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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

     Anitah Gimase, my friend you say right in doing this job men are also expert to do so because men’s nature is ever changing than women and women take the responsibility of up bringing the children and men go out of home thus men have more chances than women to find out side women for illegal contact.

    I personally condemn that neither woman no…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    You say right women are faithful to men and want to live with the chosen man forever but all do not think so because every woman has different nature, Just like man is faithful to his wife but all not because their intentions are wrong and they not love their wives that is why they have eye on other women.

    It main reason is that they are not…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic THANKSGIVING in the forum Group logo of Food for the thoughtFood for the thought 7 years, 10 months ago

    thanksgiving is one the best festivals that bring to gathers all old and young family members at one platform in November the season of Autumn. Many years before I attended Thanksgiving at the local church in my country with my friend. It was evening time.

    The Bishop and the Priest both were my close friends. Bishop asked me what to eat today in…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Innuendos: The Enemy of Ego: Do you agree? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Irony is the art of innuendo, an indirect suggestion often with sinister connotation. It is also the art of double dealing in words. The basic purpose of irony is to make a contrast between appearance and reality. […]

    • You say right but most of the people use it knowingly while conversation at homes and out homes causes quarrels on earth without cause. Sarcastic language has power to mislead emotions and feelings anon and thus human temperament goes high and fight starts.

      We all must avoid sarcastic and irony in our communication and conversation to keep pleasure full our kind society everywhere on earth.I have never used sarcastic language in my whole life, yes, you wonder. It is a language of Satan but a few know it just for turmoil sake.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Love is Important for Marriage or Marriage is Important for Love! 7 years, 10 months ago

    There are four questions are prominent in Pride and Prejudice; Austen’s limited range, her irony, her art of characterization and her theme of love and marriage. Here Professor Malinger says, “The theme of lov […]

    • The question is whether love leads to marriage or marriage leads to love. My opinion is that it is only the love that leads to marriage. If there is no love it can not lead to a meaningful marriage. If we do not want any use of the term meaningful, then a marriage can take place even without love. But, we should not forget that in that case the very meaning of a marriage will be defeated.

      Without love, a marriage can take place. A husband and wife can live under one roof. But with a feeling of touch me not. No respect for each other. There will be no affection, understanding, or any feeling of security and care for each other.

      If there had been love between them they would weep for other, they seek and wish for the happiness of other. They can not bear the separation and die for each other. It is this power of love that binds them together. They quarrel with each other, they beat each other, they abuse each other but still the element of love never lasts between them.

      • You say write that in Western societies love leads to marriage and in Eastern societies as in India and Pakistan, Iran,,,marriage leads to love. Marriage is sacred heavenly ceremony imposed by God on men and women just to breed not for lust and enjoyment.

        Marriages are written in heaven and are performed on earth by human hands. When good soul chooses a bad soul its result is divorce and people call it quarrels or any other thing.

        I think marriage leads men and women to real and spiritual love on earth.

    • @siva i totally concur from my western point of view. I think that marriage is an act of love. It is to show your commitment to the person you love by saying “Yes, I do”. For as long as there is love there can be a marriage else you are on your way to a divorce.

      • In western culture love leads to marriage and not marriage leads to love because in Western culture there is not arrange marriage system and people fall in love and if the love is strong and both trust each they get marriage.

        Keep in mind, love is a sensitive child of soul and and it enters into human soul via eyes beams of each other. Love begets love and hate begets hate. It is also said those who hate men die virgins,

        I think marriage is a sacred act of generation not the act of love and lust. Lust leads to hate and love leads to success.

    • Before anything can emerge love has to be the basis. I really don’t think it’s about the western or southern world the truth is love is th3 same everywhere you go. Love is the basis of all the things we do at least that’s how I see it. If you do not ha e love in you how can you love someone else that is close to impossible. It can only work that way if your actual motive is to get something else other than love from the person you are with. Is it really possible to stay with someone that you don’t love? how does that work, how far or how long can it last. for me i don’t think I would even consider doing something like that because I know there is no where it is leading to. When people get into such marriages I can get that a very small percentage will go over two years the rest within that one year that will separate because they either can’t stand their partners or they are just not compatible. So love is what leads to marriage and not the other way round.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Do Fate and Chance Exist in Practical Life? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Hardy believes in that theory that man is a puppet in the hands of nature appearing in shape of fate, chance and circumstances in anyone’s man life, and man is not independent in own planning. Men’s pernicious aim […]

    • Both do exist but one can change one’s fate by exerting some efforts and hard work. A hard working person can steer his fate.It is hard work that matters in this regard.

      If you work hard, you can change your fate otherwise you will say it is pre-written and unchangeable.

      • You say right my friend, but think for a while everyone on earth tries to change his fate but some of them succeed in their missions and leftover fail badly. Think what may be the reason?

        I tell you its secret…the traits that we all get on our births and on the ground of that traits we all make efforts and thus some of them may change our fate and we may we are the mater of our fate.

        If a person has no trait of handling politics or any business how he can be the master of his fate. Its main reason is that he or she has no by birth trait to handle this job.

        In such condition everyone must know that what is the main purpose of his or her birth on earth. It is a fact that everyone on earth is for a special purpose.

