• Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Small Plane Dive In The Beach 7 years, 11 months ago

    It was a disaster after disaster.

    It was just a day passed when the very strong typhoon hit the region. The municipality of Santiago, province of Ilocos Sur was also under storm signal number 4 just like the […]

    • I have also read that a heavy typhoon appeared and too much devastation made the typhoon as a result many a couples of persons died and injured but what can anyone do against it because it is a natural catastrophe. The GOVT must take protective measures against it to save human lives. People are facing many types of problems I think God will help the victims surely.

    • There was a large number of human lives. Many have become homeless and some stayed away from their houses even for days. The effect was felt more in Haiti and about 80,000 have lost their lives.

      Though the intensity was there equally in Ilocos Sur and other parts there was only damage to the houses and property but not human lives. This time the Government has taken effective alert management system and evacuated many from the dangerous area well in advance.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Keeping The Faith During Time Of Calamity 7 years, 11 months ago

    Keeping The Faith

    If there is one good thing that the super typhoon Haima brought to me—and other fellow non-prayerful men and women—it’s the faith. My belief that I am just human and means nothing in this […]

    • Yes, faith plays an important role in human life but love, hope and faith all these are the children of human soul. And all the miracles on earth are the wonders of faith. Your article is beautiful and informative.

    • I totally agree that it is the faith which gives the power. This is the ultimate truth not confined to only one religion but almost all religions of the world.One need not have a religion but if he got faith he can drive himself safely out of the trouble. This is what one should know about the basic principle laying behind every religion.

    • This is a very heart felt post.Our level of faith and spirituality goes up and down. Sometimes when we are safe and comfortable, we forget our faith. When we are sick, in danger or facing some problem, we call out to God to help us and it is true that in trials we are closer to God.

    • When someone thinks it will be so in modern term is called faith. But we must know the real root of is trust if God and fear of God. Man is a wonderful thing, he hopes to be good keeping in mind God’s mercilessness but what God says we do not act upon it what a beautiful thinking of earthly men.

      Give me your ear and understand this example; if someone comes to see you at home and you say sit for a while the tea is coming but the order was not given to make tea, if you faith the will come it will not come because you have fulfilled the law of order. Keep milk, water and tea mixing a pot and when sit for a while tea is coming it will come because you completed the law of God It is faith cos you have completed the law of God to make tea.

      we do not fulfilled the law of God and have faith is useless theoretically and practically. If we are thankful to God catastrophes will not come upon human being of any type. All types of natural evils are the sign of warning for human being to be thankful to God otherwise an other evil is ready for you.

      But earthly men do not understand it and consider it natural calamities and destruction occurring according to the laws of nature. But it is not so as we think in real life. Read the whole holy books all types of natural catastrophes are warnings for men to avoid bad deeds against human beings and God’

      Natural calamities are the punishment of God for men but men do not understand it knowingly. We must be thankful to God 24 hours because God’s blessings are more on man.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, We Survived Super Typhoon Haima 7 years, 11 months ago

    With the wind of 220 kilometer per hour speed and gustiness of 300 kph, supertyphoon Lawin (Haima) was one of the strongest typhoon our province have experienced. It’s been a long time a warning storm signal n […]

    • You are lucky that your place was spared from the wrath of Lawin. You said that there was no casualty in your place. But in other place, it was reported that there were 8 dead and 2 were missing. This is the second super typhoon that hit the Philippines. The first one was in 2013 at the province of Tacloban. It was typhoon Yolanda. There were many casualties had been reported. They even reached to 10,000. Tacloban was badly hit or totally devastated by typhoon Yolanda.

      The people there mourned for several days or even months. That incident was highly politicized. It became the issue on the latest Presidential elections. It became the source of all forms of anomalies, graft and corruption. That brought the non winning of Presidential aspirant Mar Roxas because of the issue of non delivery of the welfare goods to the victims of the typhoon. it’s indeed the worst governance whatsoever.

    • Typhoons are natural disasters may appear in any country with the decree of God but lucky are those remained safe in this typhoon destruction someone said that only eight peoples died and were saved by the stroke of luck. May Allah preserve all the peoples the victims of the horrible typhoon.

    • I have oftenly wondered how those typhoons get their names. Maybe you can share on that so that we know how they come about. Typhoon Mario, halima you know it may sound funny to us but we don’t laught at the situation just the names amaze me. Anyway first and foremost i feel really sad when I watch on television to see how these typhoons wreck havoc and leave people homeless and poor. Starting off all over again is usually th3 hardest thing that anyone would have to go through. The first time I saw it on tv it was when it swept through Florida I think I can’t even remember the name, it was very popular and I saw how it swept over buildings, cars, brideges and stuff it looked like a horror movie to me. You know this are things we watch only on tv sometimes and it is a devastaing time for The residents. In our country they are just normal floods not typhoons. Anyway it’s a good thing that no deaths were reported and that people came out safe.

    • Typhoons are quite natural in the Philippines. The people adjusted themselves to the adverse circumstances and other natural calamities. The frequent typhoons in the regions have taught a lot of lessons to the Filipinos.

      The last typhoon has made them how to equip themselves to the natural disaster. The Disaster Management and Warning signal system have contributed a lot in the timely evacuation of the people from the typhoon-affected areas. The people were informed well in advance. Necessary food and water supply arrangements have already been taken up on war footing basis.

      The previous presidents though responded effectively there was a loss of human lives in the previous typhoon. The people were made to stay above the trees for days together. The food supply system was not alerted. The rescue operations were not taken up in time. Everything was politicized and the opposition tried to make use of the situation to the maximum benefit of winning the elections.

