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    EvilElf replied to the topic Goodnews: Message from @Support in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Anything is possible my friend and it’s really good to see that @support as back that up and is going to make such great improvements here on the site. I just wish I could get out of my writing funk and write. These last three days it has been raining none stop at my place on top of being cold. So I have been sleeping in overtime. I guess my body…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf started the topic Is there really life on other planets? in the forum Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 8 years ago

    Many people have speculated about the possibility of there being life on other planets. Some have claimed to have been visited by “space creatures” here on Earth. I am uncertain if there is really any real evidence of any life on other planets but there have been some documentation that life could possibly live on other planets at least at one…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf wrote a new post, Christmas Entertainment Ideas that Anyone Can Do 8 years ago

    Now that Thanksgiving is behind us and everyone is done with their Black Friday shopping, it’s time to start counting down the days until the biggest holiday of the year, Christmas. To some people this will the […]

    • Show all comments
    • Tired of the same old boring Christmas parties that you dread attending? Create an event that will be something unique and keep people from checking the time as they long for the door. By putting some extra fun into your Christmas party, you can make it exciting and memorable, rather than simply obligatory.

      Fun, unique Christmas party ideas can liven up the corporate event or add a special touch to a gathering among friends. Ensure that all of your guests have a great time this year.

      Ugly Christmas sweaters are all the rage this holiday season, so take advantage of the trend and build it into your Christmas festivities. Ask each guest to wear their ugliest Christmas sweater and hold voting for the best in show. If you are holding a large gathering, you may want to split the voting into categories to allow for multiple winners.

      For example, you could have categories such as “so ugly it’s cute,” “movie themed,” or “homemade ugliness.” Consider building a clothing drive into this theme by asking guests to bring a sweater to donate to a charity as well.

      Karaoke is fun for any event and all ages. Customize it for your Christmas party with a selection of carols for your guests to sing. Take this idea to the next level with a karaoke band that provides professional live music in between your guests’ amateur performances. Christmas parties are a great time to get people out on the dance floor, and a karaoke band gives your party the ideal balance between guest karaoke,

      Christmas tunes, slow songs, and the kind of music that gets everyone out of their seat. This is a great theme for parties that include guests of widely diverse ages.

    • My husband is already playing the Christmas music and when I take a moment to just chill out, I’m going to be watching “White Christmas”. We do this every holiday and we’re not bored with it. But our children can’t understand why. 🙂 LOL. 🙂

    • This is a cool way

    • I am already in the Christmas mood and this post added to it. We have our music on and the party that i have for for poor kids is getting organised. This time it will be for the mentally challenged. Just yesterday gifts were bought.

    • The music, food, family gatherings, church gatherings, other gatherings, the lights all all to Christmas.

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic The youths of yesterday are far better than today, agree,or disagree? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago

    I suggest to you on your next class day to take up and electronic device each student has when they enter your classroom. Of course, you will hand them back at the end of class but not before then. If they don’t agree to the terms then they shouldn’t be allowed in class. They have no respect for the teacher and for the fellow classmates. Their…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic Do you sometimes forget? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago

    Yes, there have been times that I have forgotten something. It wasn’t done on purpose. I once forgot to pay my water bill. I was under the impression that I had already done it but in actuality I forgot to push the submit button. There have been times I have forgotten doctors appointments. That is why I like for my doctor’s office to call me the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic Can we possibly reach $100 here in a month? Share me your thoughts in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I don’t think it is possible for me to reach that amount. I can not do enough writing to accumulate that amount. My brain would kill me after a certain number of articles or forum posts. Plus I write on another site. So totally impossible. Good thing the other site I am on I can cash out any time I reach $5 and get paid right away. No waiting for…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic How Sites Hold Back in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    No one likes to have their articles moderated or edited before it is published but they need to realize that this even happens to real journalists as well. There are sites that allow you to post an article without any moderation at all, which is fine for both the site and the person writing the articles. I guess it depends on what kind of site it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic Chronic Ear Infections in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

     Jennifer Dombrowski, funny you mentioned that because shortly after visiting the doctor I developed a sinus infection. Good thing the doctor gave me antibiotics for it ahead of time but I had to wait to get the meds filled due to no ride to the pharmacy. I picked them up today. I did get a coupon for a free bottle of Robitussin medicine. So that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf started the topic Chronic Ear Infections in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

    I went to the doctor today thinking I would give blood to have my blood tested to see how my body is responding to the Vitamin B12 medicine I am taking, but nope that didn’t happen. Instead, I went with a new problem. New today anyways. My ear has been bothering me for some days. I have had some drainage and some pain coming from it. This morning…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf started the topic Fidel Castro has died in the forum Group logo of News & ViewsNews & Views 8 years ago

    Fidel Castro, the long-time leader of Cuba has died on November 25 at the age of 90. Some may remember him as a man of virtue while others see him as a monster that killed his fellow countrymen in order to keep them in line.

