Ale Kindness
@dovlynkay active 6 years, 9 months agoRank: Newbie
Here’s how to pull off the dress over jeans trend
Some trends are harder to get than others but nailing this dress over jeans will earn you some major style points.
One of the most flattering trends to come out this year is wearing a dress over jeans. The look is complete street style chic and give you the chance to use old summer maxi dresses […] View
In reply to: Ale Kindness wrote a new post, The Differences Between Love and Lust Firstly we want to look into what love is all about. Love is involuntary. Brain science tells us it’s a drive like thirst. It’s a craving f […] View
Hmm this is so captivating, your experience is really what most female youth are passing through. A guy who fail to understand his girl and lacks understand of relationship is not worthy of being called a responsible man.
Am into one and I know what it takes to understand a girl and being there for her career wise.
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I cannot tell you how much I love this post. It is full of truth, even if a lot of us may not want to hear it. When we’re in a long term relationship we do tend to get comfortable, a little too comfortable. And while true love is not about looks you are definitely correct when you say sexual attraction between romantic partners is extremely important to maintain! It doesn’t mean that we have to be a perfect 10 by society’s standards, but taking pride in our individual appearance and exuding confidence is a huge key! If we try remembering how great it felt in the beginning of the relationship to have our partner be so excited just being together, it can make it easier to stay motivated so that feeling lasts!