Geoffrey Musera - "God is good all the time and All the time God is good and that is His nature."View
Treathyl FOX - "Phasing out my activity at this site. No longer publishing blog posts, making comments, or accepting friend requests. Please don’t take my rejection personally. My other home business projects have taken the […]"View
Shahid Ali Shah - "Fruits and vegetables have no cholestrol, therefore they are very important for heart health."View
David Hersh - "why did the redeem say test1 not my name I hope I did not give my 10.00 to something else this is confusing"View
Emine gungor - "Snapchat is partnering with college newspapers to make campus editions for its Discover section"View
HARUN ENESI - "Never give up, always keep trying to reap ur success, no matter how try and fail u are never relent on ur effort. believe me one day d sky will b ur limit."View
Tibetan Culture - "It’s a Saturday and how are you guys doing? Great I hope. Please stay cool be safe wherever you are. Be alert and be more sensitive to your surrounding. Best to keep an eye when walking downtown, Why? We all knew […]"View
sanjaykumar - "Koi hindi jaane wala bhi h kya"View
Constance Brewer - "@shivamani Answer to qustion “where are you going after death”! Acts 2:36-38 Repent and everyone of you be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for remmission of sins and receive the gift of the […]"View
Sarah Freitas - "Never think you are nothing to anyone, you could be someone’s whole world and not even realize it. Fight against depression and suicide!"View