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    cely started the topic End of the month, how many can redeem? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    This day is the end of the first month of the new year. I am expecting many to redeem here this month considering the change of the site’s platform. I always notice many submit blogs at few minutes interval. I am one that submit blogs 3 to four a day, but there were also days that I submitted only 1 if so tired from work. This day, I cannot submit…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Three (3) Business Growth Strategies That Might Boom Your Business 7 years, 9 months ago

    There are many persons any including me, like to venture into business. It is a belief that having a business would help change life for the better. Many do not believe that having a business could guarantee for a […]

    • I must agree that primarily, one should make sure that there is a targeted market or a niche for a business to make sure that it will boom.

      It will also of very big help that a place is strategically located, in such a way that it will be convenient to just take a ride and alight at that place of business.

    • @Dina, that is true my friend, it is very important to check the location if feasible for profits and customers to flock.This time even opening a “lechon manok” so many requirements and how much more to a bigger one. We also need bigger capital not just few thousands. How I like to open this year business on line hehehe.

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Be GentleBe Gentle 7 years, 9 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of AGREE OR DISAGREE?AGREE OR DISAGREE? 7 years, 9 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of donate for educationdonate for education 7 years, 9 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of why some people's can't forgive?why some people's can't forgive? 7 years, 9 months ago

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    cely wrote a new post, Poem That Relates Love: I Need You More Each Day 7 years, 9 months ago

    I Need You More Each Day

    The skies are getting darker now

    But where are you in our usual rendezvous

    The cool air chills me now no shadow of yours appears

    I listen to the silence of the day and night

    To […]

    • Love is so beautiful and as a matter of fact we are willing to sacrifice for the sake of our love.It is also not easy to wait someone the real man who we could trust and rely on for the love that is built for the person alone. There are times we want to escape from the truth that gives aches to our heart and seems we carry a heavy burden on our shoulder. But we all have different experiences in relation to love . I hope all of us have a better experience of love.

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    cely replied to the topic How's the feeling if miss someone you love? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    Nemzie Bayawa, Exactly, the feeling cannot be measured as to how deep the feeling is to someone we miss so much.Though the feeling is to temporary but the impact of the sudden feeling is so song that our whole body is affected.

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    cely replied to the topic Has Mykites also down? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    @PEEUSH TRIKHA, I am so sad actually for I have there $15 I supposed to redeem last Saturday. The site admin is so unfair. They should have paid us even if not reaching the minimum payout because that is already our income. I sent Mykites admin message through Facebook, but to response. They should not blame the people there for the slow revenue…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, A Poem You May Explore : Embracing Some Struggles For Tomorrows’ Hope 7 years, 9 months ago

    Embracing Some Struggles For Tomorrows’ Hope

    How high is the mountain?

    It is towering and so proud of being huge

    How wide is the mountain?

    It is sending its gravity and magnitude

    Whenever there is quake and h […]

    • We all need to be hopeful for in so doing we can achieve what we desire for life. It is not easy to climb the ladder of success. We always meet and encounter obstacles, for all those that we may encounter give us a better life and tomorrow. It is nice to sow what we plant behind those years as fruit of our labor.

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    cely wrote a new post, I Love The Lyrics Of This Song: I Only Live To Love You (Cilla Black) 7 years, 9 months ago

    Lyrics of the song “I Only Live To Love You    (Cilla Black)

    I only live to love you
    Love you until forever
    Day after day, year after year

    For always we will journey together.

    I only live to love you
    Wal […]

    • Maybe I am the only in this site that like this song hehehe. I am indeed a music lover and could sing too like the way artists do,hehehe. Music is my soul, it entertains my world. It elevates my spirit from low to high, foremost it vanishes someone’s sighs.

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    cely wrote a new post, Our Ancestral Home Was Made A Shabu Laboratory By Some Foreigners 7 years, 9 months ago

    What a horrible experience in our family and clan when five policemen went to our house in the city early morning last month. We were so afraid for we did not remember something committed against the law. We let […]

    • One staff isn’t enough for 10 hectares of coconut tree farm and almost a mansion-a-like ancestral house. You should hire not only for maintenance but also for security to guard and secure the house. I know for sure you’re farming already lose a lot of money since your business partners might be scared for they do not want to be involved. Hoping you already solved it.

    • Your nephew has the guts to cry when you visited them on jail! How shameful of him. ANd it is just but understandable that all of your were angry at him.

      Imagine getting PhP50,000.00 monthly plus the fruits of all those produce in your big lot, at the expense of your ancestral home.

      So, what happens now to that property? Aren’t the family considering of selling and having just a big enough vacation house instead.

      And it’s a good thing that you were all not implicated in that case.

    • @Dina, our property was already subdivided yes my nephew has thick face.We pity him and forgive him too, but his enemy is the law, so he must face the verdict. His case is not ordinary crime. His enemies are the people of the Philippines for conspiring foreign drug lords.Gone is our ancestral home, we hired a bulldozer to bulldoze it, no regrets friend. At lest we are at peace this time.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sweet and Sour Vegetables with Tofu and Rice Recipe 7 years, 9 months ago

    This Sweet and Sour Vegetables with Tofu and Rice Recipe is a delicious and any to prepare all in one meal for lunch or dinner.


    Packed with cubes of firm tofu, assorted vegetables , seasoned with sweet and […]

    • I always like the taste of a sweet and sour sauce, specially that of fish fillet. Though, this is the first time I have heard of a sweet and sour tofu recipe.