    People’s opinion about the man may differ, I guess depending on what history you may know about him. There is no arguing…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic I reach the threshold here, I will redeem tomorrow in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I am just at $6 so I have a long way before I can redeem. I guess mom being in the hospital and being sick kinda messed mines up. Oh well. At least I know I can redeem in January. Congratulations on your redemption. Hopefully you will be able to redeem for more next month. You can always strive to do more. 🙂

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    EvilElf replied to the topic When I Was In Blogjob , Top Card Tweet Impressions Earned in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    Blogjob is still open? The admin of the site has gone on to other sites to write for. I doubt Blogjob will ever go back to paying it’s members. I heard it used to be a great place to be but it never looked interesting to me.

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    EvilElf replied to the topic Harmless unmarried single women targetted for harassment by indian security in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    So if these people are nameless and faceless, who are you to say it is the people of the Indian security? Without proper proof to accuse one or the other it’s not safe to blame either one. It will all be considered hearsay or conspiracy theory. I would be careful blaming government agencies in this fashion. If you were in America you could be sued…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic NO Approval of BLOGS: Did You Notice It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I really haven’t paid it any attention on how often articles are approved or not. Admins are human after all and need time to review and read over them. They also need to spend time with their families and loved ones also. So we should be patient when waiting for these things. Sometimes they can be overwhelmed by many articles and can’t get to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic How do you like your steak cooked? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years ago

     Jennifer Dombrowski, eating steak while it’s pink it’s really not dangerous at all. Now if it was pork then it will have a greater chance of getting food poisoning. Steak (beef) is safe to eat when it is almost raw. Some don’t like eating in that manner and that’s fine. Some pink is okay but I want to be able to chew my meat. 

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf commented on the post, Things To Do While Bored 8 years ago

    In reply to: EvilElf wrote a new post, Things To Do While Bored I can only answer for myself when I say I tend to get bored more often than I should. I get bored at doing the same things over and over again. I’m sure I am not […] View

    I’ve actually done that before. When I was in like third grade when we would act up in class we would lose our recess and had to write from the dictionary. I learned a lot of new words that year. I never got mad at the teacher for it. Thinking back on it now, I’m glad she did that.

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf commented on the post, Pet peeves that annoy me 8 years ago

    In reply to: EvilElf wrote a new post, Pet peeves that annoy me Everyone has those nasty pet peeves that get on their every lasting nerve. So I am going to list the pet peeves that annoy me the most. But first, let me explain […] View

    I can understand if the person is talking really fast but dang put some space in between you and the person you are talking to. Personal space is always invaded.

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf commented on the post, Pet peeves that annoy me 8 years ago

    In reply to: EvilElf wrote a new post, Pet peeves that annoy me Everyone has those nasty pet peeves that get on their every lasting nerve. So I am going to list the pet peeves that annoy me the most. But first, let me explain […] View

    I have had co-workers that were co-workers from hell. Some that only loved talking when they should be working or not getting their tasks done and leaving it for others to complete. Then you have those that never show up to work on time. This I really hate, especially when it’s time for me to leave.

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf commented on the post, Pet peeves that annoy me 8 years ago

    In reply to: EvilElf wrote a new post, Pet peeves that annoy me Everyone has those nasty pet peeves that get on their every lasting nerve. So I am going to list the pet peeves that annoy me the most. But first, let me explain […] View

    America is full of people that will annoy the heck out of anyone for whatever reason. I guess I need to lighten up a lot and don’t let things bother me.

  • Profile picture of EvilElf

    EvilElf replied to the topic What’s your favorite dessert? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years ago

     PEEUSH TRIKHA, I’m not familiar with most of the desserts you have listed. You may have to tell me more about them. I bet they taste wonderful. What type of chocolate do you prefer? 

     jhsayyar, deserts are nowhere similar to desserts. Deserts are filled with sand and can not be eaten. 

     bestwriter, You sound a little like my mom. If it’s in e…[Read more]

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