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    SuperD wrote a new post, What Should You Not Miss In Tobacco Festival 7 years, 5 months ago

    Accept it or not but tobacco is one of the most important thing among the lives of many Ilocano. Tobacco have been part of the tradition and cultures especially to the city that the biggest budget for its projects […]

    • It is a very beautiful festival. Tobacco had been a source of livelihood of people in most parts of Ilocos region. It is good the revenue from it goes back to the people in form of public services and infrastructure projects.

    • what a festival tobacco and its issues, nice infor and post, amazing thanks

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    SuperD wrote a new post, 4 Local Cuisines Of Ilocano In Fiesta Day 7 years, 6 months ago

    Taste the best of local cuisine of Ilocano; showcasing the dishes that define the taste of what early Ilocano have in the table called dulang.

    Taking pride to the traditions and history of cooking.

    Cuisines of […]

    • Good content.
      Good job

    • Cool post! I’m into world cuisine and sampling global flavors. The thing I notice about recipes from around the world is that many of the key ingredients are universal.

    • My father is ilocano and I have tasted all the dishes you mentioned.

    • I like Ilocano dishes too. Malaga is a very delicious fish, but I don’t know about sapsapuriket! I love their vegetable dishes like pinakbet.

    • I love kilawen, best of all.

      My mom is also an Ilocano, she is from La Union.

      Her cooking is always my barometer for what good food is. It seems that she has a magic wand that everytime she cooks, the turn out is always heavenly!

    • I want to try this sapsapuriket. I haven’t seen my mom cook this recipe.

      Is it okay to ask for the recipe for sapsapuriket? I

      Thank you for this article. It is so informative.

    • I am hungry now hehehehe all these are my favorites. I eat kinilaw seldom only chicken only native deep fried. Long time no hear from you my friend.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, These Businesses Would Likely To Die In Duterte Administration 7 years, 6 months ago

    The happiness to some is the crying session for others.

    While the administration was praised for strong stance to guard the people and its interest and concern, many of them will be affected. The result could […]

    • They are sources of livelihood, but negatively affects other people, that of tobacco smoke; firecrackers and pyrotechnics; and gambling which teach some people to depend on mere luck for easy money instead of finding other sources. It could be good; though those industries can be a source of tax for the government, but they should be regulated well on especially regarding safety measures.

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    jarik and Profile picture of Lee KaLee Ka are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    SuperD and Profile picture of Kelly DuttonKelly Dutton are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    jarik and Profile picture of Kelly DuttonKelly Dutton are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    jarik and Profile picture of Rajaraman KRajaraman K are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Kevinsaga (1876) joined the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

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    jarik and Profile picture of Ameer hussainAmeer hussain are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    Kevinsaga (1876) joined the group Group logo of Eyes wide shut.Eyes wide shut. 7 years, 9 months ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, This Is How We Prepare For Running 7 years, 10 months ago

    Running has been one of my favorite sports activity. This is one of my passions. Not only for the health benefits but also the fun of it. It’s really cool when you are running with everyone in the Fun Run or in t […]

    • Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but did you know that it can benefit almost every part of your body, as well as lift your mood? Running is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways. While it may not be everybody’s favorite form of exercise, knowing what it can do for your life just may make you look at running in an entirely new light.

      Believe it or not, running is actually a great way to increase your overall level of health. Research shows that running can raise your levels of good cholesterol while also helping you increase lung function and use. In addition, running can also boost your immune system and lower your risk of developing blood clots.

      For women, running can actually help to lower your risk of breast cancer. It can also help reduce the risk of having a stroke. Many doctors today recommend running for people who are in the early stages of diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis, and it is proven to help reduce the risk of having a heart attack.

      By helping the arteries retain their elasticity and strengthening the heart, your chances of suffering a heart attack can be significantly reduced. tress can actually cause a number of health and mood problems.

      It can also diminish appetite and sleep quality. When you run, you force your body to exert excess energy and hormones. Running also helps to reduce your chances of developing tension headaches.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, How About Family Got Talent 7 years, 10 months ago

    How About Family Got Talent

    A family that prays together live forever.

    I was jolly the other night with my family. We had just our dinner and we are all in the living room chatting together: me and my wife […]

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    jarik and Profile picture of SHOHANASHOHANA are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    SuperD and Profile picture of TJ CruzTJ Cruz are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Preparing For The Running Events 7 years, 10 months ago

    We have schedule for running in our city. It is sponsored by one of the hospital and dubbed to promote good health of the people. There are three categories that include 6 kilometers; 12 kilometers and 18 […]

    • Running activates the whole body organs especially life organs that produce power for men’ whole body 24 hours that is running for everyone is must as routine.

