• Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I wont' anymore be active in writing blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Krishna Kumar ,Hi? I always see you write blogs and cannot sometimes comment or share. I am at work in the day and my time in the evening is limited for when i arrived home I am super tired.

    bout your experienced , I am so sorry why it happened that way and why they never care to reply you.There are many secrets only they know. I hope it never…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I wont' anymore be active in writing blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hello guys? Thanks for your thoughts, I cannot tell you why. All your probable answers here might be correct us the effect of others wrong doing affect us , also I have not asked yet the admin or Support. I observed this twice already. If this continue to happen many will leave this site for sure , for fear of some unknowns. The time I posted…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Curried Tuna Pie for Packed Lunch 7 years, 8 months ago

    Canned tuna is a versatile ingredient that the meaty texture is easily cooked as a main course dish or baked as a tuna pie for lunch break.
    The best thing about tuna flakes is ; it is convenient, easily bought […]

    • I have actually just taken an apple for dinner tonight and already full. But seeing the picture of this recipe, I got hungry and would like to have a taste of this.
      What made me curious to see how t,his is cooked is it being in curry .
      I wonder how it tastes and do your son like curry flavored dish?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Minty Cracked Wheat with Chick Pea Salad 7 years, 8 months ago

    Eating out is often seen as a dilemma for young adults especially ladies who are watching out for their hourly figure.


    Some ladies would rather eat light meals but it is often difficult to find main course […]

    • Are the cracked wheat cooked already after soaking it for 20 minutes?
      I like salads, but it’s the first time I have heard of onewith cracked wheat which is bulghur so i know what it is already , since In our primary grades our teacher would let their maid cook the bulghur, donated by the US government to our school . And it’s delicious cooked in milk and some sugar.
      Going back to the salad , I cannot imagine the taste though since there’s bulghur which seems out of place in a salad of veggies.

    • Very good recipe. I heard about it somewhere long back. The chickpea and celery are rich in nutrients. The chickpeas are rich in protein and fiber Nothing can replace chickpea with regard to its fiber content. They are especially good for preparation of Salads. Celery is the best source of Vitamin K, B, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Potassium, Potassium, and Magnesium.Moreover, this is rich in Fiber also. It mixes well with chickpeas.

      I will prepare this Salad for the next Sunday and see its taste.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic I wont' anymore be active in writing blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    did you asked admin the reasons for the deduction?


    Last time, my earning was deducted because the forum where I had answered and the blogs that I gave comments were closed due to some reasons.


    That was why my earnings were reduced.


    I think you had better ask admin first.


    don’t lose hope my dear

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic I wont' anymore be active in writing blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hi guys? What have you noticed to our blogs payment here? Last night despite tired I was, and despite how slow my internet was, but finally I made it to submit them.Then, I saw my earning moved to extra points , it reached to $8.225, but sad this morning here it reduced to 7.7752. I felt so discouraged. It is not easy to write blogs. We almost run…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, The Best Give For Your Love During Valentine’s Day 7 years, 8 months ago

    Next week, February 14 is celebration of love by lovers who give meaning and importance of Valentine’s Day. It is the day of the hearts. This day, I observed surroundings in our university glorified with hearts. E […]

    • Errata: Give- gift
      First par. : hear shape- heart shaped

    • Giving heart shaped gift has become quite normal. In India, though this practice is not there the young and also the married are slowly allowing this into their culture. A good sign in my opinion. At least on that day someone or the other may cultivate the habit of loving his lady whom he has been neglecting and torturing all these days. I think man sometimes will change his attitude seeing the surroundings and the behavior of others in a living society. THIS IS THE MOST VALUABLE GIFT A WIFE CAN HAVE FROM HER HUSBAND. Just two sweet words make miracles in one’s life. They live and die for these words to be heard. let us HOPE FOR THE BEST.

    • Thanks Siva, I am happy to know your country has some young and old practice this day of the hearts. Let us be thankful for they can practice the real meaning and value of love. Not all in the planet know how love is felt like the terrorists.They never pity, so in the absence of pity, love is none.

