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    kaylar wrote a new post, Naming Your Children; Think About the Child 7 years, 7 months ago

    There’s been a trend to give children rather ‘irregular’ names.   I am lumping a lot of different types under the word ‘irregular’ and will explain.


    There are many people in the Western Hemisphere who […]

    • I was given a name I don’t like. It’s just a simple name but I don’t like it. My mother said she liked the way it sounded so she named me that. But not to me.

      We named our child with a Joy on her other name. She only likes the other name but not the Joy. She seldom use Joy with her name. But of course, with formal documents she uses it with Joy.

      We added Joy in her name because I was surprised when I gave birth on Christmas day as Catholics practiced for December 25. I was happy that her birthday is the same as Jesus’ so we added Joy.

      Unfortunately, she finds Joy corny. ha ha ha

      • Well your name is nice. I know you are a woman by your name, and Joy is a wonderful name. She’ll like it when she gets older.

        Her only problem is that where everyone gets Xmas gifts And some other time of year.. Birthday… she only gets one.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago


    I’m going to begin this with an imaginary site I’ll call “Riteon.”

    You heard about this site on another writing site;

    “Hey Guys!  I just joined this Great Site and they pay for views, for likes, for comments! ”

    Now that should send up a Red Flag.

    How does this user know the Site Pays?  The site can say that it pays, b…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Ranks on Literacy Base in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Everyone is  a Newbie…

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    kaylar wrote a new post, When You Find a Fool, Ride Him Bareback 7 years, 7 months ago

    In a previous item I described the sad events that befell Christine.   I had described them to my friend Priya.

    Priya, like Christine was not a ‘bornya yardie’  (a born Jamaican)  nor had lived here among av […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, My No ‘No Free Use’ Paradigm 7 years, 7 months ago

    Some time ago I wrote an article about being used.

    The problem I experience when being used is not that someone uses me, it is the resentment I am to feel after the event.  I don’t want to feel that way.  I d […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Using Kindness Against the Giver 7 years, 7 months ago

    In a previous item I referred to Christine and Hazel.   Christine was a Charge d’Affairs of a particular embassy and Hazel was a helper, (maid) recommended by the Embassy.

    Now let me give you some […]

    • It’s sad that Christine’s charity and being merciful was returned with greediness and dishonesty.

      Having discovered that Hazel has stolen many things from her, I think she will learn her lesson.

      But in my opinion, even if Cristine will give Hazel the standard pay, she will still steal from her. Her dishonesty is already innate in her.

      If I were Cristine, I would have reported her to the police and be jailed for stealing from her despite her generosity to her.

      • I told her to. I said, think of the next person, think of who ever hires Hazel next. But she didn’t.

    • My good Lord how unappreciative can people be. One thing I can say is that they were both idiots here is why.
      First when you for warned Christine about the pay of helpers she thought you must be crazy to pay someone so little money and went on ahead and paid hazel what was due of her. This is pure arrogance or is it ignorance, you don’t want to listen to people you just want to do what you feel is right, well you may be very wrong.
      As for hazel she was just uoutrightly stupid she didn’t think with her heart but with her mind. How can someone pay you double of what your supposed to earn and you still steal from her, if that is not stupidity then I don’t know what is. Hazel is indeed a bigger idiot because if she knew what she was doing to herself she would never have stolen from Christine. Am sure that when she was thrown out all she had were the little things that she stole and sold, once she got the money did she invest it? I guess not probably because she knew or thought that she will keep doing those things for a long time. That money and stuff that she supposedly sold am sure didn’t do her any good and she could be in poverty right now. Why can’t people just do 1hat they are supposed to do and stop looking for easier and faster ways to gain wealth. For Christine her life did not stop neither did she loose her job, but one thing is for sure she has definitely learnt her lesson and now knows that listening can save you from making mistakes that will cost you. As for hazel she lost a good boss, a job and a good life all for more money I hope the sacking taught her a lesson.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Banning of Coca-Cola and Pepsi 7 years, 7 months ago

    In the Indian State of Tamil Nadu the sale of Coca-Cola and Pepsi  have been banned.  This is to support local products.

    The trading associations behind the ban say that the manufacture of these drinks take to […]

    • I do agree. Coca-cola and Pepsi are to some people (won’t deny it, also me) a very good drink but it is full of chemichals that are harful to us, especially for children. Is has high levels of caffeine and sugar, without all the other chemichals that are more harmful.

      For it to be able to clean toilets and engines well, then it has a chemichal that shouldn’t be in a drink and that is what get our stomach all messed up.

