Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Find out the hidden words in the forum Puzzles and Fun 7 years, 12 months ago
Hungry, party, chess and usic am not sure if that is part of the words that are there but those are all the words that i could find did i nail it or failed?
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic I was Cheated by A Special Someone in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 12 months ago
Goodness cely that was so bad. Why do people do stuff like that to other people i just dobt understand. I am a lessor as well my mum has leased a house where i am the one who oversees everything that goes on there. I remember i once had a tenant whi was so stubborn and arrogant. He had children who really had no sense of reaponsibility in them and…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Wishing: A Happy New Year To All My Friends And Their Families in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 12 months ago
Hey guys glad to read from you guys. Cely just so you know your not alone we are here with you. We wait as you write arti les for us to read, i love reading from yoy and it also keeps me busy whenever i have the time ti log on and write something. I also want to wish you krishna a happy new year full of wonderful things to cone and may all your…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Health – Brain – Positive Thoughts – Start 2017 On A Fresh Clean Slate in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 12 months ago
Happy new year to you too. I usually say that attitude is everything it doesntatter what your thinking or what you are doing. The one thing that matters is the attitude you hold towards whatever it is your doing or feeling. The way we react towards certain things can make something or someone turn out well or bad. Leys take an exampke like this…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago
He new year dear friends. I believe that God see you through the year 2016 and that you crossed over to 2017 well. I wish you all a year of abundance and good health filled with God’s grace and blessings upon your life.
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Health – Brain – How To Calm Our Mind and Relieve Stress in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
This is very interesting. Many of us suffer from stress related ussues every singld day, and sometimes it becomes so bad that even when you try to get them off your minc yhey just wouldnt leave uou alone.and i agree with your sentiments above, thd tipx are on point, you should always think positive thoughts, keep your mind off negative thoughts…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic A 12 letter word in the forum Puzzles and Fun 8 years ago
Mmhh i love doing puzzles but i have never come across one like this. 12 letter word using all the vowels? Let me see if i can get a word.A E I O U. Oohh goodness this is hard, let me take word by wird and see if i can cone up with something. F A C E T I O U S L Y whatever that means i have no clue but it could make some sense i guess hahaha.
Anitah Gimase joined the group Puzzles and Fun 8 years ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic CLOSE YOUR EYES in the forum Lovers Of Beauty 8 years ago
That word serendipity reminds me of a group of singers who were talking about inner peace. And yes closing your eyes for a minute can be very relacing. Thats what psychologists say. Even when someone is being hypnotized they are usually told to close their eyes and focus, even when you ha e worked really hard its always advisable to close your…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Living alone cely is the best gift that you could ever have. Thete are people who live with either their families, or with relatives or friends and are not happy. Yes i would love to have my damily with me at all times but the truth is they won’t be with you forever. There eill co.e a time when you will so want to be alone and independent. Tgete…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Blackout is a universal problem in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Come to think of it, we are also experiencing some high temperatures in our country right now. It is very hot and the weather broadcasters sag that ut is going to remain hot with no rains until the month of April. Now this spells trouble for us because there’s gonna be drought and then there will be scarcity of some foods. Before we know it food…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
I love the dog picture its awesome. I can see that you are pressing on to your goal this month looks like you have totally put on your thinking caos and are ready to go. Well as for me i have just started another round and i am hooing that i will be able to reach my goal in february though i cannot say much about it. Reaching payout in one month…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase and lombato are now friends 8 years ago
Anitah Gimase posted an update 8 years ago
Hi friends I hope you all head a wonderful Christmas. Keep enjoying the festive season have a wonderful day all
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Eating Disorders…. in the forum Health Issues 8 years ago
These eating disorders where did they originate from i wonder. I have never had an eating disorder before, maybe depression. I also remember a time when i was so frustrated with life, i didn’t like what was going on in my life. I was always anniyed with someone i always felt down nithing made sense to me at all. So with that came the idea of not…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic advice about women in the forum Health Issues 8 years ago
I have read your post i know you mean well and all, but when you say that men should not drool over other women we all know that men cannot control themselves especially when they see a beautiful woman. Telling a man not to look at that woman is like setting food before him and asking him nit to touch it. How now. Thats a tital waste of time if…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Eat plenty of potatoes daily if always having bad dream in the forum Health Issues 8 years ago
These is quite interesting cely. Okay for me its wuite a dufferent story i dont dream most of the times. Usially when i go to bed i end up sleeping the moment i cover myself up. Wakjng up in the middle of the night is usually unusual for me. Anyway of late like 4 days ago i notice that i have been waking up around 3.30am and this they say thats…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic My mother is suffering from diabetes. in the forum Health Issues 8 years ago
These are some really good advices there we may all have different ideas and ways to curb diabetes and we all know that it can be regulated by eating well and doing some exercises. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease i know there are those who will agree with me and those that won’t. What we eat is what we become. We see in America mostly people are…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Mom is back in hospital in the forum Health Issues 8 years ago
This is quite sad am sorry for your mother being sick, but you’ve got to be strong for her because of she sees you sad then you make her recovery worse. Just be positive that she will get out of this stronger. She will be fine. The only tging you need to remind yourself is tgat she is an elderly woman and sometimes this elderly people can be very…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Do exercise for few minutes a day during Christmas in the forum Health & Fitness 8 years ago
Nice pictures right there cely. Christmas time is a rime to celebrate. As many people would say it is a time when nothing is controlled everybody everywhere wants to indulge and do all th3 stuff that they were nit able to do throughout the year. Now here comes th3 time when all the food you love is being laid out everywhere you go. What do you do…[Read more]