• Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites wrote a new post, Do You Use Fidget Cube When Stressed or Thinking? 7 years, 4 months ago

    My photo of a Fidget Cube

    My son bought a “Fidget Cube,” the one in the photo above, and I was so amazed upon seeing it. It is like a “toy” for adults.

    He said it is used by people to lessen boredom, stress, or […]

    • We do not have it at home for there are kids that just like to play them.I like ice cubes to an immediate need during hot days.

      By the way, your photo image is stolen. There are many cracked minded writers here. I write a post on this to wake up the stealer. The blogs she submitted not hers. I saw that blog long ago by other writer here, I forgot the name of the real owner.

    • I haven’t seen that yet. So it’s a fidget cube. I think I don’t need that. I actually have my hands full whenever I have my free time.

      It’s either I am typing here to comment or typing a post to submit.

      Honestly, I wonder when one says she’s bored. I never get bored. In fact, I lack the time to do things that I have to do.

      But I also like to see that fidget cube. I suppose my friend that indeed it has its health benefits as in our hands there are points where we can just press and have our headache gone, for example.

      • My son said it can help those with AD/HD or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or people who get bored fast. I know you are too busy with your job, and not time to fidget! ha ha ha! That’s good. But it has some nice effects too, seems like it calm the nerves when you are tensed.

    • I bought one for my daughter who has a little anxiety. We have noticed its primarily when she is playing one of the sports she enjoys. though she loves to play, it took almost the entire basketball season before I noticed her legs stopped shacking when coach would put her in to play. We recently bought The Fidget Cube. She used it for a couple days and know it is just sitting in a basket collecting dust. Much like the several other gadgets,toys etc.,Corporate
      America convincing us all are problems will be solved if we just buy this. Time after Time we fall for the same thing. When all we need to do is stop stressing ourselves out trying to keep up with the latest trend, or cell phone,(even though you have only had your recent phone for less then year). Turn off the commercials america, stop over spending ans take a nice walk in the woods. I bet you wouldn’t Fidget then.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic Please Use Your Own Photos! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks @Mahesh and @Michelle for your replies. Yes, that’s it, I wish the admin will remove the Media Library so people can just look at Pixabay and other free photos online if they do not have personal files.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites started the topic Please Use Your Own Photos! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    Can the @Support do something to remove the uploaded photos from here, so others can not just use it on their posts? I am so annoyed to see my photo in one of the members who used it for his/her post but it is not related to that article whatsoever!

    It is outright plagiarism/theft of my personal photo!

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic @CHUCKS,HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY PHOTO WITH ME IN PHOTO? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Cely, that person could be a fan of yours that’s why he used your photo for his blog! Or maybe because he was unaware that it was you who are in the photo! It was because anyone can just use the images uploaded in this site!

    The admin/@Support should remove that feature where images used by other writers still appear there, and anyone can reuse…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Geoffrey Musera

    Geoffrey Musera and Profile picture of RubyRuby are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites wrote a new post, Little Children Must Not be Given Electronic Gadgets 7 years, 4 months ago

    Child psychologists say parents should not give their children electronic gadgets like cellphone, tablets, i-pad or other modern gadgets which they use for playing games.

    They say, a child can have a cellphone […]

    • At home, our young kids’ nephews have one gadget each netbook, and their attitude is getting aggressive with the games they watch. I am no to gadgets for kids.

    • That is the problem now with parents. Just because they have the money they give their children gadgets instead of just letting them play with their classmates and friends.

      Yes, they can be given gadgets but when they become a bit adult , maybe when the child is already in college. He needs that so he can be easily contacted by the parents.

      But not for children yet.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic What is the Purpose of Having Friends at LB? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks, @Kumar for your reply. Now I know how to find my friend’s posts.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic What is the Purpose of Having Friends at LB? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks @Mahesh and @ Michelle for your replies. At least it has a purpose, although I wish there could be a feature where we can see if our friends posted some blogs. Then we can follow them and make some comments too.

  • Profile picture of Geoffrey Musera

    Geoffrey Musera and Profile picture of DinaDina are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites wrote a new post, The Seas are Clean; Thanks for People’s Awareness 7 years, 4 months ago

    During my inter-island travel this past weekend, I noticed a big difference in the cleanliness of the seas, compared with the condition some years ago.

    Took notice of this upon entering the roll-on-roll-off ship […]

    • Indeed, if all the people will be strictly prohibited of dumping or throwing any garbage at our bodies of water, then we will have beautiful places where we can enjoy and swim.

