• Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX wrote a new post, Writing For Residual Income ~ My Experience and My Plans 7 years, 7 months ago

    This post is my ADD ON to a post by fellow LB member, best writer titled:

    I have finally found my bearings in the virtual world of writing


    For me, if it were not for that fact that doors began to open […]

    • Thanks for referring may be a link would help. Just a suggestion. Yes. I was at niume but the rigmarole of connecting to various sites put me off there. I did earn once. I have not closed the chapter but may try it later.

      • My Niume experience has been surprising! Not only have I received a warm welcome but the Niume Staff has shared some of my posts. My biggest shock was when I got an eMail that said one of my posts had been Featured. WHOA! “Staff Picked”?? Seriously? Me? I felt humbled and happy. So I’m going to hang out at that site for a while and see what it yields.

        *(Psst. The content that was featured was republished content.)

    • So NIume is based on views that it generates. I think I will fail there because my FB friends don’t need additional income or have the passion for writing, so they don’t view them.

      I suppose the defunct site you have implied is Bubblews. Oh, I earned a lot there. So, when it was slowing down and sensing it will close eventually, I went back to myLot.

      Now it’s myLot for fun in interaction and some earnings and LB for earnings galore. 🙂

      I cannot take another one because I have my full time job.

    • Great article. I, like you, look for opportunities to supplement my income. I will try the sites you recommended. I, for one, had have success with Mturk associated with Amazon. They have writing jobs and surveys. I found it to pay better than some of these sites. I, also, wrote a blog about making money with Mturk, so if interested, give it a shot. Anyway, congratulations on your past endeavors and keep up the good work.

      • Thank you! You’re not the only one who recommends Mturk. I have not looked into yet but it is definitely NOT off the table as another income possibility.

    • I have been on Mylot for years. It is harder to get some decent income but i love being there and interacting with everyone. I actually learned about LiteracyBase from a discussion on Mylot yesterday and deicided to try it out. I am actually liking it around here. It is good that all activities here are rewarded for.

      Because i am at work i am limited for now, to only look around and explore or comment on blogs.

      I haven’t written a blog yet but i intend to when i am at home.

      • You’ve done pretty good with the blog posts you’ve published since this comment and you also look to be active in the forums and groups. This is not a generating primary income although I suppose one could do that if they devoted themselves to it. But like I said in my post, it is a residual income stream. What I like is that it’s not a guess that you might earn money. When you sign in you can actually see your earning accumulating. I don’t know why all the online writing sites and blogging communities can’t do the same. Would love to find more sites like LB where all of your activity earns.

    • Looks like you’re adjusting just fine! 🙂

    • * * *Sadly the owner of the Niume site passed away and nobody wanted to continue the work. The site no longer exists.

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of Nikki PetersonNikki Peterson are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX started the topic Advice for Life We Can All Relate To in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Found this lovely quote at a Tumblr blog which the publisher named “Freedom for Everybody”.  He’s a gentleman from the Netherlands who says he uses his posts “to inspire people to not give up (no matter what happens)”.  This quote is very wise and sound advice and the words are very relate-able. 


    How many times in our life have we done the o…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 7 months ago

    My husband’s favorite love song of all time is “Nature Boy” performed by Nat King Cole, who wrote this song when he was only 16 years old.  Clearly, he was “the enchanted boy”.  I have to admit it … the song is timeless!



  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 7 months ago

    My daughter is in the 20-30 age range. Imagine my surprise when she came home with Stevie Wonder’s album “Innervisions”, which was extremely popular when I was attending the University of Miami (1972-1976).  My son download music from the Internet by artists like Tears for Fears and Queen

    Guess when it comes to good music, there is no gener…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 7 months ago

    When it comes to my favorite Christian hymns, the list is very long. That spiritual music has been comforting me from the earliest years of my life.


