the group Group logo of Food for the thoughtFood for the thought 7 years, 11 months ago

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    Dawnwriter replied to the topic Plagiarism in forums and in articles in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    It makes me so angry when I read plagiarised posts on any website. It’s theft and nothing else. And the grand ship of Bubblews sank because the admins did nothing to check plagiarists and scammers. I am glad that now site admins are taking this issue very seriously.

    As members we too should be vigilant and report any stuff that looks dodgy.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Make Crispy Rose Cookie 7 years, 11 months ago

    I remembered vividly when my mom took me and my brother to our Indian neighbor’s house for celelbrating Deepavali, we had enjoyed munching one of the cookies which they had shared with us.


    I didn’t know […]

    • How exquisite! I love pretty food! Sharing! 🙂

    • The cookie is one of the best cookies made on Deepavali by our Hindu families I think it is their national dish yea it looks like a pick rose but I do not know its taste. Actually is Anglo Indian cookie but is famous among the Indian during Deepavali festival and among the Christians during Christmas. It is made on the pattern on the Christmas fruit cake.

      I think it will be delicious in taste.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chee Cheong Fun ( Steamed Rice Noodle Roll) Recipe 7 years, 11 months ago

    What is Chee Cheong Fun?

    Chee Cheong Fun is the Chinese name for Steamed Rice Noodle Roll, a popular light breakfast in the Chinese community.


    It was originally found in Southern China, the C […]

    • Noodles are fun food. I don’t usually eat breakfast. (Usually not hungry when I wake up.) But if these were served, I’d make an exception.

      Since this is a breakfast item, do they have restaurants where they serve “Breakfast All Day” in China like we do in America?

    • Wow! I’ll try this one on my breakfast just to spice things a bit!

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Benefits of Getting Your Children Involve with Household Chores 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is not easy to get your children to learn how to involve themselves into household chores obligingly.


    Kids and teens are lazier compare to our days.

    When I was younger, I had to learn to sweep the […]

    • When I was a kid, like about 7 to 8 years, I was always involve in most of the house chores I can’t even do today am grown.
      When I was of that age, my mother would come back from the market, I would leave everything I was doing, carry her bags, look for what to cook and start preparing them. When she came to the kitchen, she would be happy that her work has been done a bit. She will just do the cooking.
      Then I never mind if my siblings were doing anything. I took pleasure doing it alone just to gain my parents praises.
      On Saturday morning then, I will sweep the house, scrub the floor, scrub the kitchen floor, fetch water and do other things without complaining. I learnt a whole lot when I was a kid. Although I don’t do them any longer now because my siblings are all grown now,I still know how to do them with ease.
      But some of my friends then didn’t bother to help their parents, they just relax and their parents did everything for them and give them food as well.
      In most cases, most parents take their children so special and employ made to work for their children. They do not want anything to their children but indirectly they are harming their children to the core. When their children grow to adult, they will be very lazy and still expect maids to come work for them.
      The very importance of household chores to children is to enable them know how to do things and also how to be independent when on their own.
      If a child is being served by a maid always, he would be very dirty especially if he stays 1 to 2 weeks away from homes. Why?
      Because he wouldn’t know how to work his clothes, take his bath, brush his teeth and other things.
      The children when grown will suffer humiliation from the laughter of their mates especially when they are unable to do what their mates are doing.
      This tags them the weekend vessels by their friends.

    • Yes, children at make mischief and that is why the children must keep must with work at home so that they could use their energies positively and it whelps the children in coming years.

      I used many of these easy activities as a way to keep the older kids busy when I was pregnant with Louis. I had been thinking about how in the world am I going to preoccupy the kids when the baby needs to be fed, or changed, or just needs all the attention that a baby needs!

      Which is why I was on a mission to find lots of activities for keeping kids busy with minimal effort on my part. I had tried all sorts of activities but fail.

      Use these tricks to keep busy your children as
      Measuring Cups. Simply a set of measuring cups can come in handy! Throw them in a bowl with some big spoons and they can mix something up for you!

      Pots & Pans. Along the same lines as the measuring cups, pots and pans are great too! Let them mix and match the lids or stir something up for dinner.

      Plastic Cups. Leftover plastic cups from a birthday party (or two or three)? Just hand a stack to your toddler. They’ll find something to do with them.

