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    shafiq and Profile picture of lombatolombato are now friends 7 years ago

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    shafiq and Profile picture of Sachin PardhiSachin Pardhi are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran wrote a new post, How To Write An Effective Resume 8 years ago

    First of all you should know that what is resume writing?

    A resume is the formal presentation of a job applicant’s education, knowledge, work experience and his ultimate skills. In a resume, we mention our […]

    • This is a very detailed explanation of the difference of what a resume and a curriculum vitae are.

      Usually, the HR officer would prefer a resume over a curriculum vitae. Why? Because a resume is brief and concise. Whatever details the HR Officer needs about the applicant can just be asked during the process of interview.

      And if the applicant is approved to be hired, a background investigation of all that she have written in her resume and what came out from the interview will follow.

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    kiran joined the group Group logo of Law is LifeLaw is Life 8 years ago

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    kiran joined the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago

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    kiran wrote a new post, which online Jobs are best for beginners 8 years ago

    Hi all friends! My name is Kiran and i am a Physiotherapist.

    I am really very interesting about online earnings. I spend 2 to 3 hours daily working online and i also spend a lot of time in running searches in […]

    • At present , I am at myLot and now at Literacy Base. So far , these two sites are all that I can handle because I have my full time job to attend to first of course. I am happy to be here and wants to earn more of course.

    • Hi Kiran, nice meeting you here. Just wondering that do you work full time as Physiotherapist? I am working full time too , so have not much time to handles some many sites for online earning. However, thanks for your researching efforts and advices on this.

      I am not sure if good to recommend other sites here or not. I am on other sites too beside LB. For those need more online earning tips and source, I would recommend them to join Forum Coin , which is a forum site that can share ideas and opinions on online earnings sources with not much limitation I will say.
      You may have a look at :www.forumcoin.com for more details, whom need my referral link for registration, pls message me on this. I would be more happy to give more elaboration on this although I earn NO referral income at all on this.
      And, Forum Coin has allocate a section for the users to blogging as well, with each article paid at 50Forum Coin or translated into USD0.50 which is considered high too, I think. Good luck!

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    kiran and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran started the topic buy your t-shirt with your favourite picture on it in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    hi all friends.. if you wants t_shirts or mobile phone casings with your own name and picture on it then openly contact me..the rates are very cheap.. and 100% money back guarantee within 10 days if u did not like the product..

    So what are you waiting for?? Send gifts to your loved one with their picture on it and make them smile, and they will…[Read more]

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    shafiq and Profile picture of Jennifer DombrowskiJennifer Dombrowski are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran and Profile picture of Treathyl FOXTreathyl FOX are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran wrote a new post, Advantages of Drinking Normal Hot Water and Disadvantages of Drinking Cold Water 8 years ago

    Drinking normal hot water gives us a lot of benefits as compared to drinking cold water..

    Many diseases can be cured by the use of normal hot water.

    There are a lot of benefits of drinking hot water that i […]

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    • Someone on a good me that hot water is not good especially when taken after meals because it clogs up the system with fats. To me i always thought that’s the best way to get rid of fats. Another thing is that when i was in school I used to take a lot of hot water that had lemon in it. And I was told that it would skim me down. And that actually worked pretty well for me. An just amazed with all those facts that you have given. It’s good to know that hot water is that beneficial to our bodies thanks for sharing. I am always prone to headaches most of the time but now that i know that hot water can take away the headache, it is going to be healed from now hence forth. Very informative piece.

    • I have gingivitis, so i can’t drink any cold drinks nor beverages, could only drink warm drinks, hot also can’t

    • This is a generally accepted truth that one should drink 6 glasses of water regularly. As far as drinking hot water is concerned it is effective to take warm water in the early morning. Some people say drinking warm water along with some lemon juice and honey is good for skin brightening, weight loss, anti-aging, indigestion, stomach ulcers, joint pains, blood circulation, blood cleansing etc., There is no general rule that has been established with regard to the gap that has to be given as it depends upon the body constitution of each individual. One has to choose the break according one’s own set of parameters.

      • Indeed, hot water is more useful than cold water. Now I do not like cold or chilled water even in summers, except for 1 or 2 occasions.

    • I have actually been told that drinking warm water is beneficial for our health.

      Thinking about it, it is logical that when we drink warm water after a fatty meal, it can help dissolve those fats that had stuck to our arteries, veins and stomach linings.

      In fact, just after reading this post of yours I got a warm water from the water dispenser, by first pouring some cold water then some equal amount of hot water. At least when I tipped my finger on it, i know that it’s the tolerable heat that my mouth can take.

      You see, my throat is beginning to itch. I know that drinking a warm water can kill whatever bacteria or virus there is in my throat.

      I really hope this will not turn into a cough and colds. Meantime, i shall be drinking warm water every now and then.

      You see the climate here is so hot, that’s why most people loves drinking cold water because it cools their bodies. I guess it’s understandable that when the weather is hot though, a cold water can refresh us. 🙂

    • Yes drinking a plenty of warm water helps with our bodily mechanisms such as metabolism and digestion. It has also been proven by the scientists of nowadays. In Ayurveda, the science of living, the benefits of drinking warm water has been mentioned. The benefits that you have mentioned have already been explained in it. Thanks for bringing up such good detailed benefits of drinking warm water as not everyone can access books of Ayurveda that easily and some of them are just sham that bring shame in the name of Ayurveda itself.

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    kiran and Profile picture of Daniel MakalloDaniel Makallo are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran and Profile picture of Jennifer EddyJennifer Eddy are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran and Profile picture of DanaDana are now friends 8 years ago

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    kiran and Profile picture of Bruce Sylvester ReayBruce Sylvester Reay are now friends 8 years ago

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