• Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Living in love in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    @shavkat you know no one asks for help if they don’t need it, and that’s why we are told when you see that someone needs help go ahead and help them you should not wait for them to ask coz there are those who he e too much pride them to say that they need help

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase posted an update in the group Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 8 years ago

    Terrorism is something that is all over the world it’s not only in Nigeria, it has literally collapsed a lot of countries and it is so sad that many innocent lives are being lost, homes are being burnt down and so on and so forth. In such cases I always say the best way to go is to pray about it and seek for his grace he is the only one who can…[Read more]

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    Anitah Gimase joined the group Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 8 years ago

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Embeded content i thought that was not allowed on this site, how was it submitted anyway? Th  way posts ar3 scrutinized before being posted. Anyway maybe it’s accepted th3 way she did it I would also like to know how she did it as well

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Difference in the forum Group logo of Mental Health SupportMental Health Support 8 years ago

    Mental health and physical health mmhh. This is what I can say mental health is what goes on in your mind, what you think and how you do things, how you relate to others, and so on and whereby physical health is the out ward of your body how flexible ar3 you, your weight your overall physical health. I think that’s what it’s all about but I will…[Read more]

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    Anitah Gimase joined the group Group logo of Mental Health SupportMental Health Support 8 years ago

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic My points don't react in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I also noticed this some time back and made apost about it, I thought I was th3 only one going through it, but am seeing it appear here also, so I could be right if I said that it is not abglitch and that tho admin need to check where th3 problem is. People could be loosing points which are very crucial on this site.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Fiction Short Story: Marissa’s Mystery Letter 8 years ago

    (This is a short story fiction. Any name, a place like the real person or place, is only coincidence. This is only the product of my imagination.)

    It was Sunday. Father Eriberto was in the middle of the morning […]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Taking Oats for My Breakfast I Feel Good 8 years ago

    It has been said that taking nothing for breakfast is not good for the body. After a King’s meal at night, it’s necessary to eat at breakfast time. It has taken us too long to have another meal after we’ve eaten […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I am a fan of oatmeal and that is my diner sometimes.It is easy to cook and we can save hehehehe,plus very nutritious. But my sister does not eat oatmeal because according to her doctor, that is bad for those having arthritis.It also contains much carbo, so I just take 6 tablespoons during dinner.

    • My husband believes in the whole “oatmeal reduces cholesterol” thing. He eats more oatmeal than I do. I’m sort of a grits and butter lady. 🙂

    • I don’t like oatmeal I find it tasting funny or flat if I may so meaning it has no taste, but I guess it’s different with different people. I would rather have porridge if I really needed to have oats. I agree with you that breakfast is th3 most important meal of the day.and I like the way you have put it that we fast everyday never thought about it that way. Break fast very interesting indeed.

    • I was advised to take oats which I was told will help reduce my ldl level of cholesterol. I did take it for several months. I got fed up and gave up. Now there is a masala oats by Quaker which I have just started taking. I hope I will not get fed up with this as well.
      I know what you mean by fasting for many hours. In my case it is more as I do not eat dinner but have an early snack. I go to bed after I have had hot milk with honey.

    • For me, oatmeal really works and has lots of benefits to the body. My father is diabetic before he used to eat rice but i notice some alarming changes in his body like swollen feet which is early symptoms of diabetes due to high level of body sugar and cholesterol and possibly deterioration of the nervous system. What i do is i feed him with oatmeal through out the day to eat coupled of some fresh milk and banana together with his medicine supplement everyday. His swollen feet are now back to normal.

    • We are not really into oats for our breakfast because we are still stuck to the traditional rice (any kind of cooked rice) for the morning, but I think its time for us also to realize the importance of oats of in the table especially in the morning.

    • The combination of Banana, milk and oats is a better combination when it comes to breakfast. It must improve one’s health in a short time span. What about adding a a little amount of honey to this combination? I would like to add the use of honey instead of sugar. Do you add sugar to milk?

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, What’s The Thrill in Math Trail? 8 years ago

    The mother is always considered as the first teacher. That is why the children learn math at home before they go to a formal school.

    Awhile ago I come across with Math Trails. I am curious to know what is this […]

    • I must say I have never that expression or activity such as a Math Trail. It does make sense though as a child learns while growing up whether he is at home or school. That math is never quite forgotten as it is used every day of every person’s life. It is an interesting concept though.

    • Very informative blog. Math Trail is something I have never heard of. You are right. In every walk of life there is Math. We are always adding, subtracting, multiplying, counting… That is life.

    • Yes, the thing you discuss here a few people know about it well and other just have heard it or not but is is very difficult for common men.
      Bu I think that math trail is that as I have understood, A math trail is a walk with various stops where you look at math in the world around you, and ask questions about it.

      Math trails are a great way to stimulate interest in math—especially among students in middle school or high school, when classroom math often becomes more abstract.

      A math trail, whether presented in pictures or in person, should tell a story of the area. It should include background, history and of course mathematics. When presenting a virtual math trail to the class, it is best to tell the story behind the pictures and then discuss the math within the picture.

      Having the students create their own math problems during the math trail discussion enhances the activity. As students share thoughts and verbally express ideas, they will be able to communicate mathematically.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo and Profile picture of luciaannaluciaanna are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic How to view all posts by a member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this points it will actually help, at least that way you don’t have to keep going back to the main menu to be able to access the posts of everyone. As for me i click on the forum page then from down there when you scroll your able to move to other pages to be able to view other posts then they come on automatically as you choose…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Try out in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

    One thing about me i don’t like hospitals they freak me out. so if there is anything that i can do to avoid going to the hospital i would do, but again we cannot predict what happens to our bodies. I have tried home remedies before and i found out that they actually work if used properly, and they are less harmful and without chemicals. I would…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic commenting on responses and comment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    This was my problem before. It was my first time to give my comment to a particular forum. I was in trouble for I couldn’t the reply button. I learned later that I should first join the forum or be a member so that I could leave my comment.
    Now I know it. Everything goes smooth sailing. I hope the newcomer will do the same. They have to experiment…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    It’s good @bestwriter that you’ve consistent paying sites like tinycent and blogjob. I am depending here. I have left the other site for inconsistent and selective moderation. They wanted their own suggestions to follow them. Your style is no longer respected. It’s okay for the correction of grammar, the coherence, the spelling and other…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic commenting on responses and comment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I think while i was exploring the site i must have seen something like favorite but i cannot figure it out now where i saw it. every site just has its own way of doing things but with little keenness one can get what it is they are looking.

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic What social media sites are you using to share your posts? in the forum Group logo of Writing for the WebWriting for the Web 8 years ago

    If i may ask what are the benefits of sharing blogs on other media sites? i have never done it myself maybe if someone can tell me what they get from doing that if it is going to be beneficial i could give it a try and see how it goes.

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase joined the group Group logo of Writing for the WebWriting for the Web 8 years ago

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Honor thy Father and Mother in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    You know it really doesn’t matter what kind of parents we have or had, parents will always be our parents, we can never forget them or walk away from them when they grow older. we will always be their children and it is up to us to look after them, nothing is more precious than taking care of your parents. Considering the fact that they came…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic How do you call your mom and dad? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    In our country, the father and the mother have several names depending on the kids rearing up. Since we have several islands, there are also several name calling term for the father and the mother.

    In the U.S., they call Pa for Papa, Mum or Mom for Mama. In the different parts of Luzon, the biggest island in the Philippines, Papa is Itay and mama…[Read more]

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