• Profile picture of jarik

    jarik wrote a new post, Women company of talking bad about their men 7 years, 11 months ago

    In a recent survey i have made, i have discovered that 80% of women discussions amongst them self were based on their martial or relationship issues.  From this 80% statistics, 70% were based on nega […]

    • Okay first and foremost it’s not only women who talk badly about their men even men do talk badly about their women. Women may be gossipers yes but men are just as bad in fact worse. Okay when you find a woman talking badly about her man she’s usually at a point of no return. We all know that women are caring beings and that they like peace and bring people together in harmony.But if you disrespect a woman and show her that she’s not worth your time you are giving her more reason to go out there and say bad things about you. Now if we talk about the men, if a man has a side dish (mistress) he will do anything or say anything to make her happy and make her feel like shes loved right? And this will include telling his girlfriend how the wife is a bad cook, she doesnt know how to dress and stuff like all in the name of trying to make a woman feel special now if that is not bad mouthing i dont know what it is. In most cases what men say is always lies but what women say always tirns out to be true.

    • @anitah, i agree with your argument but you have seen it from only the angle where the man has a mistress. In a case like this she speaks bad of her to another woman and making a fellow woman more important. But i am speaking generally and i didn’t mean men don’t do this but you will rearly see a man talk bad of the woman he is marriade to and they still live together unless it has gotten to the point of no return like you said. I am an example, many years ago i was involved in a relationship, and i made family and friends see her as the best but after about 3 years i could take forgiving over and over for cheating, so when she went with thesame man i saved her from 3 years before i was devasted and felt used but she came back after 3 months because he dumped her again but i didnt accept her back this time. Family didn’t know why so they were against me, after much pressure i had to say why i can’t take her back and all she did, she was hated immediately. But then i was sure it was the end before i said het fouls. Many men do this but women sits amongst eachother and speak bad for their men, what they don’t do right, how they are not responsible but more about their misunderstanding at home and fights. This bring look down on their marriages. But sure between these women they don’t see these about eachother that same like they see their friends man, so she sees theirs also. But it a calamity when it breaks open especially from a quarrel between 2 friends and they insult eachothers men….. Woooo. There you hear them speak what they have gossiped about their men. This write up is to creat the awareness for women to understand that the other woman sees her, her marriage and her man just as she sees hers also and to stop external discussion of relationship conflicts, better they are settled at home or by a psychologist. Otherwise the relationships can hit the block because of this attitude.

    • Depending on how superstitious you are, very often not to put a bad eye on someone you say bad things about them. You don’t brag you don’t commend. You tear down. In this way, you protect from the evil eye.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Too Many Distractions To Students During School Days 7 years, 11 months ago

    Students supposed to be studying: 5 days a week, from 8:00 in the morning to 12 noon and 1PM to 5 in the afternoon.
    This was supposed to be.
    But as the classes going on, this is not being followed very […]

  • Profile picture of jarik

    jarik replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    It still amazes me, i am still trying to understand it, my view from social media amounts for me here?

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    jarik joined the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Has Tinycent stopped new registration? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    Opps, the no idea people here includes me, sorry maybe there are other members here who can explain the reason. But in case that is the situation, oh well, better wait for the next opening of the new members.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Are our posts rated? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    Oh I love @peachpurple always there to educate us about literacy base. You see I have been submitting articles here and not really aware how much I got from it. All I know is that I can post 3 posts a day in 300 words and that’s it. Maybe I will get the advice of posting 5 blog posts a day multiplied with 15 cents, sounds fair enough. But hey its…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    This is the price when you share your posts in facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest. When it becomes a viral, all you need to watch is the hits keep escalating as if it will never stop. I have never experienced to become a viral but I am really hoping that someday I can have it. Oh wow, its just easy mathematics, 1000 views is $500 and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD joined the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of jarik

    jarik posted an update in the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    The majority of women base their discussion when with their friends on negative thoughts or the bad things about their men. Only few talks positive amongst which are the new married or fresh relationships. Those this actually build their relationships or devalues it? Is it not better to resolve relationship issues internally or better to run to a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jarik

    jarik joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    How’s everybody here now, outside its so hot because rain is out of nowhere, hope it will rain tonight.

