BIANCA Rodriguez
@flaca6612 active 7 years, 12 months ago-
That will be the most unforgettable reunion. 50 is big enough and you will have lots of fun swimming, introducing each other and family members. Do not forget to bring your swimsuit my friend hehehehe. Share us your photo in Mylot not here for there are many mangnanakaw of photos here ,at mga kapal muks.
Thanks Cely, Yes, everyone is so excited about it. But I cannot wear those skimpy swimsuits because I do not have beautiful legs and body! ha ha ha! That is one of my weakness, wearing short shorts! I wish I have beautiful legs! ha ha ha! About the photos, we should use Pixabay photos here, not our own photos because people from somewhere can use it though the photo was taken from the Philippines, or it is your personal photo.
I think it was because we have that media library here where all our photos remained there, and some people think it is just alright to pick photos from there. When I was new here, I was guilty of that; I even used one of your photos of an old man who was unemployed, but it is from Pixabay too, or what we can call a “generic” photo.
The admin should remove that “Media Library,” to avoid such mistakes.
So how’s the clan’s reunion? Where was it held?
I bet it’s a very happy occasions, since it’s a reunion. Relatives you haven’t seen for years will be coming.
And I suppose the foods are many and are of those favorites of everybody. And I bet there was lechon?
I am excited to see pictures of your reunion. Maybe you should post about it here and post pictures, my friend.
Just hoping that the “other member here” will not use my photos for his/her blogs. These are taken in the Philippines and should not be used by other people without my permission!
Hahahaha , that was I have said to my post in group forum which stated: I hope my photo will not be stilen, then after few seconds, I saw my face floating in the blog screen, grrrr. How I like to remove both eyes of the thief and all the thieves.Bad karma to those who do wrong against our will. They should have sent us a private message to ask permission if allow them to use our own personal photo, “grabe naman ka bobo”. They had done grave misconduct. It must not be toleated, but support cannot be found.
In relation to your blig, I remember when Dennis was in Cagayan de Oro, I brought him to port to see our wide ocean and coastal views only to see many sea beggars. Dennis loved to throw them all his pennies almost 300 pesos and many came nearer begging to throw more hehehehe. They have big body structures, Their problem is their laziness and tolerarnce of their poor earnings, very “tamad.” not worth of a help. I did not stop Dennis for he liked to see children happy with some vents thrown to sea.They are good divers.Dennis was also a deep sea diver when he was young and staying with his mom in Australia.
Thanks @Cely for your concern on stolen photos.The member, Zasa, asked me to forgive her/him.She said she’s sorry for what she had done. I hope she learned that it is not right to just use other person’s photos without permission. Just like you, I will permit her to use it if she asked for my approval, out of courtesy!
You are right, the Department of Social Welfare and other government agencies had tried to “reach out” to the sea gypsies to give them other sources of livelihood instead of begging on the seas. I don’t know, maybe they liked that way of life!
Where is this place my friend where there are sea gypsies.
I think it is a demeaning way to give to the poor people. For just those coins, they will risk their lives diving into the sea and even under the ships, where indeed they can die when they get entangled over a plank or string or whatever that can make them suffocate.
The government should really ban this kind of coin giving. It’s a demeaning way for the people to earn some money.
We do not have it at home for there are kids that just like to play them.I like ice cubes to an immediate need during hot days.
By the way, your photo image is stolen. There are many cracked minded writers here. I write a post on this to wake up the stealer. The blogs she submitted not hers. I saw that blog long ago by other writer here, I forgot the name of the real owner.
I haven’t seen that yet. So it’s a fidget cube. I think I don’t need that. I actually have my hands full whenever I have my free time.
It’s either I am typing here to comment or typing a post to submit.
Honestly, I wonder when one says she’s bored. I never get bored. In fact, I lack the time to do things that I have to do.
But I also like to see that fidget cube. I suppose my friend that indeed it has its health benefits as in our hands there are points where we can just press and have our headache gone, for example.
My son said it can help those with AD/HD or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or people who get bored fast. I know you are too busy with your job, and not time to fidget! ha ha ha! That’s good. But it has some nice effects too, seems like it calm the nerves when you are tensed.