    • A great and well-written article. Remembering an event like love is so special. I have been married to the same woman for 37 years and even though it sounds like a great idea, I would prefer to give her nice watch. She has a fascination with watches and I know that a nice watch would make her happy. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

    • @Caleb , Hi Caleb? Thank you so much for sharing your thought and feeling about this love blog, very much appreciated.Your love is great for until now your relationship is still getting stronger as years go by…your wife is unique lover of watches.Thanks and have a good night from my home to your home.

    • For me, the best gift that a man can give a woman as his expression of his love is marriage. It means his love is real and for forever.

      But other than that, for a married couple, the best gift a man can give her wife is his faithfulness to their love. It surpasses any very expensive gift, a husband can give her wife.

      And the best gift a wife can give his husband is a child. It seals their love for each other.

      Advanced Happy Valentine’s Day , Cely!

    • For me, if we know how to appreciate the relationship and have a healthy relationship, everyday will be Valentine Day.

      The best gift that a person can give to their lover is the understanding each another and together walk the path no matter how good or bad it is.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, 2 Herbs That Soothe Psoriasis When Assassin Cells Attack 7 years, 8 months ago

    Psoriasis does not make sense to us all. From the name itself, many dislike and many do not like to retain that word in their memory. For them that sickness means dirt, high profile dirt for there is no specific […]

    • But what about the turmeric. How do we use it to naturally help heal psoriasis?

      My father had psoriasis before when he was already a senior citizen. At first, he thought it was contagious, so he isolated himself and stay at the basement of the house.

      However, upon consultation with a doctor, he was told that it isn’t contagious. It gave him after the psoriasis was gone after months and months of treatment, patches of brown on his lower legs. So, he is always on pants like jogging pants when at home.

    • @Dina, psoriasis is not contagious pitiful dad he isolated himself which was wrong.

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    cely wrote a new post, Is There Justice Of Your Martyrdom? If Not, Set Yourself Free 7 years, 8 months ago

    We always hear people saying you are a martyr. What they mean here is despite abuses done to you by your better half; still you cannot release yourself from those abuses. Why not try to ask yourself if what you […]

    • Yes. It does not make any sense sacrificing ones own interests and happiness for the sake of others who do not deserve it. It applies equally to both genders whether that is a woman or a man. It does not give any sense for a man to sacrifice all his wants and comforts for the sake of a wife who can not live comfortably with her husband and cheats on him and vice versa.
      In case there is a chance to excuse or pardon it all depends on one’s individual choice and the way one is convinced and prayed for such excuses.
      The modern society is slowly moving towards liberty and equality . They are meant not only for men but also for women. How long she should suffer the torture from her husband when it has no meaning and purpose. It applies equally to husband also. A lady can not fight for her rights and equality and again cannot take shelter in the name of her feminity. If she is confident and convinced of what she is eligible for and that she has been deprived of being one’s wife she need not move on to the street asking for it. She can discuss the matter over the table with her husband making the thins clear and can find out a solution for her problem without any hue and cry.

    • @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam , Very well said my friend.The couple in a shaky relationship may have a resolution of their problem to stop worrying, pains of not seeing both sides in a happy mood. If they sensed flew away, why for it to happen that way hurting the wife or husband. One’s for all, they have to settle the matter if it could be settled. They have to talk and clear their conscience. Sometimes too much stress lead a person to be less sensitive to his very wn family. He seems cannot anymore feel their needs of communication with you, That is the most important in a relationship or family to have constant communication to know what happens day to day and to know what is experience everyday.Why make it that way? If cannot be settled they have to separate their ways.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Oatmeal Porridge with Minced Pork Recipe 7 years, 8 months ago

    Porridge had been known as one of the regular meal among the Chinese families.

    My grandmother used to prepare minced pork porridge with side dishes which were delicious and filling.

    My mom follow suit her steps, […]

    • Traditional foods should be kept. It is fine when regular meals are done from different generations. Chinese meals are widely known in the world. Chinese cooking is famous globally. It is worth original meals among the Chinese families to be kept all over the world in families and in Chinese restaurants.