      The president is different now. The people are feeling the responsibility now. They are no more irresponsible and inactive. Everything is taking up as per planning with devotion and dedication.

    • Typhoons are very dangerous.May Allah save us all from these disasters.I red about this in Newspaper and watched on you tube i can feel how hard it will be for the people over there.We experienced Earthquake in Pakistan in 2005.It was a big deserter all the houses were damaged in our area and almost every house there were at least single death were reported.It relly was a hard time.The time was morning 8.00am when it happen mostly people are sleeping on that time that is way many people were died who were still on bed.They didnt know that they will never wakeup again.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are here again, after the super typhoon Lawin, we were not cowed by it, we stand and ready to face the world again.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are here again, after the super typhoon Lawin, we were not cowed by it, we stand and ready to face the world again.

  • Profile picture of jarik

    jarik and Profile picture of Amel SijaricAmel Sijaric are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jarik and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The Essay Of My Son About Me 7 years, 11 months ago

    It was an activity assignment for Grade 6 pupils.

    The children were told by their teacher to write an essay with the title “What Makes Your Father As A Father”. So VJ asked something about me—which I coope […]

    • He is such a handsome young man. I can tell he looks up to you in a big way. 🙂 So you are doing great in that arena. It is always good to hear good things come out of your kids mouth. It makes you feel like you have done something out of this world.

    • Awwwe how sweet sometimes kids can be such angels. They can surprise their parents in the most unusual ways, ways that parents wouldn’t have even imagined. You know many times parents may assume that kids don’t see or realize the things or sacrifices they make to see their kids through life. Sometimes the little things that they do are seen and the kids keep it to themselves until a time when they will need to express their feelings come up then they narrate all the things that their parents have done for them, and this comes as a surprise to the parents because they never thought that their child have captured some things.

    • just wonderful–many more other children his age should take an example from him—

    • I have read the whole essay keeping in mind the child age the essay is full wisdom and humor and the use of functional words leave wonderful effect on the readers.

      Guide him more in this field he may be a great write on growing up surely because great foot prints look separate in earth. Provide him more chances at home on different topics as my mother, my sister, my brothers…

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, What Now, Barangay Election Is Postponed 7 years, 11 months ago

    Finally, President Rody Duterte had signed the bill postponing the Barangay and SK Elections in the Philippines. If it was not postponed, it should have been held on October 31, Monday.

    Prior to this, there […]

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    SuperD replied to the topic Quality Standards on LiteracyBase: I Look Forward to Working With 'Edit' in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    I am so in favor of this suggestion. How I wish to have that edit button so we can easily edit our article if it needed too. Sometimes we need to replenish also the articles we have written but when it is already in the ‘waiting approval’ we cannot edit them. I guess, the admin may consider this suggestion.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Preparing For The Coming Typhoon Lawin 7 years, 11 months ago

    There’s no doubt about it, typhoon Lawin with the international name Haima is heading towards our region, northern Philippines. We are in the province of Ilocos Sur and we are expecting the heavy rains and s […]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Pets We Always Wanted At Home 7 years, 11 months ago

    Let’s exclude dogs and cats, these lovable pets are given. So aside from these two pets normally in our home there are other pets we always wanted to have. These pets are giving us patience to let us not be b […]

    • Good article! I hace to say we hace at hime 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 nice fishes… And that’s all! I mean, no goats or Guinea pigs!

    • I think I disregard th3 fa t that some people can keep certain animals as pets in their homes. Snakes for example why would someone keep something so harmful in their homes? What does a snake do for you other than scare you away? A gecko what good is it for surely. At least I know if I ha e a car that can chase away days and some creepy crawling things. And keep your house away from rodents that can cause problems or disease at some point. Having a dog is a good idea if will keep intruders out of your home that’s for a good course unlike other animals. I have grown up with dogs in our home so I love dogs and that can be very friendly as well. Having a dog can also create company just playing around with it is just a good feeling

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    SuperD and Profile picture of AngelesAngeles are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, My Opinion On Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize 7 years, 11 months ago

    So, its controversial! I just don’t know why it’s controversial? Don’t we like a New Nobel Prize winner be well-known to everybody?
    I mean, hey, it’s Bob Dylan, he could be our most popular winner because […]

    • He is as major an effect on our society as Shakespeare was on his.

    • That is true, he is a major influenced in the 1960’s and 1970’s. His songs is combination of the mastery of songwriting and music. No question about his prize because he really deserves it. Literature is not only for novels and stories and poems, its only the combination of them.

  • Profile picture of jarik

    jarik and Profile picture of cessy08cessy08 are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic What is your favorite Chicken recipe/ dish? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 11 months ago

    That photo you put it, its pinakbet, isn’t it? Anyway, I love chicken curry and fried chicken and probably I will name them because its the popular version of our recipe. But more than that I also love our local version which we call “pinikpikan”. It is a soup based chicken cut into tiny pieces including the internals and saute with fish sauce.

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    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 11 months ago

    Oh my, I love it here.

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 11 months ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic Do you prefer Western or Local Cuisine? in the forum Group logo of Dining OutDining Out 7 years, 11 months ago

    It’s not that I don’t like local cuisine because I have had much of it in our region. So when I have choices, let me pick the western cuisine for me to have a taste of their good food, great taste and the yumminess in every bite that I can have. So I guess, the answer is clear, YES.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of Dining OutDining Out 7 years, 11 months ago

    I belong to this group, I think, because I love food.

    • Do you know that fluids enter the pump impeller axially at its centre of rotation through its eye and its discharged from its rim in a spiraling motion having received energy from the rotating impeller..

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