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    0.2000 how much is the value of this in real time money, when evaluated and for cashing out?.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, “Sorry” And The Three Presidents 7 years, 11 months ago

    What is the difference between the three presidents of the Philippines: incumbent president Rodrigo Roa Duterte and former president Benigno Simeon Noynoy Aquino, and yes, including former president Gloria […]

    • Yes, i agree that President Rodrigo Duterte is much responsible for his actions than the past corruptive administration who did nothing for the growth, development, employment in our country.

      • The economy went well during the administration of President Aquino. It cannot be denied because of the good exchange rate of peso to dollar that is just playing to P45 per dollar and yet now its already P48 to one dollar. Also the stocks market are on the diving view.

        President Duterte is responsible to maintain this good marked in economy and not destroy it buy his irresponsible comment to the community and to international community.

    • If not Duterte the president of the Philippines will have all the people converted to drug users/ traffickers and even digs might forcibly take drugs.There are million addicts on Ph. Celebrities are predicted 50 might take drugs, my goodness. This the figure assumption from the PDEA.There are so many bad images that are happening now through few senators. RIP to Senator Meriam Defensor Santiago. The country has lost a dedicated lady senator.

      • That is true but the government is not just dealing with the drug users and pushers, government is also making the economy and strong and secured which the President seem lapsing to this duty. Let he fight the drug problem but let him not forget the economy. We are having good trading and business but seems this might lost if not given importance.

        Anyway, there is no perfect country, there will always be a crime and such there will always be a drug pusher (remember in Davao during his term it was not fully eliminated) but make sure his countrymen have food to eat.

    • Everyone of them has the motive of expressing that misinterpreted word, “sorry”. It is easy to say sorry, but it is difficult to amend it especially when it involves the security and the life of a person. The worst is the mistake made by President Duterte. Why? If that certain public official is being liquidated for the gross mistake, could his life be restored? In the case, of President Aquino, he didn’t say anything for he has the reason. By so doing it, he is like admitting that the security of the foreigners in the country couldn’t be protected. It’s better to keep quite than to commit mistake or being misinterpreted. In the case of President Arroyo, it is different, very different.

      • In such cases “sorry” seems to be the hardest word to say from former President Noynoy Aquino and yet seems to be the easiest word to say from President Rody Duterte. That is true, this can be utter and not be utter depending on the situation But this could also be depends on the leadership and feelings of such person.

        In my case, I can say sorry if I really commit the mistake. But sometimes, even its not my fault, I still say sorry, especially when it comes to my wife, he he. To avoid more circumstances.

    • Of all the three, in my opinion, it is Mr. Duterte who is more interested in the welfare and health of his people. He is taking hard action against those who are more responsible in spoiling the bright future of the youth on whom the foundation of the country lies. Even if he does not say sorry it will be acceptable to the people who are really interested in the welfare and development of their country. How the Governor got the list of names, is the question. Did he visited each and every house and inquired about the people? If not, how can he come out with a list of names showing them in a matrix.? This is what actually happens when one is taking and toiling for the development of the country. Generally, in such situations people who are the powerful approach the Governor and got their names included in the list. When the President is making such a hard work why the persons like Governor should meddle in the affairs and spoil the situation which is coming into the right track. Mr. Duterte should not care the Governor and should go ahead with the plan. Mr. Arrayo is already dubbed as inefficient. He never cared for the people and never took any action against the pusher. Better we do not talk about him. Mr. Aquino never said sorry. The security of foreign nationals was at stake means that he too failed miserably in arresting corruption. No need to talk about this man. His not saying sorry does not make him a great man.

      • I think each one of them have the reason to that word sorry: for Mr. Duterte because he accepted there was a mistake in the name of the former governor of Pangasinan, that means a lapses on his part. How about those people killed already in the drug war and was just mistaken to be a drug pusher.

        Mr. Aquino as the hardest man because he never said sorry because of foreign relation. But I love your words, he never become great man of not saying sorry.

