Lolzzz.. From your writeup, its obvious you made a delicious meal. Perhaps they were carried away by the tasty meal you made them. So no hard feeling ok.
“I was a bit disappointed, because I want to hear it. But I guess, I just have to be contented of seeing them eating the pakbet, as if they have no tomorrow anymore. Lol” and thats all that matters. Because their actions have shown you how much they appreciated your efforts.
We learned them as children, but no mater your age these essential words are effortless to say and convey a wealth of meaning to others. They have a powerful ability to create positive interactions.
But we sometimes fail to recognize and show appreciation for the everyday courtesies that come our way. And also sometimes when we don’t hear the two magic words from those we would like to hear them from, doesn’t mean we’re not appreciated.Most people know to express their thanks for gifts, favors, awards, and the like.I’m hoping you share your recipes with me in the future…
Well actually, I have known them, including my husband to be like that, no saying of Thank You. You will just know from the way the gobble up the viand and the perspiration in their heads, that they really liked what I cook.
And at the bedroom, i would ask my husband if he liked what I cooked, he would joke NO! and hugs me.
But then I still would like to hear it or even just a plain “It is so delicious!” .
As you said these two words can really create a positive reaction from the recipient. Makes us wanna cook more delicious foods. ha ha ha
Recipes ? I only cook simple foods. Or from what are the ingredients inside the refrigerator that is available. I call it cooking by chance.
Uuhhhhhh so sweet of your husband..*smiles* then you also telling him jokingly. “Honey I’ll like to hear you say it.it makes me feel better”lolzzz..
You must be a very good cook for using the available ingredients in the refrigerator to do perform the magic they enjoy so much. Thumbs up.Continue keeping your family happy.
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