Kumar replied to the topic "MINI DUBAI" Of India in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
@Barnali Sarkar, Thank you for providing me more relevant links to know about Bhatkal. Its a good place to visit for Balagore residents..
Barnali sarkar replied to the topic "MINI DUBAI" Of India in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for your response and interest about the topic. You may follow:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg27611.html
@Barnali Sarkar, I googled about the MINI DUBAI in INDIA, but could not found any useful references to confirm the same… When I searched in TripAdvisor, I found the following are the interesting places to visit in Bharkal..
Lod Shiva Temple Shri Chitrapur Math Bhatkaal Light House Bhatkaal Beach Noor Masjid Khalifa Jamia M…[Read more]
Zayn Meek replied to the topic Advise &motivative Texts, in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
But I Think It,s Not Always People’s Fault, It Has Become Rampant That They Can,t Even Control, It,s In Them, They Can,t Do To Themselves What They Can To Others, Moreso, It Terms Of Advising People, It,s Better To Watch The Word, And Advise Little, Because Your Own Advise To Your Friend Can Latter Come Against You,
Kumar joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi! I am a member of this group too. There are serious posts there.
ndypmouwem posted an update in the group Health Issues 7 years, 10 months ago
The axon terminal is located on one end of a neuron or nerve cell. It is the final part of a neuron to receive an electrical impulse and is also the area where the impulse is converted to a chemical signal. It transfers information from its neuron into another neuron, though it does not come into physical contact with the…[Read more]
ndypmouwem joined the group Health Issues 7 years, 10 months ago
ndypmouwem posted an update in the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
Barnali sarkar started the topic "MINI DUBAI" Of India in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
A town, named Bhatkal in Karnataka, India is called “Mini Dubai.” This town is full of surprises. There is a beautiful combination of local flavor and modern shopping complexes. This town is dominated by Navayaths, a major business community of Muslims. This business community have a strong hold over the economy which brought Bhatkal to global…[Read more]
Isiakpere Precious posted an update in the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
Dont take fruits after eating it is not safe.. When you take fruit after eating,, the food gets spoilt even before digestion and this causes a lot of troubles to the human system
When should we take fruits according to you?
Isiakpere Precious joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
Zayn Meek replied to the topic let laugh in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
You get f9. You still dey pocket
What if you are the one that have the A1?
I can’t believe it but it happened to my cousin last night .
My cousin and his friends went to a food vendor to eat, they told the mallam to fix 10 packs of indomie and 8 eggs, then they sat down to chill till he prepares the food……. He was cooking and they…[Read more]
The best novels of all time, from Tolkien to Proust and Middlemarch 100 to 91 100 The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkein WH Auden thought this tale of fantastic creatures looking for lost jewellery was a “masterpiece”. 99 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee A child’s-eye view of racial prejudice and freaky neighbours in Thirties Alaba…[Read more]
Moses Nima Nachwera started the topic Fear God in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Discuss.
Q: What did the bag of flour say to the loaf of bread? A: “I saw you yeasterday”
Q: Why doesn’t bread like warm weather? A: Things get Toasty!
Q: Why are bread jokes always funny? A: Because they never get mold!
Q: What do you call holy bread? A: Jesus Crust!
Q: What do you see when the Pillsbury Doughboy bends over? A: Doughnuts!
Q: What did…[Read more]
I slapped a soldier today… and he ran away, that’s how I knew he was fake. Please let’s join hands and expose the fake soldiers in town. How? By slapping any soldier you come across . If he runs, then he is fake! If he doesn’t run. The Lord is your strength.
A pilot was transporting group of mad men to a psychiatric hospital but the mad men were noisy that the pilot couldn’t hear even the informaton being passed to him from the controller. One of the mad men entered the pilots cabin and the conversation commenced: Mad Man: pilot teach me how to fly. Pilot: I will teach u in one condition , if u can…[Read more]
A man was crying and someone asked him why he was crying. And he said I have only one son, I have done all my possible best to educate him so that he will be a great person and by God’s grace he has been able to acquire all certificates including: 🌺 G.C.E 🌺 W.A.E.C 🌺 Bachelor’s 🌺 MSc 🌺 PhD ++ HnD BUT Unfortunately he fell sick and d…[Read more]
Hi! I am a member of this group too. There are serious posts there.