      Just like you, I feel so angry whenever I see some garbage on bodies of water and even along the roads. I would wish that those people would have their karma by doing those.

      Actually, this thing happens in the subdivision where I live. In the morning, we would just be surprised that somebody has left a sack of their garbage. Then at night, I would already see them scattered by the dogs.

      And that is because the town’s dumping ground has already been closed by DENR because it has no permit. And the mayor, was doing nothing until the situation was on national tv.

      He had all those garbages picked up by a dump truck which has stopped since the landfill was closed. But since it’s not everyday, some would still dump their garbage on the sides of the road and the dogs will scatter them. Grr!

      • Your local government should find a dumping site, or a landfill area which has the proper permits from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. And people should know how to segregate garbage from biodegradable and non-biodegradable which can be recycled. People with enough lots or spaces can dig a hole to make their own compost out of biodegradable waste like vegetable peels, etc. People should be disciplined so they won’t throw garbage anywhere.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites started the topic What is the Purpose of Having Friends at LB? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    I am wondering what is the purpose of having friends here at Literacybase.com?

    Does it mean they can follow whatever blog/comment you post here? Can we find our friends’ posts easily? I think there should be a mechanism wherein we can easily find the list of our friends’ posts.

    What do you think?

  • Profile picture of Tita

    Tita and Profile picture of David HershDavid Hersh are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites wrote a new post, Traveling By Sea is So Relaxing 7 years, 4 months ago

    My family went on a week-long vacation to an island we longed to visit for a very long time.

    It was fun, and so nice to ride a roll-on-roll-off ship, or an inter-island ship which is a common mode of […]

    • Very nice, so relaxing, I relax myself dipping in sea thrice a week.Which island did you go, in Boracay?

    • good

    • From what place to what another place did you travel by a roro ship?

      It is really so nice when travelling boat. You can see the beauty of nature, the sea and the mountains and islands it passes by.

      When it is already at almost the center of the sea and it is summer, the sea looks so calm. You can also see the things under the water, the corals and small rocks. The water is so clear that you really can see them so clearly.

      My siblings and I experienced this always before, when we were just children and we would always go outing with my parents and have to take a motorized boat to an island.

  • Profile picture of Tita

    Tita and Profile picture of peachpurplepeachpurple are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of Tita

    Tita and Profile picture of acelawritesacelawrites are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic Stop Stealing Photos Here From Posted Blogs , Respect The Feeling Of The Owner in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    So sad to know about those bad news. Just logged in from a week’s vacation. No internet in that island, (or I do not have mobile internet! ha ha ha); so this issue surprised me now!

    I hope the admin (@Support) will take these things seriously and act immediately! It really feels bad when you see your own photos, or your own blogs being…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Geoffrey Musera

    Geoffrey Musera and Profile picture of Cassy JanineCassy Janine are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of Tita

    Tita posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    It’s nice to be in literacy base again. I have not been in here for 2 days being busy with my work. I hope I can still have my target accomplished. Doing full time for teaching online is not easy for your voice will become husky and a little painful most specially when your not used to it. But I enjoy teaching. Lots of love to my Chinese and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tita

    Tita wrote a new post, The Qualities of a Good Teacher 7 years, 4 months ago

    We always say teaching is a passion; this cliche plays a very important role in teaching. Teaching is not an easy task because it requires a lot of knowledge, skills, experiences, courage, strength, dedication and […]

    • Teaching is one of the best profession in this world. I see many Teachers do their job very happily and the students learn from those Teachers very easily… A Teacher will be much more happy when he hears or sees his / her students get jobs or starts businesses as they grow… Those are the best moments of life for any True Teacher…

    • The very one thing i love about the profession is the joy it gives..it is the most productive of all professions

    • @kumar, you are right. The teacher’s happiness is when he/she saw every student grow from zero to ten accordingly through his/her help and encouragement. That is the price of being a teacher. The photo as my cover is my sister, a teacher and devoted herself from teaching high school to college then down again to k-to 12 when it was implemented here in our country. I’m so proud of her.That’s the time I decided to teach online and so far it is and was very rewarding seeing your student learn day by day.

    • @isiakpere precious, Teaching is the number 1 rated profession of all professions, why? because if there are no teachers then there wouldn’t be doctors, engineers, architects, programmers, IT’s Hoteliers, businessmen and the like. No man came to learn alone. You are right that it is, it was, and it will always be the most productive of all professions.

  • Profile picture of Tita

    Tita and Profile picture of Ta.S Art & CraftTa.S Art & Craft are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago

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