Emoghor Christopher
@christ360 active 2 years agoRank: Newbie
Every woman desires picture perfect, glowing skin. Whether you are a student, homemaker, or a working professional, it is very important to have good skin.
Our skin is fragile, and exposing it to harmful chemicals is always a huge risk to take. Stressful lifestyles, hectic work schedules, inadequate sleep, lack of nutritional diet, pollution, […] View
Ensure proper hygiene, and disposal of waste products in the right place. Equipping medical care center with modern facilities
These are great ideas and ones that I hadn’t even thought about. Who wants to be the victim to a nosocomial? You would think that you could get better by going to the hospital but with careless negligence it might be hazardous to even go in the waiting room. Thank You for your input and for caring.
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