Rhonda Robinson and Yvette are now friends 7 years ago
Shauni Williams and Lee Ka are now friends 8 years ago
Rhonda Robinson and Lee Ka are now friends 8 years ago
alina joined the group AGREE OR DISAGREE? 8 years ago
alina joined the group Lovers Of Beauty 8 years ago
alina joined the group elderly parent 8 years ago
alina and joe garcia are now friends 8 years ago
alina and pcwork are now friends 8 years ago
alina replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Earn Money Online 8 years ago
you should try sharing them on social sites. I saw a significant difference when I did that. cheers my friend and hope to hear from you soon
Shauni Williams and Ashley Herrington are now friends 8 years ago
I’m extremly glad to hear that good news are coming. I hope that literacybase will keep on giving us reasons to stay loyal to the site and active
alina joined the group ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 8 years ago
Rhonda Robinson and Anitah Gimase are now friends 8 years ago
alina replied to the topic what is wrong with humanatic? in the forum Earn Money Online 8 years ago
I’m sure that if you get approved you will really enjoy this site. I’ve been making lot’s of money on it and its cool to know that there are legitimate sites that actually respect our work. cheers and hope to hear on how things are going for you with humanatic
alina started the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Earn Money Online 8 years ago
I’m not sure if I’m right but I think you can earn passive income with literacy base. we’re allowed to tag our posts and this is useful when it comes to searches that people make on the matter of that post. if you’re lucky enough they might land on your posts and this will bring you credits that turn into money. it’s true that the amount it’s…[Read more]
alina replied to the topic kids wearing jewells in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years ago
such things make me wonder why most cultures consider boys/men more important?
yes you need to listen and based on what you hear you will pick the right option. would you consider joining the site?
most of them do it for the reason that you mentioned last. I’m aware that there are cultures with rules that we’re not capable to understand if we don’t share their beliefs but under normal circumstances I find such a geasture totally pointless
yes dear. you also have the posibility to use the site over the phone. I generally do this on my way home back from work while I’m in the buss or at the subway. I get bored and I figured that if I win some money it wouldn’t be such a waste of time