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Juan David

@juandortiza active 7 years, 7 months ago
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January 27, 2017 at 3:12 am

United States has an economical an political conflict previous to the consolidation between north a south. The country is by nature an inmigrant colony of Europe and with robotics they are able to sustitute Latin American ilegal workforce.

Since the World War II the identity of the north occidental culture is define as the constant figth with Asia. The last 60 years has been the major global economy. Their main goal was inspired and built a capital confortable world for each individual. But now, the ancient china has reached a no back point to be the first one.

Americans are confused of their future and the populism is the only short term solution to have an impact that matters with real changes. Be aware to learn this leason and work hard to built your future.


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