• Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Killing Is No Joke 8 years, 3 months ago

    “I will kill you.”

    This seems to be fearful and scary especially to the Filipino people, but this is true. This is the warning verbally issued by the President-elect Rody Duterte of the Philippines to the […]

    • I think it’s very scary that any president of a country anywhere in the world should promote vigilantism and make so many threats to kill criminals. While I think it’s a laudable goal to want to stem corruption, I don’t believe that capital punishment or gunning people down in the streets will help anything. It will only increase violence and fear.

    • Criminal and killers are at large in every country because there is no capital punishment in the country as all see in Saudi Arabia no murder, no killing, no violence, no threat, no corruption…because they act upon the law of Sahia or according to the Holy Book is called Quran.

      The holy Bible also says capital punishment but people do not act uopn it knowingly why? I do not know its reason.

      The Advantages of the Death Penalty
      It shows that the justice system has no sympathy for the criminals.
      When criminals escape from the capital punishment, they repeat their crimes and take more innocent lives.

      The availability of modern testings such as DNA testing reduces the chances of punishing the innocents; therefore, capital punishment can be an effective tool to control the crimes.
      The death penalty can address the problem of overpopulation in the prisons.
      It gives closure to the families of the victims who have already suffered a lot.

      The Disadvantages of Death Penalty
      Though there are scientific methods available to investigate the crime, nothing is guaranteed. You cannot remove the chances of punishing innocents completely.

      The cost involved on the death penalty prosecution is greater than the expenses occurred in the life imprisonment of the accused. The appeals against such capital punishments take too long to decide, and often it takes years to decide the fate of the death penalty. All these things make the death penalty an expensive option for the governments who spend millions of the dollars of the taxpayer money on death penalty prosecutions.

      It is reported that some of the jury members are not completely impartial as they decide the penalty on racial or religious basis.
      Some of the accused are mentally ill, and it is ethically wrong to put mentally ill patients to the death.

      In most cases people who can afford to hire the expensive lawyers often survived from such kind of capital punishment. People who are poor, and cannot afford to get a quality legal assistance becomes the victim of this penalty.

      Some of the experts believe that life prison is a more effective punishment to control crimes as compared to the death penalty. The countries where the death penalty is banned have less capital crime rate as compared to those countries where the death penalty is practiced.

      Every country must impose capital punishment for public safety.

      • I also believe that capital punishment such as the death penalty should be imposed, specially for so heinous crimes like murders and rapes or even being a manufacturer of drugs because by itself it is heinous crime since it wrecks the lives of many people including those young people.

        But this should be meted out only if the person is really proven guilty.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic How much long we may create a blog….? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    If you are a fast typist or encode, you could create a blog with 300 words for one or two minutes. But if you are that kind of person who “seek and ye shall find”, it will take 30 minutes or an hour for such length of a blog. So it depends on the typing skill of a writer. And when it regards to go online after you are done with your blog, it would…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Do you teach your kids to use knife? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, we do teach our children on how to use knife properly to avoid cutting their hands accidentally. Safety measures in any undertakings they do should be strictly observed. We also teach them on how to take care of the knife to render its maximum service and where to place it after using it. We teach them how to handle knife when cutting…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic How long does it take for a blogpost to be approved and published? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    I couldn’t remember anymore on how long does a post be approved and went “live” online. As far as I could remember, my post took a day or so to get live or published. I will try to experiment it. Today I am going to write a blog and submit it and wait or monitor on how many days will it take to be approved and published.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Are you active at Hubpages? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 3 months ago

    Hubpages, Blogjob, PostLoop, MyKites are some of the common writing online earnings mentioned by the members I used to meet or to be with a particular site. I have heard Hubpages, but I have never been there or have joined so far. What does it has in common with the rest online writing sites I have mentioned? I don’t know if I am too late to join…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Does anyone else have disappearing notifications? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I also met this kind of problem. I have properly clicked the temporary notification which usually is found at the right bottom of the page. And I was astounded to see them banished and could no longer find them. It is good @support has shown to us on how to follow this up in a tutorial with a screenshot to easy for us to follow. Actually, with…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 voted up to a reply by Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) in the topic Does anyone else have disappearing notifications? 8 years, 3 months ago