    • Wow! Dear, you are talking all about my favourite food here.
      My mom used to cook porridge everyday when I was young and stay at home, only white rice porridge, we will eat it with some dishes,just the normal type like vegetables, potatoes, etc.
      The minced pork porridge only available when my mom is not working or she was in the mood. It’s as special meal to me.
      My kids insisted that they don’t like to eat porridge after they can eat rice after 2. I fed them porridge when they were 1 year old. So, I didn’t cook porridge for years.
      But, I started to cook porridge again lately as I have some white rice in my kitchen. Other than minced pork porridge, I cook some salted eggs, scrambled eggs like you too.
      Cook the oat porridge instead of white rice porridge will be faster, I believe. But, would it be more healthier? I am not sure, my hubby is suffered from risk of gout, thus he can’t take oats. Hence, I can only cook white rice porridge.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic My First Goal Here This Month , To Write Blogs More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    @peachpurple, Hi peach? How are you friend? This is to inform you that Mykites shit down and did not release my payment and so with others, so bad no info from them.They just shut down.

    By the way, yes, true there is auto submission of blog this time and earn better than before. Last month, I earned $20 here, I hope to triple it this month, I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I Brought With Me My Lap To School Just To Trace Someone in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Cristina, Hello my dear? So nice of you wanting to help the site, good news, those I reported were already removed by site admin. The Support messaged me that those two I reported no longer here, except that one male and one female that submitted spammy posts and posts full of high profile rants.

    I am so pleased to meet you here. Have a nice…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Are You An Exercise Non- Responder? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Do you exercise? What is your exercise program routine, daily or monthly. I f you are overweight your doctor will surely tell you that you must reduce your weight. And if you are given a task to do a weekly […]

    • In orderto have a continuos exercise , one has to have a sheer determination to do it religiously.
      A shedule of exercise that is only once a week, is for me so lacking. The doctor said you can do it at least 30minutes a day.
      The quality of exercise is what really helps one to lose weight, rather than the quantity.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chinese recipe: Stir fried Shrimps with Broadbeans 7 years, 8 months ago

    When I had gallstones, I was recommended to eat broadbeans since I had problems with eating meats , probably got to do with the acid and indigestion of meat stuff.

    Since then, broadbeans had became one of my […]

    • I think we don’t have broadbeans here. But I like the idea of substituting the shrimps with tofu, because I don’t like the taste of the shrimp sauteed. I just like it fried.

      Besides, at home, we seldom cook those with beans because my father-in-law has arthritis. Lately, my hubby’s uric acid has gone up, and I think it is not good to eat for him.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic My First Goal Here This Month , To Write Blogs More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    Glad to be able to write 2 blogs daily now.

    The internet speed is getting better.

    More motivated now

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Mango Pudding with Soya Bean Milk and Blueberries 7 years, 8 months ago

    Mango Pudding had became on of my kids favorite dessert all of a sudden.


    They used to ask for rainbow jellies and lollies when the weather turns hot during the month of February.


    In Chinese calendar, F […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Do You "Reciplay"? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 8 months ago

    if that is reciplay is all about, yes, I had made my own recipes without any written recipes on hand.

    I call it dump-all-in -a pot recipe, where I dump in chicken cuts, potatoes, carrots, veggies and sauces.

    Makes a yummy stew, really!

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to make Rainbow Lollies with Fresh Fruits 7 years, 8 months ago

    Rainbow lolly is also known as Traffic Light Ice-cream to little kids.

    This is a super easy sweet treat for any kids who could not resist at all.


    My boy was surprised when I had made this Rainbow lollies for […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Homemade Cookies: Crispy Florentine Cookies 7 years, 8 months ago

    Florentine cookies are alike Almond Slices, thin and crispy cookies that even adults would not like to miss for teatime snacks.


    Originally, Florentine cookies is an European cookie where dark chocolates is […]

    • This and crispy cookies are the best! But they’re like potato chips. You’ll juts keep munching and munching and munching!

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Going back to Working from home in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    I am so sorry to hear about what had happened to you during your active work. There are employers like your employer, insensitive and inconsiderate. Why not try to apply to other companies that do not matter if you are married or not as long as you are qualified. It is qualification that matters, so why worry.You can apply any time to a company…[Read more]

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