        Miss Arroyo said sorry because of her mistake. Its an acceptance of her mistake and asking understanding from the people.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Loyalty Award 7 years, 11 months ago

    Sometimes, we think life is boring.
    We live in monotonous thing. Like in our job. We get employed at young age, let’s say 21 years old. Some get employed young, maybe 18 years old and belong. Then, we do t […]

    • Everyone is deserved to bear the fruits of our honest labor. We should be grateful with this kind of people to work for us with so much passion and dedication they never even tired of working for the best that they can be.

      • That is right. Their services to the people are priceless, they devout they time and effort and sometimes own resources just to serve the people their their outmost.

        We will all come to this stage of life. We will become a 30 year, 35 year and 40 year loyalty award. This might be a passion in staying for such a long time in one work and doing it for the rest of his life. Life is really amazing.

    • That is life… for no work, no money,for no money so hard to buy our daily needs. Our daily needs are very vital.Love flies in the window the old folks said of stomach is empty, hahahaaha.

      • Time really flies, and we will realize that when we are already old, when we retire from our work and all we do in our home is to sit in the chair while waiting for another sunset of the day.

        Its hard, we value the value of time when we are already old. During our younger years, we devout our time in working and serving the people. Now that we are old, we are longing for it but seems they don’t remember our sincerity in our past work. Loyalty awards is such a great memory by then.

    • Everyone who works in public service is legible for being paud their servi e money after servinv the government for years on end. I just don’t like it when people work for years and when the time comes for them to retire they are not paid their dividend that’s very bad
      If a worker has worked diligently for more than 20 years they derse to be rewarded handsomely for their dedication, because it is not easy to sit in the same seat be in the and building seeing him same office setting every passing day for 20 years the leave there empty handed that’s inhuman.

      • Sometimes I’m thinking why they don’t lower the retirable year for a worker so that they can enjoy the prime of their golden years. Lets say retiring at 50 years old or 55 years old. At least they can still enjoy their life by having some good vacations in other countries of eating good food. they have pensions to spend and that is really good thing to do rather than just by buying it medicines for their health.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Nationwide Earthquake Drill 7 years, 11 months ago

    The national government of the Philippines through the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council or NDRRMC holds the nationwide Earthquake Drill today, September 28, 2016, as part of disaster […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    Lets just hope it worth the wait. Maybe it will be a good thing to know though the question is still hanging… when.

    All of us here are still newbie…. well, anyway, LB is not yet that old enough, like us it is still newbie comparing to other sites who have been here for a long time.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    This should be an interesting waiting. Many of us are eager to know what is next but no one really know what will it be. Of course only the admin should know the answer but its not yet reveal. If you have posted the same discussion and you got no answer. Of course there will be other members who will post the same question. Maybe it will be posted…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago


    Yeah, no complain about the status. As I have said, its just curiosity about this matter. Me too, I have not seen a page mentioning about the status of the members. That is why I decided to have this in forum, maybe some of the members who already level up or not yet change from newbie can have an idea what is next to our level now.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD started the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    Maybe the question is, how to become a member with a higher level than a ‘newbie’? I have seen lots of active members here and yet their levels are still newbie?

    I know we all started at this level but I just want to know how to step to the next level. How many articles do you need to post? How many forums do you need to make? How many…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The Irony On Terrorism 7 years, 12 months ago

    War is going on in Southern Mindanao. But the war is not against any other people. It’s against the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf—responsible of some horrible killings, kidnap for ransom, bombings and other ter […]

    • In response to your closing question: Yes I believe it. Governments, i.e. the folks “in charge”, do some unimaginable things. History bears that out.

      With respect to the title of your post, hope you don’t mind me contributing my “two cents”. The irony of terrorism is that the terrorists will not call themselves terrorists for what they do to others, but if others did the same things to them, they would say it was an act of terrorism. Everybody is right in their own eyes. But God is able to judge. So for those who are not on either side? “Heavenly Father, deliver us from evil.”

      • I don’t know but I think I changed my title three times but I was not feeling contented on the previous and even this. But I got your point, because I have read once a phrase that we judge other people on what they do and judge ourselves base on our intentions.

        Which means also terrorists are not only those hiding fighting on what they believe and they kill people because they need to kill, but also those in government doing nothing or just sitting but selling the guns.

