Melissa Combs and Ejomsvision are now friends 8 years ago
Ejomsvision posted an update 8 years ago
How do i improve my six packs to amusement pack? Well such a question deserve a slap sha.. Ask Oshiomole
Is Happiness a state of conciousness..Do i say a drunkard is right on his understanding about God?
Ejomsvision joined the group primary causes of human problem. 8 years ago
Ejomsvision joined the group Recognize opportunity in your life. 8 years ago
Ejomsvision replied to the topic Welcome to Enchanted Tarot in the forum Enchanted Tarot 8 years ago
What is tarot reading?before i proceed
Ejomsvision and Rea are now friends 8 years ago
Ejomsvision joined the group Enchanted Tarot 8 years ago
My neighbour came back drunk from work. He has been knocking at his door for over 2 hours now and he stays alone. Should i go and tell him that he is not around?
THE LOWER VS HIGHER POWERS the raging conflict between the kal power and the Eck power is eternal in the psychic worlds, which are all those below the fifth plane. Few chelas(Eck student)ever recognize this battle but blame it upon something materialistic or some person. This is a common practice of the ignorant. The battle is the fight…[Read more]
Ejomsvision joined the group Are you under Arrest? 8 years ago
IS NICE TO BE GOOD ON LITERACYBASE Although i was just passing by, when i got this message on my wall. It was nice reading and signing up. But all my referals has got me nothing..Why
THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUE RELIGION The great truth to be remembered here is that we are living in a world of creation that is finished, as long as we are within the lower worlds. Our problem is that we work only on parts of it, and never the whole. The spiritual worlds, those above the soul plane, are the unfinished creation. These are the worlds in…[Read more]
I JUST GOT A SUNDAY SLAP FROM MY QUEEN I had thought of how to keep my pen on book to tell about the unimagined slap i got from my boo this sunday. I woke up just to realised she is not by my side,i now went out to make some survey, unreaching the back dog side,i found her answering a call on a low key. I then tip toed approching her,she saw…[Read more]
Mr.Church and Ejomsvision are now friends 8 years ago
Ejomsvision joined the group Digital Marketing Group 8 years ago
FINGER TO NUMBER My finger to number experience started just an hour ago,where i made hay when the sun shine. Passing by to our household,i met with Abigirl, who made me think and think. Abigirl was not that pretty from afar,neither from near.. So i had full strenght meeting her. I introduced myself to her as JAMES,(another lie)because i had…[Read more]
MY MIRROR I sat outside with another thought of getting things done,although i had some bookey of ice cream which made my day.. looking round and round,yee comes my brother with this cute,fantastic,good looking,skin scove princess who made me flee from my couch..Basically,my thought for her was a compacing angel with another skin in the…[Read more]