      If these drinks got banned from the world people would be mad but they should make it as a cleaning product since it does so well.

      Another thing is children shouldn’t drink this either, like you said fruit juice is the best especially when they are still in a growing fase.

      Not to be a bad mouth but those that let they young ones drink this drink are kind of bad parents (so to say, not saying that they are but is the only expression i found). They are feeding poison to their own children and then they wonder how their children get sick so often. It is because they don’t have the necessary vitamins they could be getting if they had been drinking some fruit juice.

      • I totally agree with you. You might as well give your children cigarettes if you are giving them cola. It is bad for you.

      • If choosing between a fruit juice and coke/pepsi, I will prefer juice. However, real fruits are better than juice. That said, I think one place where I can’t do without coke/pepsi is when I am having a Pizza or a burger- even those two eatables I now eat much much less as the fine flour and other things which are hard to digest in them is not good for health.

    • I like your sense of humor. Even though it’s funny what you said, your suggestion actually make business sense. It does to me anyway. But I’m not a Coke or Pepsi executive.

      First of all, those soft drink companies won’t be crushed from the lack of sales of their products. Sure! They provide jobs. But they would still provide jobs if the product was sold as a toilet cleaner. I mean … unless folks in Tamil Nadu don’t buy toilet cleaner products. (O.o)

      Why don’t the soft drink companies support the local businesses instead of compete with them? They can get creative and come up with ways to develop and improve business relations. They could try being “socially responsible” and who knows? It could turn out to be quite profitable. For a business to survive, owners and management need to adapt. Coca Cola didn’t start out as a soft drink. It was once used for medicinal purposes. So? They switched once. Why not switch again? Either that or … accept being banned. I’m not a business expert. But I do know banning is not good for business! 🙂

      • I have always used it as toilet bowl cleaner. It is far safer than other products. If you spill any on your skin… so? If it splashes… so? It works and it works out pretty cheap.

        • The sad truth is “Coke” is my “crack”. I admit it. It’s a horrible addiction. But I have it under control although every once in a while I give in to temptation. I don’t know what it is. I like that burn going down my throat. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. It was a bad habit developed during my childhood and 60 years later I’m still trying to shake it off! LOL. 🙂

          • I had a friend who was physcially addicted to Coke. She needed it to such an extent… I don’t know, maybe there’s still some cocaine in it.

            • The formula is a secret and protected as proprietary information. But you might be right. 🙂

            • Same here, I was addicted to coke for years. To think there was a time I couldn’t tell the difference between coke and pepsi. All I took was fanta, but the day I started with coke and saw how refreshing it was, I never looked back. In the morning, I would use coke to gargle my mouth to start the day. Every weekend I will buy coke for myself only, I’m happy it was just me, my kids and husband never drank coke. I finally stopped taking coke two years ago, and I had no withdrawal syndrome.

    • I have heard of that contention about Coca Cola and Pepsi being good at cleaning toilet bowls. But I didn’t actually believe it much, until you posted this.

      Can it really make a white toilet bowl so white? Or it can just clean mildly?

      Then why when I drink Coca Cola, I don’t feel any acidity in my stomach if it has the effect of a toilet bowl cleaner?

      And maybe if it has the effect of a toilet bowl cleaner indeed, then perhaps the FDA will not approve it anymore to be sold as soft drink that can be drank by the people.

      My thoughts. . . 🙂

      • Flush the toilet and shut off the valve so no new water comes in. Pour the coke into the toilet. Let it sit. Thirty minutes or more. Then come back, use your brush. Should be sparkling clean.

      • It not only works as a toilet cleaner but it also gets corrosion off a car battery.

    • On a lighter side, perhaps sometimes they can be had to ward off harmful worms from our stomachs- its another matter that some good worms too will be eliminated.

      • I don’t know what value it has on the body… my mother used to say if I drink it all my guts will turn the same colour. I just don’t consume stuff with no value.

    • Yes all soda products are
      Bad for human to drink
      Great for cleaning engine..car batteries

    • I stop drinking coke in 1997, I sensed it as a bad drink.

    • I agree soft drinks ar so bad and real suice are great thing to drink, pepsi is poison, but maybe we should allow it once a week but not ban it fullly to allow the addict on these drinks to drink it

    • Even though I am a fan of sodas, I strongly agree that it is not good for our health. I read from an article that a glass of soda is equal to a week of jogging. For me, it is totally fine to ban the sodas because it is for our good. There are lots of fruits that we can a juice and very much healthy.

