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I remember you talking about this in another post here. Usually one will need cortisone creams and ointments or a type of dandruff medication if it’s in the hair/head area. Sometimes medication prescribed with vitamin D and Vitamin A (retinoids) normally does the trick. The Sad thing is there is no cure for this disease. It will always continue to come back but if your brother-in-law can limit the amount he gets then that will help him out a lot. If not then he may have to consider being diagnosed as disabled.
Anything is possible my friend and it’s really good to see that @support as back that up and is going to make such great improvements here on the site. I just wish I could get out of my writing funk and write. These last three days it has been raining none stop at my place on top of being cold. So I have been sleeping in overtime. I guess my body needs it. I really want to write but I don’t know where to start. I feel like my writing doesn’t reach many people. |
cely, legally Trump can not stop one religion from entering a country. If that is the case then he needs to stop all Christians as well. Not all Muslims are bad. I know more Christians that are more evil than Muslims and they are Americans. Sad isn’t it. I know longer see this person around. So good to see they have finally left the site for good. Now us “good” folks can continue with our honest comments and writings like before. It’s much better when things are left honest. |
bestwriter, I would consider that fraud and would try in my hardest to find out who owns the server that those sites are run off of and plead to them that the people running those sites are scammers and thieves. I guess depending on the country find out what can be done. Something can be done, especially if they have ads on those sites. |
You really do have a great heart. God is going to bless you a thousand times over for helping his little angels. I do believe there are angels amongst us watching to see how we would react to certain situations. Some people do well with children or the homeless while others do well with stray animals. All need love no matter what walk of life they come from. |
cely, how hard is it to read the rules and follow them? If you don’t understand the rules then ask questions. If you don’t get the answers you need or you still don’t understand then maybe writing is not for them. Come back when they have learned a few things. I hate when people cheat. It takes away from everyone on the site. It’s no good. Then we still have one person likes to quote things from the internet as his own thoughts. Seriously. I can see pass that as well. You can tell when something is copied and paste here. Maybe I am too smart for my own good. |
Lee Ka , I have noticed your name and a few others on another site called Gotmatter that was mentioned by another member here on another post saying it was somehow involved with TinyCent. Do you know if these two sites are one in the same? You and shaloo walia both have articles there. It seems that when someone goes to apply it tells them that their email is already in use. If you don’t know about this isn’t this some type of fraud? |
wow it looks like someone is stealing information and trying to pass it off as their own or the owners are trying to be slick and move everything to a new site. Gotmatter looks rushed and put together in a hurry. It does not look professional at all and in the FAQ’s sections is copied word for word from TinyCent. That is not good. I am assuming they are from India as well. This will be a problem if people did not sign up for both sites. |
Oh that is very wonderful news my dear. Congratulations on your cash out. I am just at $6 but no worries, I am hoping to cash out at $20 by the end of December. But you know things may change but as long as I get past the $10 mark I’ll be okay. I’m slowly making it there. It’s fun writing here in the forums section. I see a few others have disappeared. I wonder what happened to them. I have to find things to keep me busy and keep me interested in writing. I would get out more but its getting really cold here these days. Winter will be here shortly. I wish I could go someplace warm. |
I’m going out on a limb here, but it seems you either have issues with women or the government or both. I have seen nothing but negative posts written by you on these matters. What you are doing is no better than what the person you are accusing of doing. It also appears you have a thing out for Google. Google could careless about the things you are talking about. It is a search engine and nothing more. You seem very bitter. Try a better subject and forget about the women and google. |
I suggest to you on your next class day to take up and electronic device each student has when they enter your classroom. Of course, you will hand them back at the end of class but not before then. If they don’t agree to the terms then they shouldn’t be allowed in class. They have no respect for the teacher and for the fellow classmates. Their parents have failed them in teaching them respect. The youth of today are crybabies that believe things should be given to them instead of working hard for it. |
Yes, there have been times that I have forgotten something. It wasn’t done on purpose. I once forgot to pay my water bill. I was under the impression that I had already done it but in actuality I forgot to push the submit button. There have been times I have forgotten doctors appointments. That is why I like for my doctor’s office to call me the day before to remind me. If they don’t then I really forget. There have been times I have forgotten where I put things. Am I going crazy? I don’t think so. Our minds move at a rapid pace and we can’t always remember everything even if we tried. |
jhsayyar, if you are going to quote a verse from the bible at least interpret it correctly.
This is not referring to her hair. This is referring to having an actual cover over her hair, like in Islam the women wear Hajibs. Christian women are also supposed to cover their heads in this fashion just like the virgin Mary did. pcwork, no one wants to hire a woman who doesn’t take care of her hair or herself. She must have clean hair and brushed daily. Some men prefer women to have long hair over short hair. Reason for this is to tell which one is male over female. Some women really do look like men when their hair is short. |
I don’t think it is possible for me to reach that amount. I can not do enough writing to accumulate that amount. My brain would kill me after a certain number of articles or forum posts. Plus I write on another site. So totally impossible. Good thing the other site I am on I can cash out any time I reach $5 and get paid right away. No waiting for the next month to get paid. I tend to do good there with views when I share on certain sites. I just wrote my third article today for LB. I know I should write more but like I said my brain will not let me. I have to write when it says to write. I have gone a whole month before writing again on any site. I guess today my brain is just ready to get busy. |
Everyone has a different of opinion about different things and people. Some people saw Castro as a hero (people of Angola) while his own people saw him as an evil man that killed for any reason. He kept his people in a straight line and didn’t allow for anyone to get out of that line. Was it cruel of him? Who am I to say? Sure he did some bad things but he also did some great things. He helped the people of Palestine. People are quick to take up for Israel but never for the people of Palestine. Israel should be punished for war crimes and the United States needs to stop sending them money and guns. Another thing, if Castro was so bad, then why did the US have a base in Cuba where it housed terrorists that’s still open today? A place where so-called terrorists have been tortured? These men have not been charged with any crime but are being held against their will? America is no better than Castro. |