      Pipe Cleaners. Add a colander or a strainer of some sort with big enough holes to fit pipe cleaners through and let your child poke the pipe cleaners through the holes. You could also use a spice container with large enough holes to fit the pipe cleaners through!

      Tupperware. Let your toddler raid your Tupperware drawer. Stacking up the bowls will be fun enough, but they can even match up lids to their counterparts. And then take them apart and start over again

    • Research shows that children learn in many ways about family relationships and how their family functions. Being involved in household chores is one way they can learn.

      When children contribute to family life, it also helps them feel competent and responsible. Sharing housework can minimize stress in a family. Getting kids involved in chores helps the family work better.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Benefits of Chewing Gum For Health 7 years, 11 months ago

    Chewing gum is not just a candy of breathe fresherner.

    In fact, chewing gum benefits your health which can help you to overcome your problems with minimal amount of expenses.

    5 Benefits of Chewing […]

    • I was also told that chewing gum builds up confidence. If you’re nervous, you chew gum.

    • My friend you have given most important pieces of information about chewing gum that can help the readers. Really awful.

    • Wow,thats just awsome good information .I like chewing gum from my child hold but i didnt know the benefits of that.i like it specially i am in the ground playing cricket it release my tension because.I always keep 3,4 in my pocket.

    • Thanks for sharing this, it made me decided to get the chewing gum, but the one on rack is too sweet, I afraid they contains too many sugar.
      I just realized that chewing gum can have so many benefits other than as a breathe fresherner.
      Other benefits are very make sense too, like it can help to clean our teeth to reduce teeth decay, and make us awake. I personally need sweet or chewing gum during a long and boring meeting for avoid from falling into sleep.
      But, I am a bit skeptical on it can help on weigh loss. As mentioned earlier, the chewing gum here are quite sweet, thus take a lot might cause high in sugar level.
      So, I would suggest to take fresh fruits as snack for instead if really really feel like wanna to take something.

    • The points on the benefits of chewing gum are quite interesting. I am really trying to stop smoking . But I am unable to. I actually want to go for e-cigarettes. But people advised me not to go for them as they are merely waste. So I am searching for a better method to dispense with the smoking.

      There are some valid points for argument in favor of chewing gum. But how it helps in weightloss is not clear. Of course the weightloss has nothing to do with my case. So I want to give a try .

    • I love chewing gum every so often will you find me chewing gum. I find it a lot of fun but the only problem is that sometimes I get bloated when I chew find but to avoid that I won’t chew a fun for too long I will give myself a break at some point to give my teeth a rest. The above benefits are true the only thing that am not aware of is that it makes someone become hungry. Maybe it’s because I don’t chew long enough to feel hungry.

    • Chewing gum is enjoyable especially to people that know how to chew it but if you are chewing, be mindful of the disadvantages.
      I am a chewing gum freak.i can chew gum for up to 10 to 15 hours a day. What prolongs my chewing gum hours is my skills. What I enjoy most is the sound I make with it and the bubble I form with it . but everything is now in the past cos I have lost my two molar teeth that enhances my enjoyment.
      After a day of long hours of chewing gum comes a night of headache. I only have to sleep in order to gain my consciousness. Sometimes the headache last for a very long time. But this doesn’t stop me from chewing more gum. As soon as the headache vanishes, I go back chewing gum and I even chew gum with the headache intact. I manage cos of the addiction.
      But now my two molar teeth has been removed, I just hope am gonna afford to chew gum. For the past 3 months, I have never chew gum, something that has never happened in half a decade.
      But wellshall my dear I love your post very much cos at least people will know that chewing gum is not just all about keeping your mouth busy. It will make the bad breathed guys to know that good scent chewing gum could change their breadth for the main Time.
      Chewing gum is good but don’t chew like I did cos If you do I pity your teeth. Lolllllllll.
      Nice post

    • chewing gum relieves anxiety and relaxes you when your nervous–which I agree..some also good for your teeth or course and cant hurt to keep good breath.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Cook Dry Chicken Curry 7 years, 11 months ago

    Honestly, I do not often cook Indian food because I am not familiar with the Indian recipes.