I bought one for my daughter who has a little anxiety. We have noticed its primarily when she is playing one of the sports she enjoys. though she loves to play, it took almost the entire basketball season before I noticed her legs stopped shacking when coach would put her in to play. We recently bought The Fidget Cube. She used it for a couple days and know it is just sitting in a basket collecting dust. Much like the several other gadgets,toys etc.,Corporate
America convincing us all are problems will be solved if we just buy this. Time after Time we fall for the same thing. When all we need to do is stop stressing ourselves out trying to keep up with the latest trend, or cell phone,(even though you have only had your recent phone for less then year). Turn off the commercials america, stop over spending ans take a nice walk in the woods. I bet you wouldn’t Fidget then.
At home, our young kids’ nephews have one gadget each netbook, and their attitude is getting aggressive with the games they watch. I am no to gadgets for kids.
It is true, it can affect their attitudes especially if they violent games online.
That is the problem now with parents. Just because they have the money they give their children gadgets instead of just letting them play with their classmates and friends.
Yes, they can be given gadgets but when they become a bit adult , maybe when the child is already in college. He needs that so he can be easily contacted by the parents.
But not for children yet.
Indeed, if all the people will be strictly prohibited of dumping or throwing any garbage at our bodies of water, then we will have beautiful places where we can enjoy and swim.
Just like you, I feel so angry whenever I see some garbage on bodies of water and even along the roads. I would wish that those people would have their karma by doing those.
Actually, this thing happens in the subdivision where I live. In the morning, we would just be surprised that somebody has left a sack of their garbage. Then at night, I would already see them scattered by the dogs.
And that is because the town’s dumping ground has already been closed by DENR because it has no permit. And the mayor, was doing nothing until the situation was on national tv.
He had all those garbages picked up by a dump truck which has stopped since the landfill was closed. But since it’s not everyday, some would still dump their garbage on the sides of the road and the dogs will scatter them. Grr!
Your local government should find a dumping site, or a landfill area which has the proper permits from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. And people should know how to segregate garbage from biodegradable and non-biodegradable which can be recycled. People with enough lots or spaces can dig a hole to make their own compost out of biodegradable waste like vegetable peels, etc. People should be disciplined so they won’t throw garbage anywhere.
Very nice, so relaxing, I relax myself dipping in sea thrice a week.Which island did you go, in Boracay?
From what place to what another place did you travel by a roro ship?
It is really so nice when travelling boat. You can see the beauty of nature, the sea and the mountains and islands it passes by.
When it is already at almost the center of the sea and it is summer, the sea looks so calm. You can also see the things under the water, the corals and small rocks. The water is so clear that you really can see them so clearly.
My siblings and I experienced this always before, when we were just children and we would always go outing with my parents and have to take a motorized boat to an island.
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The environmentalist must stop this water pollution. Our fishes may not anymore safe to eat. It is so disgusting. Other countries like New Zealand, their seas are so clean so non toxic.
Good to know about the strict implementation of handling garbage in New Zealand, along with other countries. In the Philippines we have strict laws too, but I wish all the people will follow it, because everyone could be affected if our seas are polluted!
That is the proof how irresponsible people are. We throw the garbage in the sea, in fact, anywhere. Dumping anything as if we are the maker of all the things in this world. Poor whale, the latest victim of human inhumanity.
If only we know how to manage the garbage, there will be no dead whale washed ashore.
It is true, it show’s man’s inhumanity! If all of us would be responsible enough, we can enjoy pristine waters, clean and cool air, and lots of food on the table. If only we care a lot for the environment.
Its not only the water pollution, All of kinds of pollution which we see in this world is man made.. Just because of someones ignorance, Pollution has reached a stage, where it cannot be fixed in short time..
It is so saddening to see a sea creature who died due to man’s irresponsibility! It is cruelty to animals and to man itself because whatever we eat that is taken from polluted sea can be dangerous!
Yes, I saw this news on TV. Poor whale. He has eaten the rubbish by irresponsible people.
Could it be that the people living near the sea are the ones responsible for throwing these garbage? Then, they should be warned in blatantly just throwing their garbages into the sea.
The government with this kind of news should be now making guidelines on how it can be avoided that garbages be thrown into the sea.
If they don’t do something about these garbages thrown at the sea, sooner or later the fishes too will be affected and will die from eating them too.
What about the environmentalists, can’t they do something to prevent the people from throwing their garbages into the sea?