  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 7 months ago

    I’m revisiting this question because when I woke up this morning my husband was playing some music videos and it got me thinking again about “favorites”.  Of course, it’s an impossible question to answer. Unless maybe you’re 5 years old. 🙂   But the longer you live, the longer your list gets.  🙂  Having thought about again, here are some more…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Do You "Reciplay"? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 7 months ago

    My husband insists that we try to keep carrots, cabbage, and potatoes in the cupboard. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Do You "Reciplay"? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 7 months ago

    I wanted to try Middle Eastern flavors and cooked a soup that didn’t have my common everyday ingredients.  My husband and sons enjoyed it so much.  I can’t remember how I cooked it!  Drives me nuts!!  🙂

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX started the topic Do You "Reciplay"? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 7 months ago

    RECIPLAY (V.) ‘ress-i-play 

    To cook without a recipe, adding a little bit of this, a little bit of that, sometimes producing a triumph, sometimes a mess.

    Usage: Ethan was proud of his freestyling way of cooking without cookbooks, recipes, or measuring spoons—even though the results were often inedible. But sometimes his reciplaying prod…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of Rhona YoungbloodRhona Youngblood are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of Sharlene AwatSharlene Awat are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of Eloivene BlakeEloivene Blake are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    “I ain’t got no money. … I’m rich on personality. … I know ain’t nothing wrong with yo’ ears …” ~ Song lyrics from “Baby I’m a Star” by Prince (Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016) was an American singer-songwriter ) 🙂

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Spotlight on Veggies: Eggplant in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 7 months ago

    I like to learn about world cuisines and global flavors. Thank you for teaching me a new word. Baingan. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Spotlight on Veggies: Eggplant in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 7 months ago

    Eggplant with eggs?  Don’t think I’ve tried that.  Sounds yum! 🙂

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic For Those Who Appreciate the Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Jennifer Dombrowski – I would probably borrow from King Solomon: “There’s nothing new under the sun”.  Actually I would not use the phrase “today’s world” at all.  But that’s just me.  🙂  In my mind Krishna’s thought is complete with this minor edit.

    But in today’s world People are unfortunately more interested to pull the carpet from the o…

    [Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX wrote a new post, Mr. T. … If You’re Reading This … 7 years, 7 months ago

    Americans are sharply divided these days. The irony is that I actually thought we were seriously divided when Obama was in office.  But ever since Trump ran, won and took office I have heard nothing but yelling […]

    • I’m not American nor do I live in America so I probably shouldn’t be commenting here but I couldn’t resist because I saw the tweets of the people on my timeline and they were outraged. Everyday, Trump signs on something and it outrages people.

      I think Trump would be one of most hated Presidents of America in history if he continue to act rashly. He’s changing things too rapidly without consulting his public and the result is the outrage of his people.

      I mean, people even celebs who DON’T normally comments on politics are speaking out and those rallies at airports and on the streets are saying something. He should try to connect with his public humbly and discuss why he want these changes that he’s actively doing. All I see on his twitter is hate and continues blaming of all the wrongs he sees.

      It’s sad and scary to see America this way. Hopefully things will turn around for the better and all the hate and divide you’re all going through right now will turn into unity and peace.

      • Each say I don’t know what to expect. But I expect something!

        By the way, it’s perfectly fine for non-Americans to comment. Decisions made in this country’s Oval Office have far-reaching impact. Every citizen in every country has the right to be concerned and should have a voice. If you heard gunshots in your neighbor’s house, would you say nothing or would you call the police? If a leader of another country was or is making decisions that could reach wherever you are and have an adverse effect, should you not speak on the matter?

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic For Those Who Appreciate the Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks. Appreciate your remarks only I disagree with you on one point. What you refer to as “today’s world”? That attitude has been around since Cain and Abel.  Humanity has been on that “path” for a very long time!


  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX started the topic For Those Who Appreciate the Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.”    Abraham Lincoln
    ( I always enjoy reading Mr. Lincoln’s quotes. 🙂 )

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