PEEUSH TRIKHA - "@lovern perhaps they can shut this site after writing a proper email."View
Daniel Makallo - "Myths take the form of sacred stories that are passed along from one generation to the next…they commonly tell of the origins of humans and the World, however believe in myths depends on the society your coming […]"View
Ameer hussain - "[bpfb_images] 150_0-79841000-1462092824_dsc04081.jpg [/bpfb_images]"View
Emmanuel Mensah - "Feeling more alive than yesterday, because today presents the opportunity for me to correct my mistakes and to forge ahead in life. Actually, it is new sheet of my life to make my life better than before."View
Edsel Coronado - "Hi Everyone!"View
Laishram Dineshwar Singh - "waiting for other recrutmnt"View
Aniebiet Etim James - "Happy new year with plenty prosperity"View
Sharad Ghimire - "Yeah….back to work again in literacy base"View
Miranda Hunt - "Been researching all day. I enjoy because I learn as I go."View
Edidiong Joseph - "@rebelwoman06 you will need to go to html in templates and edits it. You may see tittle=40,or header=56 stuff like that depending on the platform. Better still go for a new templates it may even look more […]"View