        • I’m glad you understood me.

          Killing is murder. We are not talking about an act of self-defense or in defense of family or someone else. We are not talking about an accidental or wrongful death that happened but it was unintentional. We are not talking about war where you are an enlisted soldier or a police officer with legal authority to discharge a weapon in the line of duty. We are talking the planned premeditated taking of another person’s life or the lives of many people, and those murderous acts being used to terrorize or strike fear in others, so that either the remaining living people can be controlled and/or so that those committing the terrorist acts can demand whatever they want and their demands will be met.

          Bottom line? There is not a human being on the planet who does not KNOW when their human rights are being violated and their life or the lives of those they love and want to protect are being threatened. When they recognize that the life and death situation they are in, they don’t care if it’s a “terrorist” or a “freedom fighter” or a “government”, they just want to escape ALIVE!

    • I can. It suits a Gov. to have an ‘enemy’ so that everything it does, no matter how repressive is right.

      • building or making our enemy, this is an irony. It seems the best writers for a movie sequence are in the government. In the end,the losers and sacrifice are the little people asking what is happening and cannot understand the name of the game.

    • Not only governments, all those countries who lecture other nations about war, terrorism and human rights are biggest producers and sellers of weapons and arms. The arms industry is worth billions of dollars and I have no doubt in my mind that they fund terrorism and supply weapons to both sides (government and rebels) so that their economy flourishes.

      You want to know another irony, those who manufacture and export weapons are highly developed countries. The countries with import weapons are extremely poor with no fund for basic infrastructure, health, education etc. for their people.

      • The dark side of high profiled business. Its hard to understand why we have a war, its easy to understand but you will cry when you know the truth– we build, create and make our own enemy. Is this a kind of war games? The sad truth, the innocent, children, poor people are the victims of this war games. We are sacrifice just for them to bank millions of dollars.

        Nose bleeding me.

    • This is not a surprise to know that the Government stocks are being sold to the Terrorists by the Government officials. This is the meanest act on the part of Government . This is a cowardly act. The highly developed countries in their fight for Global supremacy have taken some wrong step somewhere at some time and are unable to take it back. This is the outcome of that wrong decision and step which the other countries are experiencing now. Do you believe? if I say that it was Md. Taraqui of Afghanistan who approached the USSR for help in their fight against Iran ? It is still continuing now.

      • so its like… because there are armory, arsenals and ammos but there are no enemies, we sell these stuffed to the people that can make them able to combat and make them unpopular to the place, and then the war begins because we just ignited it. It is really unbelievable this thing is happening to many countries. We make our own enemies and we supply them so we can make some war. Bad business.

    • Terrorism has been a pain in everyone’s heart all over the world, and no one seems to know who is behind it. It’s very unfortunate to know that it is not people from other countries who start terrorism in countries there is always someone behind the whole thing in that very country or government the terrorism is happening. We have heard so many stories about it and how it’s is formed and the best conclusion that comes out is nothing far from the truth that someone superior or some tycoon is the one aiding or supplying the arms to perform this acts. In Africa it’s said that this terrorists go through certain countries and use some locals to be able to get to th places that they need to go to and in turn give out some hefty payments to be let free. And in this life money has suddenly become a livelihood for many so people would give anything in exchange for money very sad indeed.

    • There are instances when terror outfits have used weapons earlier supplied by Governments and forces on the very forces later which supplied the weapons.

      • So, this is how they play a game, what a mockery. We should have a dream now, that there will be no crooked people thinking of war and battles but only talking about peace and unity, no guns but only funs, no tanks but only thanks.

        This is supposed to be humanity is.

    • I have said many time that those who change their leader keeping in mind some betterment for the public a day dream because the new will come worst than the former as has happened in Philippe.

      The most common definition of a “leadership problem” is a “leader problem”—a problem stemming from the person or people in charge, such as managers, chairpersons, or team leaders. Are they not doing their jobs? How can they improve their effectiveness?

      Do they need to be replaced? It is reasonable to examine what the individuals with formal authority in the group are or are not doing that is contributing to the group not achieving results. However, the quick leap from “leadership problem” to “leader problem” can create tunnel vision.

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