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@lovern I haven’t seen any update from Blogjob or the owner saying that their site is indeed coming back from the ashes. Can you share where you heard this information? I do know that EliteWriters is still going stronger than ever and it pays its writers once they cash out with almost no waiting. I believe they are even having a contest at the moment for the person who has the most views on their summer contest.
@lovern yeah people can be cruel if they don’t like you or what you have posted. It’s a shame that people act like kids on apps such as that. Mom is doing much better. She is finally over all of her illness and no more hospital stay. I’ve been busy with other things and working on my own websites. I haven’t been in the writing mood. I’m still not there all the way but thought I would drop by to see what has changed. I see Blogbourne has finally closed its doors. I knew it wouldn’t stay open long. People gotta understand that sites are not going to pay a huge amount like they think they should be paid. Ads don’t pay like they think. I know first hand. |
I have never heard of FOAP but I have heard of Rabadaba and I think it is a waste of time to even download the app to any phone. Rabadaba started out as a great app where everyone was able to earn money and get paid on time on a monthly basis then the admins wanted to change how rates and what is allowed to be posted. At one point in time. they even limited where the person was from. Then they allow that country to join again but once again rates were changed to a much higher rate which made it even harder to cash out than when I first joined. I just lost the joy of taking pictures because if you aren’t active in the app then you aren’t going to get noticed by many anyways and will most likely won’t make as much. So it’s just a waste of time. |
I have seen this issue in the past with pictures and my thoughts on this are that the admins need to set it up where no one is able to use other people’s pictures. Is this possible? Yes, it is. I have marked every picture I have uploaded on this site with my name but who is to say that someone comes behind me and changes what I have written on my photo’s? Admin needs to step in and do something about it. I have been away for a few months so I am hoping things have changed since then. |
I guess that happens when the owner of the site had no real business plan to run the site. They should have never started out with high rates. I know from experience that ads do not pay the same worldwide. Ads pay different rates according to the country the person is from. Ads pay less from Asian countries than it does from The United States, Canada or England. The owner also didn’t have any safeguards up to prevent fraud from the users. I’m sure they were hounded with all kinds of bots and spam ware. It’s so much that can kill a site. The issue with the money is another problem they had. They didn’t expect to see that big of a return in members and thus had little money to pay out. When dealing with sites like these ones must either have money in reserve to pay members or inform the members they will start paying once they start getting paid by the ads. Most ads don’t pay until the site reaches at least $100 in their account. |
I think your account was closed because you are writing gibberish that makes no sense and is not backed up by hard facts or proof. You have constantly ranted about Google and other government officials from your country. I am surprised you are not in jail yet for spewing lies. I am wondering when @support is going to step in and ask you to stop writing on things you have no proof about. If you were in America you could be sued for this. |
Sorry, I haven’t been around. I haven’t been on any writing sites lately. Just not in the mood to write. Well, I’ve been writing, chatting online but no article writing for me. I’ve had too much going on. I guess I need to start a schedule for myself and start following it every day. You know to make myself do some actual writing. I could give myself a treat for accomplishing it also. I’m really glad my mom is back at home and the holidays are officially over with. Now I can relax some and maybe get something done. |
Thanks cely, hopefully she will be home tomorrow (Tuesday 12/27) or the next day. She is improving a lot. She has some good doctors that are taking good care of her. Well, the nurses are anyways. |
Yes, everything needs careful planning. But some things happen without notice like getting sick or a death in the family. I guess one must know the proper ways of dealing with these things. |
He sounds like she wasn’t his only one. I hate men who use women for their own pleasure and quickly discard them at the drop of a dime. Women give all of themselves to these fools. I hope she will be okay. You should invite her here so she can write about any build up emotions she may have. |
My daily goals have changed this month. Mom is still sick and I am still having to do everything. She lost over 20 pounds in less than a month. I am glad to have my youngest son at home with me for the time being but he will be leaving the Tuesday after Christmas. I don’t know when my mom will be back home and out of the hospital. My son and I agreed on not having a Christmas this year. |
This sounds like good news for everyone that posts articles on a daily basis. I have never posted that many in one day or even a week. My mind will go blank if I tried to write that much. |
Wow, cely, I would never think you would post a picture that belonged to the Illuminati and pass it off as a “Christian” photo (the one with the eye in the triangle). I have respect for people and whatever religion they choose to follow. If they want to believe in God then let them. What I don’t like is when people force others to conform to their way of thinking either through prayer or whatever. This includes so-called Christians. I grew up in a Southern Baptist home so I know the bible like the back of my hand. I have questioned the bible since I was a teenager and was told by people at my church that other religions were evil. Since then I have stopped going to church and I do not force my kids to go. Forcing a child to do something is just another way of brainwashing them into indoctrination. Let a child decide what he or she wants to do. Many Christians do not even follow what is written in the bible but yet want to talk down on other religions like Islam. People say that Christians have changed with time but yet don’t follow their own book. They follow what they want to. Being gay is a sin but you will hear a lot of people say oh but its okay. Divorce is a sin but people still do that. Women are supposed to have their heads covered, how many Christians do you see do this besides the Nuns? But it’s not okay for Muslims to do it. Religion, no matter what name it follows is just a man made up way of having people believe in something in order to control them. I’m sorry but I believe you can have faith in god without having religion or some book that tells you what to do. |
morgoodie, I have some awesome dogs. Gizmo my half-breed will try to grab my arm/hand if I am doing something else and he wants me to either hold his pay or rub on him. My full blooded pit loves to get hugs and kisses. They all are spoiled rotten. [caption id="attachment_33058" align="alignright" width="169"] [caption id="attachment_33057" align="alignleft" width="165"]
I wasn’t aware of being able to earn coins for posting updates on our own walls so I never even bothered with it. I always thought it was a waste of time and space to do so. I still think its a waste of time to do so but I guess I can give it a try. Thanks for telling us about this. |