    Indian recipes are usually related to hot spices and curries which are traditional flavors for poultry, fish, lamb […]

    • Yes you have given really a very nice recipe for dry chicken to make at home and its ingredients are available everywhere in all cities and its method of cooking is easy. Thanks for giving a nice recipe.

    • Wow! This picture really tempting, with the white sesame on the top make it even smelling.
      I can take two bowl of white rice with this curry chicken if this dish is served at home.
      I like to buy the wet curry paste from the wet market at the Indian stalls as the India hawkers sell a lot of spicy ingredient here. They able to mix the spicy ingredient well, either for curry mutton, curry chicken, etc. Thus, we have to tell clearly when purchase.

    • The article is giving a good recipe for dry chicken curry. A good article.
      But this is unfortunate that the dry curry paste and wet curry paste are now available in the malls also. Earlier people were preparing the dry curry paste and wet curry paste at home with proper taste suitable for all members of the family. They were avoiding such ready made stuff.

      Until 5 years these were not available in the malls. But now everything has entered into the market.

      They are not good at all. The dry curry paste is not at all good in taste. The dry curry paste is giving a sometimes bad smell. We have to be very careful in selecting the wet curry paste also.

      There are certain shops in India were the dry curry paste and wet curry paste is prepared on the spot mixing the necessary ingredients as per our requirement with the readily available stuff. These shops are located adjacent to most of the chicken shops. One can purchase a good chicken and get the curry paste whether wet or dry prepared there and then itself.

    • I will try it and come back to you!

    • This is very useful information you have provieded. We love to eat spicy food,Indian and Pakistanis are love eating spicy food and fry food with a little bit spicy or some people like more spicy.

    • Here’s the story with me and curry. When I attended the University of Miami, there was a Chinese Jamaican who lived in the apartment above mine. Almost every day you could smell good food that he was cooking up. One day I just had to ask. “What’s for dinner?” He said: “Curry chicken.” Never got a chance to taste it. We didn’t know each other that well so he didn’t invite me in. It’s OK. I could tell by the smell it had to be delicious!

      Fast forward, married with kids, and looking a way to make curry chicken and found this pre-packed chicken curry paste. Took at home and tried it. It was amazing!

      These days my hubby wants the curry spice, not in paste form, but as a powder, in practically all of his dishes. It’s cool.

      Curry was not a spice my late mother had in her kitchen cabinet. Glad to have been introduced to this spice later on in my life though. 🙂 I love spicy food.

    • Dry chicken curry is delicious in eating I have eaten one day at my friend’s home I enjoyed the curry really I cooked at my home the next day but could not make. The thick curry has ingredients like curry powder, tomato, ghee and onion with chicken. Lemon juice and coconut is sprinkled to make it dry.


      60 gms ghee
      2 Onion (Pyaj)s, thinly sliced
      2 clove (laung)s garlic (lasan), thinly sliced
      2 tblsp curry powder
      1 tblsp tomato (tamatar) paste
      1 1/2 kg chicken pieces

      How to make dry chicken curry:

      Meld ghee in a frying pan, sauté onions and garlic until onions is tender.
      Add curry powder and tomato paste, sauté 3 minutes.
      Add chicken pieces, mix well, cover, simmer for about 45 minutes or until chicken is tender.
      Add lemon juice and coconut, which will absorb any excess gravy.
      Note: The pan must be continually watched, as the contents may stick. If this happens, add just sufficient water to prevent it

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tips – What To Do When Your Toddler Doesn’t Listen To “NO” 7 years, 11 months ago

    Toddlers are as curious as cats.
    Both of them have the similar behavior, so curious and so eager to find out what will happen if he does this or that.


    From the age that your toddler started to crawl to […]

    • You have totally nailed this one. Reminds me of a programme that I used to watch when I was younger called the Nanny. It was a very educators programme that taught a lot about young kids and their parents at times they would also bring in teenagers who he e issues without parents, and this taught quite a few tricks and tips on how to handle a child in your care. I must say all the things that you have mentioned ar3 the things that the Nanny teaches about. When you are saying no to a child it’s always necessary to get to the child’s level and explain to him or her in a form yet living way and time that what they did was not right and also teach them to say sorry. That’s so nice. And yes sometimes it’s good to let a child just cry all they want but never compromise with your child otherwise they will learn to take advantage of you. Always show them that you are th3 one in control and that they should know they ar3 not the ones who should be telling you what to do. Thanks for sharing very informative.