    • Yeah,it’s really bad for our health.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Trick To Over Paying Your Employees 7 years, 7 months ago

    What any employer/owner wants are happy, committed employees.  People who ‘love’ the job, (as much as anyone can love a job) and will do what they can to help the business.

    You get this when an employee feels […]

    • That is how it should be. You get payed for the work you do. If you work well then there should be some kind of compensation to reward the employees and give them more reason to continue working well like they do. In this case she worked well and showed she deserved the pay.

      • And it was done right. Joan started at basic wage, and slowly worked up. She got raises because she deserved them. REalising she would get raises, she had something to work for.

    • Indeed, we should see to it that our employees are paid enough. And when se e them industrious and dedicated in doing their job, we can increase their salary.

      This we can call as incentive. At least the employee, will be motivated to improve their crafts because they know that they will always be rewarded for doing a good job.

      And in doing this, the loyalty of our employees are being established well. They are nicely paid and they have a good employer.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Parents Who Ran Away From Home 7 years, 7 months ago

    They were sitting in a restaurant in Los Angeles.   The father’s phone rang and he held it from his face and said, “Hello?  Can’t hear you… on cruise…” and locked off.    He lowered his eyes as other peo […]

    • That is what will happen to a lazy person. Had he tried to study well and that would let him find a nice job, he wouldn’t be depending much on his father.

      His father has also his lapse in his son’s growing up irresponsible. He just let him squander his money and didn’t insist that he should find a job nor finish a course so he can have a good job.

      Sometimes, it’s the parents’ fault why their child go wayward.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    Some years ago, a guy created 3 sites, one for ‘expert’ one for standard writing, and postanyarticle, which accepted short articles.

    The chap; using the nick ‘Crazy Texan’ created the sites because he was angry at Expertscolumn.

    The site had a mod who wasn’t particularly active.

    Articles sat for days.

    Postanyarticle was the most popular of the…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    The Famous Adage; if you don’t learn from History you are doomed to repeat it.

    With online writing, the same scam goes over and over again.  It is so obvious that it is trite.

    A site pops up and on every single other writing site someone logs on;  “Hey!  Did you hear about (name of site) they PAY for… (list of things).”

    All the writers on th…[Read more]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Real Users Do Not ‘Shill’ 7 years, 7 months ago

    To set the scene;

    The other day I was communicating with a User of this site.  I happened that we both had joined Triond in 2008. We both had written, and were always paid.  From the first day to the last day, w […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Web Sites You Should Know About — Scamadviser 7 years, 7 months ago

    Although there is no 100% tool available today which can tell you everything you need to know about a website, Scamadviser comes a bit closer than the others in its phylum.

    You enter the name of a site in the box […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Someone is hacking my Grooup Created Site : THINKERS GROUP in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    Cely, I really feel upset about this…lll

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Trying To Shine a Little Light into Darkness; Why Bother? 7 years, 7 months ago

    There is a story about a famous man whose corruption was learned by a little nobody.   The Famous Man told the Little Nobody that he shouldn’t say anything.   The Little Nobody asked if the Famous Man would hurt h […]

    • The hard part is when you try to warn someone about a scam and they act as if you are boxing bread out of their mouths.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    The point that I have ‘anger’ against Bubblews, is trying to make what was a legal issue personal.  Bubblews was a Scam.  In fact if you read an interview that Dixit gave, he does everything but admit it in simple language.

    Hubpages used pay $50 or more.  Now, 5c.  That is not my criterion for a successful site.  It had 12 million hits, now, 600k…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    When Sites Are Too Picky

    There are a number of writing sites which reject your work for the most trivial/stupid/dishonest reasons.   Why they do it to the Newbie is an exercise in Throat cutting.   It is ‘supposed’ to make the writer feel s/he is at some ‘elevated’ or ‘important’ site but wise users turn and run.

    For Example…

    Expertcolumn p…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    To go into depth about Factoidz;  It was not an accident.  The owner, Mike Quac, knew what he was doing.  He did rip off the public.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    The Reason Bubblews got to trick so many thousands of people is based on the text book Ponzi.

    If you study Business Administration in America you will have Ponzi Schemes covered in a Semester.  There is a virtual ‘Science’ to ripping off the public.  There are actual equations as to how to do it.

    Dixit did not ‘accidentally’ wind up ripping o…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    Don’t blame the user because the site is dishonest.  This kind of… “Oh!  It is the Users Fault That the Site didn’t Pay!”  is the same; “You Broke The Rules!”  lie pushed by the Pimps and Shills of Bubblews before they were ripped off.

    Let us begin on a platform of truth;  Have you ever looked at or purchased anything from any Ad on any site…[Read more]

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