      Usually, the ones we always order at restaurants are the fried cubed tofu, then dipped in soy sauce with a bit of chili and lemon drops. So delicious.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Has Mykites also down? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    My goodness, I have there $14 to claim as soon as I reached $15,Oh, no, I have wasted my time there. It might shut down for writers there fly away. Let just ignore our hardships there to reach certain dollars. You see, my blog is right that there is no guaranteed business and job.

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    cely replied to the topic Friendly and smiling people have lots of friends, agree? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 9 months ago

    I meet many smiling and friendly type of persons, and I see how his friends appreciate their friends so smiling and friendly. There are are also persons smile so expensive hehehe.It seems hard for them to smile. They never know the impact of smiles to their lives. There is a saying that goes like this: Smile though your heart is aching. Another…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, The More You Hate-The More You Love, Is It true? 7 years, 9 months ago

    When I was a teenager, I always heard the surrounding people older than me in many years this line: The more you hate, the more you love. Then when I was in college, I heard the song of that title “The more you h […]

    • I don’t believe I’ve ever heard that expression. “The more you hate, the more you love.” But it doesn’t make any sense to me. My late mother used to say: “Hate is a mighty strong word. Don’t use it!” Quite frankly I think the world would be much better off if there were not haters and everybody loved everybody! I’m talking about relationships between people. I’m not talking about hating certain foods! Like licorice. 🙂 😀

    • @Treathyl FOX , hehehehe, it is hard by the way to love the one we hate. I had experience hating someone my best friend, classmate and neighbor , she tempted my ex-bf despite my ex did not ride on her desire, but I hated her for she did not respect me and treasure the friendship.At least through this blog, it is proven this as loving someone hated much, so ironical, hehehe.Thanks.

    • Hahaha. Reading the title itself made me remember one of my experienced. I can remember that I set a qualities (not good qualites) of a boy that I should not become a boyfriend but 3 years later I have realized that my partner had those qualities. But it is fine at all because he has a good attitude anyway.

    • The post title really bothers me. The more you hate, the more you love? Reading it again and it still makes no sense to me. That’s like saying the more crimes you commit, the more outstanding and upright of a citizen you’ll be. (O.o) (???) In the Christian teachings, hate can lead to and is as bad as murder. Hate is not a good thing! Love is everything and way stronger than hatred. So you EX hurt you. That’s a fact. But you’re not so much hating as you are hurting. Hate. Hurt. Those are two entirely different emotions. So the expression is really very misleading. Especially to young people.

      OK. That’s my two cents. I won’t say any more about this. Just felt the need to give it one more try.

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    cely replied to the topic What is Life Without Bloggers Here? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 9 months ago

    This time, life here is now meaningful for there are some bloggers here that love to blog this time after the site moderation platform was changed to a better one. I now sense every now and then day by day hour by hour bogs are rampaging hehehehe. I also love to rampage blogs this time and this interest started after the moderation is changed from…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, My Brother To Retire Broke 7 years, 9 months ago

    My brother is now 57 and three years from now he will retire. It is only his age that retires but his body will continue working should he be allowed to work in the Middle East specifically in Saudi Arabia because […]

    • The feeling is so sickening if knew a family member to retire broke. It could be unbelievable for he has a good job in Saudi as an accountant but sad he married a bad wife and my brother too so in love with her and he never had the chance in himself to sense the immoral doings of his wife. he never listened to his family about how he was made deaf and mute by his wife. He had made a wrong choice and a wrong girl. Yesterday can never be repaired.

    • Sad to know about your brother. At times, we think that we have made some good decision in our life, but we later on find our life has gone out of control. Bad people take advantage of good people’s love and concern, betraying them also.

    • Almost everyone working here in the Philippines have the same fate that includes my parents. They are both on their 60’s in two to three years they will be retiring. They already spend their future pension by having advance loans in the bank. There is a really serious problem to our system.

    • @PEEUSH TRIKHA, That is so true, no matter how we want to make our fate perfect, but there are forces that drive us to forget what we had planned. It is also because humans are weak and always subject to commit mistake, no perfect humans, but somehow, if we want to make everything happens, it wojuld if we do and strive to accomplish and achieve what has been dreamed of for future sake and better life. So sad, my brother nice and bright, became dull and lame like because of love. That is why i never agree that life will be made beautiful if we listen to the beating of our heart; it is proven false.

    • @Seth,Oh sorry my dear. What your parents were doing was wrong. I had known someone who loaned in advance his pension worth 1.5 million for a business he wanted to open and have his nephew to run the said business. At the end, no profit found, no money found in his band as what was agreed to deposit the profit to his bank account.Then time came he retired and his nephew left the country bringing with him almost one million. That person I knew became my superior for he was also a Doctor of Philosophy, yet his brilliance was not used wisely. he had the full confidence and trust to his nephew without remembering and thinking that we cannot even trust ourselves, so how much more to a relative.

      My boss, died in pain for he did not have money to send himself to the doctor of his sickness Lung cancer.He became a smoker after knowing that loss of his financial.After 6 years of smoking, he was sick of lung cancer. He smoke non-stop, chain smoker.he wanted to forget yesterday that can never come back.

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    cely replied to the topic How's the feeling if miss someone you love? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa, That is true, when we miss someone we love, our heart seems like squeezed in too much pain. We cannot concentrate our world.It seems we lost our way and lost in everything we do. yeah, it seems like crazy hehehe. But the feeling is normal , at lest we will learn how the fee.ling goes if miss somebody close to our heat, very nice…[Read more]

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