    • try to say to them Yes instead

    • try to not punish them

    • try to find another way to tell them yes instead of no and stay calm

    • Well,I agree with you.You have written a very good article.I experienced this in my house hhhhh. Its a very hard to control a growing child specially in early age.Where he doesn’t listen to you whatever you will tell him but i have seen many kids they don’t do things which can disturb you and they listen to you what ever you ask them.I think parents plays an important role in that .I you guide your child good he will listen to you whatever you wil tell him,But if you didn’t guide him that this is good or bad,Then he will not listen to you even when he become adult.

    • If your child insist on doing something that you think he’s not supposed to do. If he insists on eating and touching what he’s not meant to touch or eat, there are tactics that should be used on them to concur with your own decision. Yes, like in the article, children are always curious to know what going to happen if he does this or that, they are just like scientists.
      When I visited my anty who had a son of 3 to 4 years, my anty was always finding a whole lot of problem in convincing her son to concur to her no. My anty will want to watch a movie, but the boy wouldn’t want her to watch the movie, he will be disturbing her to put the film he wants. The most funny part is he’s always with the film he wanted the mother to put for him. My anty knowing that she can’t do what he wishes will find another interesting toy to distract him from seeing the movie. Sometimes they guy concur to the distraction while sometimes he will keep insisting. But if he insists to the extent of crying, my anty wouldn’t heed to him but will result in making him cry and sending him into the room. When we came out to eat most times, he carried his provisions and brought it to the mother signifying to her that he wants to take the provision for breakfast.my anty always found a way to make him eat the food she cooked. She will distract him and hide the provision. When the baby turns to stake the provisions, he wouldn’t see it, he would keep quiet. My anty for one day had never concurred to her son’s No.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Ways How You Can Stop Your Toddler From Saying NO 7 years, 11 months ago

    I still remember those trial times when my son who was still a toddler, always said “NO” all the time to me, regardless of what I told him to do.


    My toddler love to give a “No” for an answer, without […]

    • Your experience is true but all the children say NO at home at every talk they do not learn what other activities parents do at home in leisure time. There are a few children who do when be negative trends on child birth more active my one of the nephews does so the same exactly at home. Your tips are useful for the children childhood upbringing. I appreciate your tips.

    • I still recalled those sweet memory with my kids when they were toddlers. They were very cute when they were the cutie pie but annoying when they keep saying “NO!”
      My kids never practise this style during their toddlers period maybe I never ask Yes or No question. I assumed they didn’t understand what’s the meaning of “No” and just didn’t bother them. Were I a bad mum in this case? I have no idea too. Haha!

    • Kids can be so cunning and annoying at the same time, but you cannot afford to be mad at your toddler because it’s going to be your loss. Your kid may have annoyed and will still go I to do what they like to do and even forget that they annoyed you at some point. So like your saying that when you tell a child no always be stern and follow that no with action that way they will know that what they did it what they want to do is wrong. That way they will not rpeat the same mistake knowing that they will be purnished for any mistake that they make. A lot of the times kids will always want to do or say something just to see how the parent will react. And if you react harshly then they would think you don’t love them but a form answer will make things so much better.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Sagittarian Chicken Hot Pot 7 years, 11 months ago

    Some Sagittarian consumers are not easily satisfied with simple meaty recipes.
    Most Sagittarians love hot pot filled to the brim with chunks of chicken flesh with

    loads of chunky vegetable tubers or mushrooms. […]

    • Looks very tempting and yummy when dinner time is approaching now. It seems very easy to prepared with the soy bean paste. I might give a try in the future when I lazy to cook few dishes for dinner or lunch, just one pot is good enough to be served,and I can come back here very quickly! Hehe!

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Handmade Fish Ball Soup Recipe 7 years, 11 months ago

    Chinese soup is quite different from Western and Traditional Muslim Soups.

    Most of Chinese soups are clear base soup wit less ingredients, focus of the soup

    natural flavor that helps to replenish lost of […]

    • It’s the clear base in the Chinese soups that I really like. In fact, I always tell people the best way to judge if a Chinese restaurant is good is by their won ton soup. Bad won ton soup. Bad restaurant. If they can’t get that cleat broth tasty, the rest of the meal probably won’t be that good either. Eh! That’s just what I say! 🙂 I love almost any kind of soup.