    • He is too pessimistic when he says that man is the puppet in the hands of chance and fate. This is actually not true. If everything is governed by the man the question becomes is what is the purpose of birth?

      One may get a chance or many not get in the game of life. But if he gets he is expected to put forth his entire effort to achieve the goal which he had not spent earlier. But, the win or loss does not depend on the fate. It entirely depends on one’s effort only as there is no such thing as FATE in one’s life.

    • A lot of efforts all people make on earth for survival but fail, why? A stargirl gets 5 lakh per night and the other women begs both make efforts for the survival. All get education and degrees but all cannot get jobs in spite of making efforts a lot but on the hand, a son is born in the king’s house taking a spoon of gold in his mouth. There is a difference between both of the persons’ luck.

      It is due to genes that we get from parents and we cannot choose our parents nor we cannot choose our childhood atmosphere. the who is born in royal family or a rich family is a mere chance or preordained by God.

      Character is destiny but destiny seed is hidden in parental genes.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Do you Think: Nature Takes Revenge? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Egdon Heath dominates the plot and characters of the novel in the real sense. In the broader sense Egdon Heath is neither a fairy tale, nor a fascinating story, nor the background of the novel but it is an alive […]

    • yes. certainly. It is the reaction to the man’s deeds which decide whether it is revenge or reward. Do not touch nature. Leave it freely as it is not interfering with your activities. Once one goes against the laws of nature the problem starts.

      The climate change is one of the direct effects we are feeling on account of the Technological development which we boast of. It has to take a revenge as it is the law of nature.

    • Yes, you say right my friend, nature takes revenge if we disturb nature by any means some of us do not believe in that nature does not take revenge I think, their thinking pattern is wrong to some extent. If we love nature it rewards men on earth.

      As Wordsworth has rightly said that love nature it will refine your thinking and spirit.

    • I say its God or the God over weather…but when she come she come guess thats why her name mother naature..because she can be good or bad

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Be Contented in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 10 months ago

    You say right that most of the people are doing this job in all countries but the money is a blessing of God given to everybody according to law of God. Greedy men may not be rich because greed is root of all evils as the holy Bible says:
    Proverbs 28:25 ESV / 553 helpful votes
    A greedy man stirs up strife, but the one who trusts in…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Who is Responsible for Social Evils? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Sometimes I think who is responsible for all social evils all over the world? Male, female, educational system or corrupt political system…I find no solid answer because the lake of good and evil spring from human hearts and human hearts are full greed, jealousy and hate. I think, this the mains reason of all social evils on earth in all…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic What is the main Cause of Social Problems in all Societies? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have ponders more and more that what is main cause of all social problem in all societies and conclude that it is the clash of our emotions not of reason. Different emotions create different different problems in all societies. Think, why?

    I think, those who drink and in return the drinks produces in all the drinkers’ souls the same emotions…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Man's Separation from God, Man and Nature. why? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I read just now an article written by my fellow blog writer the article is very informative but I think, when two opposite nature animals can live together, so what is the problem that man cannot live peacefully with man, with nature and God.

    While man is full of wisdom. man can tame fierce animal with his genius but man cannot tame man, why? Can…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Song for American Nation by JH Sayyar, Comments! in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    LiteracyBase Pic
    Song for American Nation
    By JH Sayyar
    Let us sing for the nation, who has this greater trait,
    Pride of tribe like an oak spreading its roots on earth,
    Its branches touching the sky and Eden golden gate,
    Love for their forefathers they find in cradle in by birth,
    Freedom, peace, justice and they love and respect all,
    Honesty and love spreading…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Who Wins Life and Love Game Reason or Passion? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Who Wins Life and Love Game: Reason or Passion?
    LiteracyBase Pic
    Sonnet By JH Sayyar
    God makes me first and puts in my tiny soft skull,
    Wisdom and reason to control uncontrolled actions,
    But before love I prove my being useless and dull,
    Taming not my emotions turn into commotions,
    In lust and lust full actions I fall in unholy pleasure,
    Reason sits calmly…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar posted an update in the group Group logo of weight loss planweight loss plan 7 years, 10 months ago

    Why our weight increases? What is its main reason? The reason you describe are after weight gain what are real cause of not to gain weight. Just one and nothing the other, leave drinking cold water and always drink semi warm water you will get never weight gain till death and the warm water drinker will be free of all types of physical spiritual diseases.

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of weight loss planweight loss plan 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar started the topic Human Beings are full of Emotions or full of Reason? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have read many books and conclude that sometimes men prove selves emotional and sometimes full of reason but it is the demonstration of time not of human mind or reason. What is the reality of human being, full of reason or full of emotions? What do you think, hi guys?

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What was the Cause of Expelling Adam and Eve from Heaven? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    According to you all books under the heaven are written by men but do you know under the heaven any book written by God is present while prophets had been coming on earth or it is a lie no prophet came on the earth.

    If we consider all heavenly books are written by earthly men what God is doing in heaven? It means our creator God who has created…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Mans best friendMans best friend 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    You say right my friend, the biggest religion on is humanity and love and we all have lost both at a time. Now is ruling separation and hate our mind and souls. But no body think on this line. Everyone is defending his or her point of view leaving reality and following fantasy.

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