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    Timothy and Profile picture of DeloresDelores are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    Timothy and Profile picture of Krishna KumarKrishna Kumar are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    Timothy and Profile picture of Treathyl FOXTreathyl FOX are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

    • Hello! Thanks for sending me a friend request. You seem to be new here. What are your plans? Are you a blogger or just wanting to socialize? If you’re looking for friends there are several active groups and forums. Hope you like it here at Literacy Base. 🙂

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    Timothy and Profile picture of ManishaManisha are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    Timothy and Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHAPEEUSH TRIKHA are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Power of Press all Over the World 7 years, 9 months ago

    When we discuss the power of press in any state, three images float on our mind screen: television, press and internet, it is called mass media in modern language. Radio has a little role in human life, internet […]

    • If you are aware of corruption and you have just spoken openly about it, you don’t think that’s “power” too? Or do you think that your “voice” is one that people will ignore, therefore the BIG Press should step up to the plate and shout it out? People do have legitimate complaints about the media. But I would rather have the press, the television, the Internet, the radio, etc., than not have them. Also, thanks for the invention of mobile phones with webcams that can upload and circulate pictures of events as they happen! Such tools and resources all have societal impact. People may think they can keep their misdeeds in the dark or hidden, but “what’s done in the dark, eventually comes to the light”. Good post! 🙂

    • To make the point even stronger; a woman who was once the American Ambassador to Yemen was on the BBC today. She said that she did not know how bad the situation was, nor was it broadcast in America.

      The moderator with some shock asked how was that?

      She said that the Press was busy with the elections, the results and all sorts of internal things, so Yemen wasn’t important.

      So people are dying of starvation in Yemen, and most Americans don’t even know there is a war going on there.

    • If you want to be heard you could use the press but are you willing to face the brickbats that follow?

    • No doubt press is the most important weapon in deciding the fate of a Nation. It reflects the opinion of the people on various topics and the development activities of a Nation.
      At the same time, it has become a conduit for the immoral people to make false allegations, false propaganda.

      During the elections, the Press is virtually taking sides and making every effort to see its candidate winning the election following the policy of quid-pro-quo. In such situation, the very sanctity of the press is becoming questionable. The value of an Editorial is almost degraded and lost its value. No Editor is a saint or happened to be a Mr. clean in this aspect.

      The blackmailing is rampant in the Press After the year 1983 this has got its foundation laid. This went on increasing.

      Blackmailing is more prevalent among the local reporters of the press. Everything they collect and sell away for a handsome amount or for any favor. Sometimes, they even approach the Administrative Department with their identity card and threaten the officials seeking favors.

      It is just because people who do not possess any basic educational qualifications and devoid of ethical values are being engaged as reporters. They simply carry a mike along with a videographer soon after completion of their 12th standard Sometimes even unemployed Professionals are choosing it as a good method of earning money

      I have seen personally a person who was running a Canteen taking loan from a bank. Whenever I was going I was inquiring about his business and other information relating to his studies. One day he closed his canteen. I inquired about him Finally, I could get him near a temple and inquired about his activities.

      What he informed me was that he opted to become a reporter to a local newspaper. I never heard the name of such newspaper. He was shooting something . Another person who was talking on behalf of the paper before the videographer was a 10th drop-out. If this is the situation how can we expect quality and genuine news?

      It would be better not to speak of their political leanings.

    • Press are exactly a powerful tool to spread what is happening around us. But eventually, press nowadays, not all but some are being used by other people for the sake of their own interest.
      Thanks to social medias that are being used today, that those press who are creating unfactual news will be ignored. Because any concerned people can spread the real happenings around us.
      Some or Most people today can discern a factual or unfactual information no matter how good the press articulate their articles and news.

    • Press in many democratic parts of the world have become very powerful opinion makers and they can make or mar the careers of politicians, companies, industrial houses the high and mighty and even play a role in effecting changes in the countries political course. It is the fourth pillar of the democracy also called the fourth estate. Now a days we find a new trend of agressive anchors in television broadcast who try to mould opinions in a particular direction. Generally internet also plays a devious role by with holding content or releasing the data according to vested interests. Especially in corporate, business and political news such things tend to happen. There should be a strong independent body or regulator which keeps a check on the rotten eggs in the information and broadcasting industry so that news is factual neutral, fair and unbiased.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Human Rights’ Violation in all States 7 years, 9 months ago

    All human beings on earth have some fundamental right because and these rights rest on each other’s cooperation ignoring cast, color and religion by in all holy books God has described basic human rights as the T […]

    • One should remember that fundamental rights are violated not only in respect of human beings but also in respect of all living creatures. The Animal Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act, Wild species Protection Act etc.,are all made with the concept that ‘every being on earth has got the right to live’ and nobody has got any right to hamper or disturb the right of the other.
      But, unfortunately, the fundamental right is being viewed as a separate entity. It should be viewed along with the fundamental duties.
      We can not walk on the middle of the road in the name of fundamental right. We can not make provocative speeches which may instigate one religion against the other. We should not drink and talk vulgarly in the public causing a nuisance as a matter of fundamental right.
      Fundamental rights are always coupled with fundamental duties which everyone is expected to follow.

      Every Nation is no doubt violating the fundamental rights given to its public But, we can not club them all into one category and call it a ‘total violation’.

      This is the basic principle we should keep in mind Any law on human rights or any commission is not necessary for this purpose. They lost all their sanctity not only in Pakistan but in almost all countries

      Coming to the point of repatriation of blacks in the U.S, we say that it is inhuman as most of the blacks have been residing in U.S since a very long time that even their fathers and forefathers have made it their land of residence and the repatriation of blacks is against the fundamental right. No doubt it appears to be true. But, what about the illegality of migration? If viewed from this angle and also in view of their contribution to the economy of U.S the decision of repatriating the blacks who are illegal is right and it is not at all against the fundamental right.

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    Timothy and Profile picture of Daniel TayongDaniel Tayong are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    Timothy and Profile picture of anilgandhiboseanilgandhibose are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    Timothy and Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)Kevinsaga (1876) are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

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    jhsayyar started the topic The Darkness of Illiteracy in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 9 months ago

    Light and darkness are two thing that everybody knows but I say light knowledge and darkness illiteracy because as we see when the sun rise in the east darkness disappears not ends forever. When we compare the whole world illiterate people with the literate people we reach at this conclusion that there will be ten persons who are well…[Read more]

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