i am totally agree with you.Humanity is dying and selfishness is increasing day by day. everywhere in world we see war,rapes,crimes incresing why? i think its greed, greed of power,money,luxury,lifestyle.
these are the reasons of loosing humnity.not some people i think we all are responsible for it.for example we waste too much money on our luxurious life but if a begger asked for food we throw him away or if we give a very little money.so what is it? it is inhumanity.
Change is a must for everyone to try a better life, No change means insanity.Change is the only way to experience real adventure and success. Practice change for a change so that at the end there is a change that truly changes your life.
It is not hard just do it little by little or gradually and observe how it goes so you can feel the change you want to happen to you to make your life in order and to start all over again.
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Loving oneself creates a better room to loving your neighbour.
What am i trying to say? You can’t love others when you hate youself.
Goodmorning..and do have a prosperous and successful day ahead.!