I used to bike when I was in my high school until college. But when I was already working , i didn’t anymore.
But once I am biking, I feel so light and carefree. And I was actually lighter by then.
So, does biking made you have your ideal weight?
My male officemate got fat so he turned into biking. Now, he is almost back to his former slim built.
He joined a biking group and they would bike long distances and have even went to our hometown. He was really into biking long before he got fat. However, he got lazy and didn’t bike anymore, and that made him fat.
So he is back to biking and he said that he would never be lazy biking again.
Wow! That’s a great achievement; you biked for 55 kilometers, and carrying that heavy backpack. Just be careful on the road.
What kind of mangoes do you have in your yard? Ours are only Indian mangoes, but they really are abundant this summer.
We have them in our own yard and they have lots of fruits. So, every after meal we would eat them sliced and we dip them in sauteed shrimp paste. But for the ripe ones we would just slice them and eat them as is.
In my parents’ house they have the “dayap” or lime and they are also fruiting. They also have the “kalamansi” , Philippines’ version of lemons. They also have the passion fruits and they have fruits also. Then, they also have guavas. They have “atis” also.
Summer can indeed be the season for these fruits and it is just one of the advantages of summer. Though, it’s the heat that I hate about summer, but I love the fruits it brings.
We have star apple mango which is a big hit when the fruits are just in the stage of growing and green.
We have this kind of mango that is like the combination of native mango and the star apple mango. The physical look is like our native mango but the fruit best to eat when it just beginning to yellow because it’s just so sweet. But when its ripe, there is some fiber in it which is not good to eat.
But now I’m growing some seedlings of caramay and lemon. Also I’m trying marcotting in the lemon and the caramay tree. We have also some seedlings of guapple which I hope to grow more.
So sad, we do not have fruits in our yard.We lack space unlike in the province. When our property was not sold we had many fruits like papaya, juicy jackfruit, pomelo, bananas, avocados, and Indian mangoes. How nice to see them turning yellow ready to pick.I missed those days in the province.
Maybe the next time you buy a lot you will look for some space where you can plant some fruit bearing trees.
There are lots of mangoes now; even in the market, they sell quite cheap. We are blessed with so much fruits all year round because of our climate.
That is nice, your children will grow mature, responsible and loving. At home my nephew kids ages 7 and 5 have pet rooster and hen.How nice to cook them hehehe.
In my parent’s house too, where my single nephews who are already professionals live, there are a lot of pets.
At the porch, there are hedgehogs and their house is in one corner of the porch, owned by my gay nephew. He also have 2 tsih tzu.
Then, there’s an aquarium, where there is a big Arwana, it’s also owned by my other nephew who lives in a separate house but on the compound of the family. There, they still have 2 aquariums too of different fishes. He also have a dog, a pincher.
Then another nephew have 2 Belgian Malinois, the female gave birth a year ago to 9 puppies, unfortunately recently they get afflicted by a virus and six died.
My parents have local dogs or aspins and they were all spread over the lawn at the backyards. We have 2 of them.
Before, the nephew who owns the aquariums, also have a parrot. Unluckily, it was suddenly gone from its cage.
So, my parents house too is full of pets. ha ha ha
We have to be extra careful this time.
I pray that the Martial Law declared in Marawi will turn out for the good of the place. For me, it is needed.
We cannot let those terrorists reign. We need to arrest their terrorism and I hope the armed forces will win against those groups.
I hope and pray that peace will reign again and pray also that those soldiers be safe from the fighting.
The problem of terrorism is increasing all over the world. Some religious organizations have promoted it. Now it’s time to eradicate them from the world. All countries should come together to resolve this problem.
Whether there is Martial Law or none, the government should do it’s best to eradicate the terrorists. I pity the affected civilians!
The Philippines has been through some hardships.It seems that history repeats itself. In World War II, The Japanese invaded the island and caused atrocities, destroying villages and other unspeakable horrors. Now we have ISIS, who are doing the same. The world need to take this example from our friends in the Philippians–Terrorism is real and needs to be stopped. Today it is them, tomorrow it might be in your back yard. Let’s pray for the Philippians and believe for protection and God’s grace for that beloved land.
I was surprised too, when I saw the two nodding dogs above the computer table that my hubby always work on.
When I asked him, he said he removed it already, because it’s one of those that were mentioned to be banned by the dashboard. Oh, they were just small and below the eye level of the driver , so how can they obstruct their sights, besides they are at the middle part of the dashboard.
Anyway, as to the rosary, I also am not in favor of them including that in the ban. It’s placed in such a way that it is not obstructing the mirror by the upper front of the dashboard.
But anyway, let us see how strictly this will be implemented. I hope the senators can suggest modifying the law.
As I read in the newspaper some of the senators will be proposing for the suspension of the implementation of this law for further study of the implementing rules and regulations. I am so in favor of this move.
A rosary does not create road accident, maybe those who recommend this are non-catholic.There are so many reactions. Anyway my car is clean.
Rosaries are no longer banned because many drivers opposed that idea. Rosaries do not block driver’s view, but provide them an inspiration to go on safely so they won’t hurt other people on the road too! It is a reminder for one to be good!
In the US, people also respect those people who are doing small works or heavy works. But this is not the case in India. The person who earns less money in India is considered to be trivial. Here the owner treats his servant as an animal. Even after hard work every day, he does not have so much money that he can buy food for his family. This injustice has been running for many centuries. Now it’s time to change. Everyone should get their correct pay.
Such that kind of system our government want to change. The privilege and benefits of employees should be given by employers including the protection and good payment for them. Its only good when the government act in this kind of problem and not just let the employers do want they want. If the government will protect the employees maybe they will have a better productivity and output.
That is so nice to know that such bill to protect the workers will soon be passed.
It’s high time that these workers should be given their due hazard pays especially those construction workers who work under the scorching sun.
The company I am employed with really follows the rules of DOLE with regards the pay, leaves and the like. They know the consequences when we are not able to abide by them, because before we were sued by workers.
Now, our company learned our lessons so we really abide by the laws of DOLE.
I am always careful in my driving, sometimesI commute afraid to drive too far places.There are so many reckless drivers this time.They lack discipline and seminar.
I think that is one of the best thing to do to avoid the vehicular accidents in the national road– to commute instead of using your own car. At least you can relax and sit well while in travel and let the driver do their job.
But when times you really need to drive your own car, at least you take the precautionary measures to avoid possible road accidents. Being attentive in the steering wheel and breaks and eyes on the road always can help. At least we can be alert always.
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