      Belief is everything. In the past nine months I’ve learned a lot of lessons about self confidence. When you toe the start line at 6am for an ultra you will have doubts, just as you did for the first half or full marathon.

      It’s natural and the adrenaline is a good thing, but having experience – good and bad – to call on as a confidence booster is vital. Test yourself in your training runs. Put in a big hill at mile 13, stay on your feet for an extra half hour, even though you feel like you’re done. When you survive your belief will rocket.

      There’s a popular quote about endurance events. “It’s 90 per cent mental. The other 10 per cent is all in your head.” This isn’t just a neat phrase, it’s entirely true. Your preparation needs to be mental and physical.

      Learn to anticipate the tough bits but don’t fear them. Think about how you’re going to deal with the tiredness. Eventually you’ll recognise the feeling and be far more likely to push through the fatigue when it inevitably arrives.

    • That was very nice sport running, you know as an athelet you need to practice very hard because they other contenders which are preparing to win the race, you need to have a good coach which will teach you everything about what you want inback, to run is very hard sport but if you can time you time to practice you will go they and comeback as a winner. I love sports but my favorite was a football as am taking to you now am fan of cheseafc football club of england, that is my club fan them and i like the pattern of their playing, sports bring unity of countries to countries i really enjoy sports.

    • Running for a cause works both ways. It is good for the runner and good for the cause. Keep it up. So, finally which race would you join?

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    SuperD wrote a new post, I’m Broke But I Gain 7 years, 10 months ago

    Because my children wanted to go to the carnival where there are joyful rides and some games that you can win junk foods, stuff toys, candies and chocolates among others—even though I was hesitated to go because i […]

    • Carnival (or in Portuguese: Carnaval) is the worldwide best known outing of Brazilian popular culture. Carnival is even that important to Brazilians that a year is being divided into two parts: before and after Carnaval…

      After New year, everyone in Brazil will be preparing for the Carnival event. In January and February not much else of any significance happens; to Brazilians, the year 2017 will actually start after Carnival !

      The most famous Carnaval in Brazil is of course the one in Rio de Janeiro. However, also in Rio de Janeiro there are several ways to celebrate the festival.

      Furthermore, in almost every settlement of any size in Brazil you will be able to join in Carnival events. After Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the most famous Carnaval festivals are the ones of Salvador and Pernambuco

    • I can perfectly relate to this. As kids we have indulged in such things with no money 😀 and the joy our parents got to see our smiles I bet they too like you felt rich and wealthy.

    • I am glad to hear everyone had a great time and left happy. I try to take my son to things like this when I am able to but every year they keep going up on the prices.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Sneaking The Funeral Of Former President Marcos 7 years, 10 months ago

    So finally, the remains of Former Philippine Ferdinand Marcos have been laid to rest in the Libingan ng mga Bayani or Hero’s Burial.

    It was a surprise. Some call it sneaking funeral. It’s totally hidden to the […]

    • This funeral I bet will go down in history with so many bizarre attitudes. Whatever be it glad that he is now laid to rest. May his sould rest in peace.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Some People Are Die Hard Of Politics 7 years, 10 months ago

    While some people in United States are protesting against presumptive President Donald Trump on his assuming in White House, in the small town of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur in our country Philippines, few people are […]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Why Do We Love So Much Dead 7 years, 10 months ago

    Isn’t that we are supposed to scared at death?

    Long time ago people are just so frightened when they spoke of dead. People don’t want to look at the dead people in the coffin. They are running away when the […]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Dear EJK Killers, Before You Kill Someone… 7 years, 10 months ago

    Dear EJK Killers;

    How are you doing right now? I hope you have not killed someone again. I hope you are not holding your guns right now. Hope you are not planning another shooting of a drug pusher in our […]

    • white rose is looking beautiful

    • It is legal to kill the drug smugglers because one drug smuggler becomes the enemy of thousands of innocent men ans women I say those who support the drug smugglers support the social evils in any country. It is a social evil spreading all over the world.

      I think that Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws.

      At current levels, world heroin consumption (340 tons) and seizures represent an annual flow of 430-450 tons of heroin into the global heroin market. Of that total, opium from Myanmar and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic yields some 50 tons,

      while the rest, some 380 tons of heroin and morphine, is produced exclusively from Afghan opium. While approximately 5 tons are consumed and seized in Afghanistan, the remaining bulk of 375 tons is trafficked worldwide via routes flowing into and through the countries neighbouring Afghanistan.
      The Balkan and northern routes are the main heroin trafficking corridors linking Afghanistan to the huge markets of the Russian Federation and Western Europe.

      The Balkan route traverses the Islamic Republic of Iran (often via Pakistan), Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria across South-East Europe to the Western European market, with an annual market value of some $20 billion.

      The northern route runs mainly through Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (or Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan) to Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The size of that market is estimated to total $13 billion per year.

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