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    SuperD and Profile picture of Jayson LampitocJayson Lampitoc are now friends 8 years, 2 months ago

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    jarik and Profile picture of Jayson LampitocJayson Lampitoc are now friends 8 years, 2 months ago

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    Jayson Lampitoc wrote a new post, Green Energy for Danger Free Environment 8 years, 2 months ago

    The quest for unlimited free energy has begun and in the future will be considered as a priority among developing countries all over the world.

    Technology experts has begun exploiting all possible sources of […]

    • the question now if there will be a so called unlimited free energy. There might be just like the sci-fictions we watch on movies just like Superman. Maybe we can get it from outer space or maybe there is a kind of element that is not yet discovered that can give beneath the earth.

      But while waiting for that unlimited energy, the government are serious in making our planet go green. And this program is really good to follow so that we won’t destroy our world… well, not until we found that source of free energy.

    • Yes. Go Green Energy is a good concept. It does not involve any machines that pollutes the environment. This is the cream of the concept. Among the Theory of Perpetual motion, Gravitation and Solar concept people are familiar with the Solar energy more. But surprising the machines based on the first two are more without their knowledge. It is because a name has been introduced and the machines which are now existing working with these principles may be included in the respective lists.

    • This time, since we lack the capital and energy to materialize the best plans for mother earth, we better our own resources that is tree planting. We notice that there are many areas in our country that so void, nothing’s planted.This is for me, the best remedy to stop pollution and and to stop breathing toxic air due to human errors.In other countries like New Zealand, the time I first stepped on this country, I felt I was in paradise.yes, this place is so green , all green tree, tall trees, medium tress, many flowers, clean rivers and seas. Let s hope that under the new admin, we can partially achieve what is supposed to be achieved in our nation, not drugs to soar making our country melt like a candle in the dark.

    • I have heard of perpetual motion. Water can be used to cut steel and the water is let at high speed but to do that one needs energy and that energy has to come from electricity. I wonder if there is any other way to generate energy through water without using electricity.

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    Jayson Lampitoc joined the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years, 2 months ago

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    Jayson Lampitoc wrote a new post, ICT in the Course of K to 12 Curriculum 8 years, 2 months ago

    ICT in the Course of K to 12 Curriculum in the Philippines’ Educational system.
    ICT has come a long way since the development of internet has conquered almost all aspects of human life. Information and […]

    • This is the fact of live, we are living in this clicks of our fingers. ICT in K12 is favorable to the students. And its good the president is aiming to put the internet connection to schools. With the good guidance and putting to good direction, ICT could be the students gate to their better future.

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    Jayson Lampitoc joined the group Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 2 months ago

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    Jayson Lampitoc joined the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

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    Jasmine and Profile picture of Jayson LampitocJayson Lampitoc are now friends 8 years, 2 months ago

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    Jayson Lampitoc posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    I’m a new member of these social blogging site… I wish to get help from the experienced members. A few tips to start with and be like the others who have gone far enough.

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    Jayson Lampitoc became a registered member 8 years, 2 months ago