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Soup of The Day, what's yours? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years, 3 months ago

    Mine is soup no. 5. Anything has reminded you about this soup. I like this soup. It is not only too tasty, but it is too nutritious. We as males consider this our favorite. This soup is made from bull’s testes or penis. Why we love this soup number five for it gives us the sexual drive. It arouses our resistance to sex activities. Filipinos do…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years, 3 months ago

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic I am reporting this user Abiodun Oguntola , a PLAGIARISTS in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    That post links you have referenced here couldn’t no longer be found. Meaning, he/she had already removed it, but how for we are not given the privilege to edit or remove our posts unless they are still within 5 minutes after posting. Anyway, it’s up for the @admin to deal him/her accordingly. As I came in several hours ago, I had already…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic "You have a new reply…….." in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I think there is no other way. By the time you are prompted that you have a new reply. You assume that you could go directly to that comment. Then you have clicked the button for a reply, but to your dismay, you are directed to the last portion of that post. It is because there are already several members who have already given their reactions or…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic We Have a Plagiarist on the Site in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I followed his posts and kept on reporting them. I even made a screenshots of the original posts and include their actual links too, but @admin and @support are not still moving. I have noticed from his activities that he had been doing these things since June 5 and until now. I would like to quote his reaction to my comment:

    is anything wrong…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Get Paid to Write Sites in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 3 months ago

    @swalia. it was a great accomplishment indeed. I know you are a prolific online writer. You are to subtle to do those things. Writing seems to easy for you to indulge with. In my case, I just take time out to update my post here and with my other online site like myLot, BlogJob (?) and my owned blog sites. I am interested to know what is your…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Alternative Options to Earn Money? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 3 months ago

    My only option to earn more in online is to write review or publish a sponsored review to my blog. I also use affiliate advertising in my blog, but it is unreliable. I couldn’t be assured if I could be earning unless a viewer could commit himself to join or avail of the product advertised. I have used text-ad as requested by prospective…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Get Paid to Write Sites in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 3 months ago

    We have four sites in common like BlogJob, ForumCoin, MyLot, and LiteracyBase. I was a bit a few weeks member in BlogJob when its reward program or system was temporarily suspended. In ForucmCoin, I had already earned once. In myLot, I got paid thrice. In this site, I am still in the process of working with my earnings to progress for I have $4 as…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Experts Column in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 3 months ago

    I had joined Expertscolumn.com sometime in December 2012. It gave me the opportunity to make a blog, post writeups and a chance to earn if my posts would generate views. I found it later disinteresting for I got a very few views. I got no followers. I got no friends. I didn’t share my post to my social media accounts. In short, I gave it up. I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic A Fun Writing Project To Try in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I have read what you have written. And I appreciate that great lessons you have learned in your life. I have met those three things you have mentioned. They are indeed the great things for everyone to learn about. If they do, their life would be strengthened spiritually and morally. Good post! Post write-up. Others would be challenged too to write…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic A Fun Writing Project To Try in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I have read what you have written. And I appreciate that great lessons you have learned in your life.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Hug Your Cat Day… in the forum Group logo of CelebrationsCelebrations 8 years, 3 months ago

    We have two cats at home. But I have just read this. Well, anyway I could do it still. I could hug them though it is already late.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Yes. It is true. I reached payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I am a bit late of this good development on redemption of cashout or payout. Congratulations! What is, therefore, the latest? Have you already been paid? Update us, please. By the way, in my case, I am still struggling to reach the minimum cashout. As of this writing, I reach about $4.00. I would have to double time so that I could join the wagon…[Read more]

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