    • This soup is unusual in our place. I think the recipe is easy to follow.
      I have to try this one because it seems like a very good soup for the family.
      I knew they will love it.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sweet Dessert: Easy Mango Pudding 7 years, 11 months ago

    Do you know that Sagittarius loves mangoes?

    Do not be surprised to find a mango tree in the garden!

    My neighbor had a mango tree for years,
    bearing lots of ripe mangoes.
    He was a kind middle age man, that […]

    • Another wonderful dessert recipe with the taste of tropical paradise in it. 🙂

    • hmm, it look yummy. I would try it for my kids

    • That sounds so delicious with that mango pudding. When season of mango come, so many mango being rotten and people don’t even dare to look ways to have it preserved or cook for things that can be used for future use.

    • This post is very interesting. The pudding you have written about has to be tried comfortably with patience at convenient time. Of course, I am having patience in rich quantity. It is only the time I need.
      The pudding you have mentioned is somewhat similar to ‘MANGO TANDRA’. The difference is that it looks like small thick layers instead of juice or jelly.
      I like mangoes very much. I remembered the days when I ate number of mangoes and suffered from severe stomach pain. The only medicine the Doctor suggested me was to take them out by vomiting. He gave injection and brought the whole stuff out.
      In India this is called KING OF FRUITS. Here many people prefer it along with sweet curd. After the meals people mix the juice of Mango in their curd rice and eat it. They enjoy it. This is the only way of eating I avoid.

    • Wow sounds so so nice.

    • You are right. I am a Sagittarius and love mangoes since my childhood and even I am an old man but I still eat mango pudding made by my friend’s mom for me.

      Mango pudding is a popular dim sum dessert. Stephen Wong writes: “This simple dessert captures the glorious flavor of mango like no other. Its texture is silky rich, and its flavor, simply wonderful. Fresh cream is called for in the original recipe, but evaporated milk gives it the same richness without the fat.”
      Need a little help? Here are photo instructions showing how to make this recipe for Mango Pudding

      I have read ten benefits of mango pudding
      1. Prevents Cancer:
      2. Lowers Cholesterol:
      3. Clears the Skin:
      4. Improves Eye Health:
      5. Alkalizes the Whole Body:
      6. May Help with Diabetes:
      7. Promotes Healthy Sex:
      8. Improves Digestion:
      9. Helps Fight Heat Stroke:
      10. Boosts the Immune System:

      Keeping in mind these benefits it is most useful for human health. We must all eat the mango pudding making at home.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Reasons For Rivalry Between Parents and Teenagers 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is a common scene when there
    is /are teenagers in the household.

    Parents amd teenagers couldn’t
    agree with the same point, they
    couldn’t sit on the same bar due to
    different point of view […]

    • The writer’s point of view about parents v children rivalry is feelings, and emotions of the child is not a correct concept of the writer because it is the fault of age in childhood and youth but in adulthood the main cause of rivalry is lack of true education and nothing else. The feelings and emotions are the same awarded by God on birth to every child. Actually birth planets settle human trends since childhood and the child follows his trend active on birth while parents force the child do what they want from her starts parents v children rivalry at home.

      When with the passage of time 90 per cent children mend selves by improving education leads the children to the right path. I am International Net Astrologer,have advised parents let the children follow their birth trends they will get success on growing up.

      That is why is said that follow the rend for success and the planets shape human trends in society and those who follow birth trends may not be a problem for parents, history is replete with such examples.

      JH Sayyat

    • It is good for parents and children to respect each other. When there is a lack of respect on either side, that is when complications arise. People can disagree with each other, but need to do so in a respectable way if they want to live together in some type of harmony.

      A person who owns/rents their home, whether they are a parent or not, is essentially “the boss” of anyone who they allow to stay under their roof, in their home. That being said, most of the time, the boss RULES. But… good bosses have respect, and are lenient and understanding when situations call for those types of responses.

      Sometimes parents are disrespectful to their children because the parent might feel like since they are the older adult, they are always right. On the other hand, some children are very disrespectful to their parents. The key (although sometimes easier said than done) is for both parties to respect the differences in one another.

