Geoffrey Musera
@chavangigeoffrey active 6 years, 4 months agoRank: Newbie
God is good all the time and All the time God is good and that is His nature. View
Ngiam Kee Wei - "Do anyone know how to build muscle without intensive exercise routine?"View
PEEUSH TRIKHA - "@lovern perhaps they can shut this site after writing a proper email."View
Agha Austine C - "Happy New Month!"View
Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova - "Payments here?"View
Daniel Makallo - "Myths take the form of sacred stories that are passed along from one generation to the next…they commonly tell of the origins of humans and the World, however believe in myths depends on the society your coming […]"View
Drew Sheehan - "She’s my sugar. waking up next to her makes my day everyday. so in love."View
Nduwuba Victor - "Just had a great 2017 FATHER’S DAY , it was an electrifying moments that I can never forget. I particularly did send a message to my three kids , kavin,Kingston and Favour; expressing my love and committement […]"View
DaneMalong - "Thanks for not paying LB! hope you considered those people who put effort in writing blogs here."View
opeloyeru luqman - "Another day another progress. Ameen morning frndz"View