      If one side is being respectful, let’s say the child is very respectful, but the parent for whatever reason is NOT, then it would be wise for the ‘child’ to leave the parental home as soon as possible.

      If things are the other way around, where the child is disrespectful for no reason to a very understanding and respectful parent, then it is up to the parent to make some decisions as to that child’s continued living arrangements in the parental home.

      Once living apart from each other, if the two still can’t get along, then limited contact is the best for everybody.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Snow Peas with Black Fungus 7 years, 11 months ago

    There was a big discount on the Snow peas at Tesco
    I bet that the snow peas season are out now.
    There were a group of aunties grabbing a few
    packets of snow peas and I finally understood […]

    • This looks interesting, although I admit I’m kind of leery about the “black fungus” portion of the recipe, lol. I like the look of the snow peas. I buy these types of peas often and eat them as a snack when they are cold and fresh, but they look like they will taste good stir-fried. I’d add chicken to this recipe, like you suggested for meat lovers.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Okras with Prawn Sambal Paste 7 years, 11 months ago

    Although some people are put off by this
    vegetable called Okra ( which is often known 
    as ladies fingers or bendi”, okra is indeed a
    healthy vegetable that one should not
    missed at all.

    What is Okra […]

    • I’ve never liked the taste of cooked okra. My mother used to fix it a lot when I was a kid, and I hated it.

      The only kind of okra that I will eat is if it is fried and tastes crunchy. It can be rolled in a cornmeal mixture, then fried in olive oil, or maybe even coconut oil. I’ll even eat okra that has been roasted in the oven, but it can’t be slimy at all, or else I won’t eat it.

      I’ve never heard of it being prepared in the way you described, but if I liked okra I would try it your way 🙂

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 7 Tips To Protect Your Child From Cyber Bully 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is difficult you prevent your child from the

    effect of cyber bullying if you do not know
    what it is all about in the first place.
    When your child is the victim of cyber bully, it
    would be be […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Signs of Having Stroke 7 years, 11 months ago

    When my mom had a sudden stroke, she didn’t the symptoms of stroke
    before hand.
    Furthermore, my parents and my brother didn’t have any knowledge of
    stroke details because none of my parents siblings had any […]

    • Thank peach, my co- teacher had a mild stroke last week. She just fell down on the floor while writing some lessons on board. She was brought to hospital and was told she has a mild stroke.Thus time her palm cannot be open well and her lip was deformed.It will be better for us to know the symptoms like these you presented here, so helpful. My co teacher has just turned 44 last month.She loves to eat pork chop anything about pork.

    • yes. The symptoms of stroke should be known to everyone. This is a very useful post.
      I had bitter experience with my mother when she got a stroke. She developed pain suddenly. She was admitted to a hospital. She was recovering. The Doctor once again checked her and advised some diet and got down the stairs. Suddenly my mother started getting vomiting. There was no one. I immediately rushed to the Doctor and informed about it. He took some time. In the meanwhile when there was nothing to collect the Vomit I kept my both hands and collected it. Mother was looking at me. I do not know the meaning of her feeling. I did it as a son. I never hesitated for anything. She was my mother.

      When I took her to another hospital the Doctor advised me not to allow her to drink coffee.

      One should be more careful with a stroke.

      The symptoms are
      A Sudden headache, Chest pain, exasperation, numbness to any part of the body, giddiness, faltering walk,sweating.

      One should know about Defibrillator. One should know how to use it. It saved many people from heart stroke.

    • My dad also suffered a stroke in 2012 he had bleeding on brain I have helped him with physio speech ot I had too as I couldn’t get him for excercise you learn a lot from google stroke patients are very difficult people to look after specially if they are stubborn I have looked after him 5 years he can talk quite a lot but he has expressive aphasia so sometimes words dont come out propely but can’t open his hand or walk yet any ideas of excercises that I can give him

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sweet Cakes: Tapioca Cakes with Shredded Coconut 7 years, 11 months ago

    Every once in a while, well almost every month, my
    kids and I have the sudden craving for Malaysian
    sweet cakes which is also known as “kuih”.

    If we happened to drive past a few roadside snack
    stalls, my […]

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